![fm cia colly #1 by firest0rm](/pack/ciapk39a/x1/FM-COLXX.ASC.png)
this image contains text
g,. .,g
8g. .,,gg@8888888@gg,.. .g8
d::, .**. ,::b
,::: 8b,.,g@88@g,..,g@88@g,.,d8 :::,P
d,.:: .g@8WWWWWWWWWWWWW8@g. ::.,d
:ib.WWWW WWWW,di:
feer the ,.
ascii..... .a*.*.*db88db*.*.*a.
.,g@8 bg::gd 8@g,.
this is from :iWWW g8g::g8g WWWi:
bram stuckers .W. :
dracula. .g8b, W ,d8g. :
,gWWb. ,dWWg.:
: d8b : d8b :
8 8
:. , , d ,. ,b : ,: .*
. d.b,b.b,b , *.
:b d: in each colly ill
8@8@g@88@gg@g@8 make 1 picture that
you CAN rip for any reason you like. b. this is the 1st one. , just type fm.cia b. under it. .a :
- firest0rm of cia ascii colly 1 -
introduction ----------------------- - -- -- - - anybody here saw independence day? remember the big alien vehicles? well as you
might recall they came out of a big red cloud? that cloud is a FIRESTORM.
i just joined cia as an asciimaker , but i am hoping to seriously rock the
anyway , im from ISRAEL. im not the only one - remember animal , cooly ,
sharp edge , handyman and plague? where do u think they come from?
which is quite a cool place xcept the fact we have a louzy prime minister
anyway, i wanna join 1 more group - so contact me group leaderz or something.
if you want an ascii - try on irc , email me at edoyabl@shani.net , or
call my board - diesel power which is sms ihq! actually im a co
money requests will be answered before anyfree requests.
btw: check out the ascii picture in ascii SVGA mode..its almost shaded.
btw2: i need ansis/rips/highrezs for my board.will trade for.
sotb diz ----------------------- - -- -- - -
,,d x
. b
8@aa@8 ,db.
fm.cia 8@a@8b.* @8
sync diz ----------------------- - -- -- - -
.g88ggg.fm!cia ,g888b.
,a* b 88g.,,g@g,b
,d8@g.b. ,d,b...g
: ,bd,b.d ,, ------i know its kinda sux
8a,. S . C :b ,, but he asked me for a
bg,. b. Y : N : ,: sick freestyle!!!
d ,b : : :P ,b,dg.b
8*.b.b. .* ,
8@g, g88g.,g8g. ,g@8g.,
delirium login ----------------------- - -- -- - - . .gb bg. g.g.,.,. ,
.b b. ,gb,d,g,
8g. . . . . g.d..g,
,d, .d.,8b ,b. , ,
,b. ,8,8. ,b. g..g@888@g. ,,
. 8g. ,8. ,g8 ,g,
g.b..d b,.g elirium
g.*g.,g*.g g. ,
.g 8gg88gg8 ,.,,.
,* ,b. ,d.gg.*.,dg.
, . g.8g,...,gg.*,g
.gl g. ,8@@@8
.,d,. ,.g8888g.
, *@8b,,d8@g.b .,g*.,g888
.b..b. 8s,
b 8@g,.. ..,g@8 , ,
8@@8@@8 , .g Handle.........
g..b. ,d x.g PassWord.......
g..8@@gg,,,..,,gg@8, , UserNote....... ,
.g.g.,g.g 8@gm, ,mg@8
..g. .,g,.
this is not the original shading but the sysdude changed it....
foundation login ----------------------- - -- -- - - 8a.. *.g@8 asciibyfirestormforfoundation
.@. 8@g,. .
. gg.@g.
. g. a .g8:d ,
, .,a ,. ..a*. gd .* .
, .,,,g8, ..g@8@ga.g. ,aa
. . , .. *. .g.g88@g.,
.g. OUNDATION!, 8@. ,gg.
g.g.ag. ,8gggg
g.g. g. ,
g,8g,.. . ,
g,., ,8 ,g8 g:
g,,d g8 ,g8 , g. ,
. . ,g8 ,g@8l g. ,bg.
. ,g8,g8: ,dg
g. *gg.,g8,g, ,
FOUNDATiON . g,.,g@8 .,g , ,
NAME:............... : .,g , ,g ,
PWD:................ 8@88*,g.a8 ,
8@gggggggggggggggg@8g. . 8 ,
.,,. 8@gg,,..
.,g@8gg,,. 8@g,,.
.,g@8,,g,. 8@g,,.
.,g@8 ,g gg.. 8@g.
in case you didnt understand its m.bison without the hat...rip outa sf1.
picture for diesel power ----------------------- - -- -- - - . . . .,gg. .. .. ..
r0x0r1ng .. . .:b,. ....
firest0rm. ..: .. .b,.
... :,8@g,.
. :...,8@g,. ,g8g.
.. ,88gd .
.. d:
. ygg@@8: .d8
phantom signal add ----------------------- - -- -- - - .,g@8d8@g,.
,gg. fm.cia.
,gddbg. ,gbbg.
d ----this is actually a d4 comic rip
d its image
.,g88@g.b ,g@88g,. comics logo.
.,g8. ,8g.
8g. ,g8
,g@8g. .g8@g,
: 8g,. .,g8
.g8. ,8g.
,g. b.,d ,g,.
,g.bd 88@g.
.g ,,dllb. g,.
.g . ,
b. ,88g,g.g.,8 b..
hantom iGNAL
ferocious invasion menu ----------------------- - -- -- - - :::::::::::::. :::::
::::,g88g,ga .a. .g88g.:::
:::: * g g. g. :::
:::: ,a8 . g. :::
:::: .g .g g.g. :::
:::: SSSSg. . g.SSSS :::
:::: SllllS g. g. g SllllS :::
:::: liiiil g. erocious g. a. liiiil :::
:::: i::::i g.ag.a invasio i::::i :::
:::: : : g. g. g.a : : :::
:::: :iiii: :iiii: :::
:::: illlli , g..* illlli :::
:: lSSSSl . lSSSSl :
.g SS SS g
g. .g
:.88a. .a88,
..gg8888g g88firestOrmcIA8gg8888gg88 gg8888gg.
.,a a.
greetz ----------------------- - -- -- - - - vade79 - mighty mouse - discyple - mart - bi0mass - hell guider -
8g. .,,gg@8888888@gg,.. .g8
d::, .**. ,::b
,::: 8b,.,g@88@g,..,g@88@g,.,d8 :::,P
d,.:: .g@8WWWWWWWWWWWWW8@g. ::.,d
:ib.WWWW WWWW,di:
feer the ,.
ascii..... .a*.*.*db88db*.*.*a.
.,g@8 bg::gd 8@g,.
this is from :iWWW g8g::g8g WWWi:
bram stuckers .W. :
dracula. .g8b, W ,d8g. :
,gWWb. ,dWWg.:
: d8b : d8b :
8 8
:. , , d ,. ,b : ,: .*
. d.b,b.b,b , *.
:b d: in each colly ill
8@8@g@88@gg@g@8 make 1 picture that
you CAN rip for any reason you like. b. this is the 1st one. , just type fm.cia b. under it. .a :
- firest0rm of cia ascii colly 1 -
introduction ----------------------- - -- -- - - anybody here saw independence day? remember the big alien vehicles? well as you
might recall they came out of a big red cloud? that cloud is a FIRESTORM.
i just joined cia as an asciimaker , but i am hoping to seriously rock the
anyway , im from ISRAEL. im not the only one - remember animal , cooly ,
sharp edge , handyman and plague? where do u think they come from?
which is quite a cool place xcept the fact we have a louzy prime minister
anyway, i wanna join 1 more group - so contact me group leaderz or something.
if you want an ascii - try on irc , email me at edoyabl@shani.net , or
call my board - diesel power which is sms ihq! actually im a co
money requests will be answered before anyfree requests.
btw: check out the ascii picture in ascii SVGA mode..its almost shaded.
btw2: i need ansis/rips/highrezs for my board.will trade for.
sotb diz ----------------------- - -- -- - -
,,d x
. b
8@aa@8 ,db.
fm.cia 8@a@8b.* @8
sync diz ----------------------- - -- -- - -
.g88ggg.fm!cia ,g888b.
,a* b 88g.,,g@g,b
,d8@g.b. ,d,b...g
: ,bd,b.d ,, ------i know its kinda sux
8a,. S . C :b ,, but he asked me for a
bg,. b. Y : N : ,: sick freestyle!!!
d ,b : : :P ,b,dg.b
8*.b.b. .* ,
8@g, g88g.,g8g. ,g@8g.,
delirium login ----------------------- - -- -- - - . .gb bg. g.g.,.,. ,
.b b. ,gb,d,g,
8g. . . . . g.d..g,
,d, .d.,8b ,b. , ,
,b. ,8,8. ,b. g..g@888@g. ,,
. 8g. ,8. ,g8 ,g,
g.b..d b,.g elirium
g.*g.,g*.g g. ,
.g 8gg88gg8 ,.,,.
,* ,b. ,d.gg.*.,dg.
, . g.8g,...,gg.*,g
.gl g. ,8@@@8
.,d,. ,.g8888g.
, *@8b,,d8@g.b .,g*.,g888
.b..b. 8s,
b 8@g,.. ..,g@8 , ,
8@@8@@8 , .g Handle.........
g..b. ,d x.g PassWord.......
g..8@@gg,,,..,,gg@8, , UserNote....... ,
.g.g.,g.g 8@gm, ,mg@8
..g. .,g,.
this is not the original shading but the sysdude changed it....
foundation login ----------------------- - -- -- - - 8a.. *.g@8 asciibyfirestormforfoundation
.@. 8@g,. .
. gg.@g.
. g. a .g8:d ,
, .,a ,. ..a*. gd .* .
, .,,,g8, ..g@8@ga.g. ,aa
. . , .. *. .g.g88@g.,
.g. OUNDATION!, 8@. ,gg.
g.g.ag. ,8gggg
g.g. g. ,
g,8g,.. . ,
g,., ,8 ,g8 g:
g,,d g8 ,g8 , g. ,
. . ,g8 ,g@8l g. ,bg.
. ,g8,g8: ,dg
g. *gg.,g8,g, ,
FOUNDATiON . g,.,g@8 .,g , ,
NAME:............... : .,g , ,g ,
PWD:................ 8@88*,g.a8 ,
8@gggggggggggggggg@8g. . 8 ,
.,,. 8@gg,,..
.,g@8gg,,. 8@g,,.
.,g@8,,g,. 8@g,,.
.,g@8 ,g gg.. 8@g.
in case you didnt understand its m.bison without the hat...rip outa sf1.
picture for diesel power ----------------------- - -- -- - - . . . .,gg. .. .. ..
r0x0r1ng .. . .:b,. ....
firest0rm. ..: .. .b,.
... :,8@g,.
. :...,8@g,. ,g8g.
.. ,88gd .
.. d:
. ygg@@8: .d8
phantom signal add ----------------------- - -- -- - - .,g@8d8@g,.
,gg. fm.cia.
,gddbg. ,gbbg.
d ----this is actually a d4 comic rip
d its image
.,g88@g.b ,g@88g,. comics logo.
.,g8. ,8g.
8g. ,g8
,g@8g. .g8@g,
: 8g,. .,g8
.g8. ,8g.
,g. b.,d ,g,.
,g.bd 88@g.
.g ,,dllb. g,.
.g . ,
b. ,88g,g.g.,8 b..
hantom iGNAL
ferocious invasion menu ----------------------- - -- -- - - :::::::::::::. :::::
::::,g88g,ga .a. .g88g.:::
:::: * g g. g. :::
:::: ,a8 . g. :::
:::: .g .g g.g. :::
:::: SSSSg. . g.SSSS :::
:::: SllllS g. g. g SllllS :::
:::: liiiil g. erocious g. a. liiiil :::
:::: i::::i g.ag.a invasio i::::i :::
:::: : : g. g. g.a : : :::
:::: :iiii: :iiii: :::
:::: illlli , g..* illlli :::
:: lSSSSl . lSSSSl :
.g SS SS g
g. .g
:.88a. .a88,
..gg8888g g88firestOrmcIA8gg8888gg88 gg8888gg.
.,a a.
greetz ----------------------- - -- -- - - - vade79 - mighty mouse - discyple - mart - bi0mass - hell guider -
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