this image contains text
* Here we are with another edition of the cia conspiracy! Info header
by Sudden Death Outline, Mighty Mouse Shades, Shapes and Napalm
Shades. Its been a busy month, many many thanks to Sudden Death
for drawing so much! welcome back!
Members We got ourself a couple new members this
-- ----- ------------- + month. Say hello to: Imodium and
malformed who join the ansi dept! Also,
MM we have a new member to the ascii department: Chrom
Ask him about his skills with the swedish ladies...
We finally figured out that da was actually ds deadly
sinz, and de is Mclympics champion! Finally big 10x
to h0locaust for the cia52 ascii and to qbert for the
Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to someone this
month.. for the worst reason ever, ripping. Shanifer
was an alright person and all, but his artist methods
were quite what we were looking for...
Misc Stuff www.creators.org actually got updated,
-- ----- ------------- + give it a gander. Were adding an incoming dir so you can send apps and
MM other cool stuff to cia! check it out at www.creators
.org/archive/incoming may not be up yet. Also there
is a members incoming dir already setup, email mighty
mouse at bdpc@unb.ca to get access.
Also this month we have a few releases from the coding
department. Mighty Mouse is releasing The Poor Mans
Utilities - A collection of useless utilities for
those who cant afford anything better Qbasic source
included. Also, a newer, smaller version of the Tits
n Ass sauce editor called TNAlite PG 1.0 is
available in the pack Pascal source included. Check
then out and give us some feedback!
Mighty Mouses music pick of the month his first! ::
Cake: Fashion Nugget It is good, honest
Ok, uhmm, if i did something wrong, blame napalm, he
put me up to it.. swear to god.
Lets hope next months pack it out earlier!
-Mighty Mouse kilt boy extraordinaire
by Sudden Death Outline, Mighty Mouse Shades, Shapes and Napalm
Shades. Its been a busy month, many many thanks to Sudden Death
for drawing so much! welcome back!
Members We got ourself a couple new members this
-- ----- ------------- + month. Say hello to: Imodium and
malformed who join the ansi dept! Also,
MM we have a new member to the ascii department: Chrom
Ask him about his skills with the swedish ladies...
We finally figured out that da was actually ds deadly
sinz, and de is Mclympics champion! Finally big 10x
to h0locaust for the cia52 ascii and to qbert for the
Unfortunately we have to say goodbye to someone this
month.. for the worst reason ever, ripping. Shanifer
was an alright person and all, but his artist methods
were quite what we were looking for...
Misc Stuff www.creators.org actually got updated,
-- ----- ------------- + give it a gander. Were adding an incoming dir so you can send apps and
MM other cool stuff to cia! check it out at www.creators
.org/archive/incoming may not be up yet. Also there
is a members incoming dir already setup, email mighty
mouse at bdpc@unb.ca to get access.
Also this month we have a few releases from the coding
department. Mighty Mouse is releasing The Poor Mans
Utilities - A collection of useless utilities for
those who cant afford anything better Qbasic source
included. Also, a newer, smaller version of the Tits
n Ass sauce editor called TNAlite PG 1.0 is
available in the pack Pascal source included. Check
then out and give us some feedback!
Mighty Mouses music pick of the month his first! ::
Cake: Fashion Nugget It is good, honest
Ok, uhmm, if i did something wrong, blame napalm, he
put me up to it.. swear to god.
Lets hope next months pack it out earlier!
-Mighty Mouse kilt boy extraordinaire
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