CoolPHat CPH Ascii:CoaXCPH
Date 02/01/2005 Name: Art pack 15 - year 2005
Hires graphics and ascii by CoolPHat Members.
ascii requests go to:
Happy X-Mas New Year to ya all.
We would like to greet all of our Current Ex Members, Our Friends at all
SCENES, lovers, haters and lame ascii rippers. oh thats cuz we have seen
a lot of ascci rips to our stuff and to other teams ascii, sorry for the
ones who rip, only thing you need to ask us is to make/draw u a ascii and
you will get it. No need to pay for the work we do. We WONT push to get
anything for it.
Oh and Btw, Look for next following releases by us
1. mp3 pack 3 by CPH Members
2. Music DIsk 6 oldskool+chip tunes like most of the times
3. Game
4. Cracktro/intro
See You on CPH check for the right network : :
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