this image contains text
::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::: @s ggg ::::::::::
::: ::::::::::::: :::::::: !S! ,s@ :deadlock:
,sS!aS , ! :: ,as,s ::::::::::
@S @sa, ,sS! , ,as, @s@ ,:::::::::::
,! !! ,aa.@@S @s!, @ ! l@ ::::::::::::::
!! !!! !!! ,@ l@ l:@. :::::::::::
:!! . ! !! ! ! @ ,, S, ::::::::::
, !, , @n:! : S S ,. ::::::::::
.++ ++s, :l, !l. :, ,. !! ::::::::::
:last:callers?!:::.++..++ S, ,as@ : lS ::::::::::
+---deadlock-----------------------------------------xavii and john doe---+
this was supposed to be for a compo on irc. what happened was, I started the
ascii. then, I handed it off to xavii. he then handed it to the guy who started
the compo, who added color was supposed to draw a pic!, sent it to us and
left. so, were releasing this as a joint. both of us can be found on ascii.
im there about 5 hours a day i have no life, and hes there maybe 2 hours.
::: ::::::::::::: :::::::: !S! ,s@ :deadlock:
,sS!aS , ! :: ,as,s ::::::::::
@S @sa, ,sS! , ,as, @s@ ,:::::::::::
,! !! ,aa.@@S @s!, @ ! l@ ::::::::::::::
!! !!! !!! ,@ l@ l:@. :::::::::::
:!! . ! !! ! ! @ ,, S, ::::::::::
, !, , @n:! : S S ,. ::::::::::
.++ ++s, :l, !l. :, ,. !! ::::::::::
:last:callers?!:::.++..++ S, ,as@ : lS ::::::::::
+---deadlock-----------------------------------------xavii and john doe---+
this was supposed to be for a compo on irc. what happened was, I started the
ascii. then, I handed it off to xavii. he then handed it to the guy who started
the compo, who added color was supposed to draw a pic!, sent it to us and
left. so, were releasing this as a joint. both of us can be found on ascii.
im there about 5 hours a day i have no life, and hes there maybe 2 hours.
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