this image contains text
. --+ . + -+ - Burnin
g Chrome of CiA Productions
. -+- . +-- Greetz go to acidjaz
. - --- -+ - -. - darkseed,digital int
... - : hooptie
,judge dredd,legend,litoz,
.::. - metallikatz,
mighty mouse,mister e,mr muff,
:::: - napalm,radma
n,sudden death,tron,wizoi,zeuz
ellfire,mr. winkley,
n,blurr,double 0,asty, wizy..
Welp, heres my first colly sub
mitted to CiA.. It
took me the better of 15 Minutes
to do, so if you dont
like it, bah : seriously though, the stuff I owe most people is in
this colly
if i forgot something, find me on IRC with the nick BChrome in cia
... hmmm...
let me think..is there anything else?.. umm.. nope : enjoy the col
ly and
look forward to more ascii in the future! : Oh yeah, if you decide
that you
like something thats in this colly, and use it on your board.. its
fine with
me, as long as you put a bccia somewhere mixxed in with the log
- We are your Destiny -------
- Stolen Archives - CALL THIS BOARD! : 51
3-367-1952 ----------------------
513367-1952 33.6 BPS 2 Gigs No Lamers No NUV
Ops: Burning Chrome, Mister E., Sudden Death, Digital Interface, J
udge Dredd
CiA Programming Headquarters Creation Design World Headqua
Nets soon to come Doors soon to come Soon to be Telnett
- GenXs ScrollZ --------------------
- Madballs Non-Colored PRoPaNe! Menuset :
s bc! ./ :
S: a autosig h help q qwkmail
S: b bbs listings i infoforms r rumors
c chat w/sysop l list users t transfers
e email m message bases w last caller
f feedback n newusers y your statz
: g goodbye o online doors ! global news
- Everyone refused to make me a MSG hdr, so i made on
e myself..hmph : ----
.s : ::.. Message 170 / 200 ! General Bull
. S. SsS . To : The Antichrist Date : 09/01/9
Ss. .. : . .. From : Burning Chrome Time : 5:13am
S : , . Note : System Opperater
S m.:.
- GOO! Logo -------------------------
- Route 666 -------------------------
-RAZOR 1911 NFO File Header----------
: ,. bc S
-Reality Check Network!--------------
bchromecia reality check network
-Infinity E-Mag.. God rest its soul--
,aSa, S SS ,aSa, S S ,aSa,
-Black-Net Official CiA Network!-----
-LUCID BBS Software------------------
AS! AS! !SA AS!: Ss AS! AS!:
A!: A!: :!A A!: S A!: A!:
A: A: :A A: : A:
A: A: :A A: : !! A:
A! : A! !A A! . AA A!
AT! !. AT! !TA AT: !: AA AT!
:DSS:Ss. !T:S :DSS:S .sS:SSD: :SS: !TS :DD: :DSS:
Ss. !TS
-Happyland Menu----------------------
S S s. S P .Ss. s.
SSs a automessage h help system o newuser vote
SSs. b bbslist i infoforms p door menu
SSs c chat w/op k configure r rumors/op
SSs. e email l list users s system stats
SSs f feedback m message bases t transfers
SSs. g goodbye n some command v voting booth
g Chrome of CiA Productions
. -+- . +-- Greetz go to acidjaz
. - --- -+ - -. - darkseed,digital int
... - : hooptie
,judge dredd,legend,litoz,
.::. - metallikatz,
mighty mouse,mister e,mr muff,
:::: - napalm,radma
n,sudden death,tron,wizoi,zeuz
ellfire,mr. winkley,
n,blurr,double 0,asty, wizy..
Welp, heres my first colly sub
mitted to CiA.. It
took me the better of 15 Minutes
to do, so if you dont
like it, bah : seriously though, the stuff I owe most people is in
this colly
if i forgot something, find me on IRC with the nick BChrome in cia
... hmmm...
let me think..is there anything else?.. umm.. nope : enjoy the col
ly and
look forward to more ascii in the future! : Oh yeah, if you decide
that you
like something thats in this colly, and use it on your board.. its
fine with
me, as long as you put a bccia somewhere mixxed in with the log
- We are your Destiny -------
- Stolen Archives - CALL THIS BOARD! : 51
3-367-1952 ----------------------
513367-1952 33.6 BPS 2 Gigs No Lamers No NUV
Ops: Burning Chrome, Mister E., Sudden Death, Digital Interface, J
udge Dredd
CiA Programming Headquarters Creation Design World Headqua
Nets soon to come Doors soon to come Soon to be Telnett
- GenXs ScrollZ --------------------
- Madballs Non-Colored PRoPaNe! Menuset :
s bc! ./ :
S: a autosig h help q qwkmail
S: b bbs listings i infoforms r rumors
c chat w/sysop l list users t transfers
e email m message bases w last caller
f feedback n newusers y your statz
: g goodbye o online doors ! global news
- Everyone refused to make me a MSG hdr, so i made on
e myself..hmph : ----
.s : ::.. Message 170 / 200 ! General Bull
. S. SsS . To : The Antichrist Date : 09/01/9
Ss. .. : . .. From : Burning Chrome Time : 5:13am
S : , . Note : System Opperater
S m.:.
- GOO! Logo -------------------------
- Route 666 -------------------------
-RAZOR 1911 NFO File Header----------
: ,. bc S
-Reality Check Network!--------------
bchromecia reality check network
-Infinity E-Mag.. God rest its soul--
,aSa, S SS ,aSa, S S ,aSa,
-Black-Net Official CiA Network!-----
-LUCID BBS Software------------------
AS! AS! !SA AS!: Ss AS! AS!:
A!: A!: :!A A!: S A!: A!:
A: A: :A A: : A:
A: A: :A A: : !! A:
A! : A! !A A! . AA A!
AT! !. AT! !TA AT: !: AA AT!
:DSS:Ss. !T:S :DSS:S .sS:SSD: :SS: !TS :DD: :DSS:
Ss. !TS
-Happyland Menu----------------------
S S s. S P .Ss. s.
SSs a automessage h help system o newuser vote
SSs. b bbslist i infoforms p door menu
SSs c chat w/op k configure r rumors/op
SSs. e email l list users s system stats
SSs f feedback m message bases t transfers
SSs. g goodbye n some command v voting booth
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