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as we all well know from back in the day, The Maxx was sort of the ansi scene Jesus and Sam Kieth was the ansi scene God.
always looking for a new way to do old tricks i got the idea to do an original Maxx ansi. fuckin no holds barred. im talkin a two-hundred column
width, 400+ lines, many, many .xbin color palettes, the works. in the rush of excitement i started blasting out the idea. but then there was the
dreaded .xbin curse that sometimes happens in pablodraw. for reasons unknown, pablodraw will sometimes save .xbins in some strange format leaving
the ansi looking like nothing more than line noise. that can be a tad bit fucking discouraging when you created a volume of color palettes. but i
had to press on and try again using the standard sixteen color set. but the original idea kept crawling back into my head and i knew that in order
to make a kickass original Maxx ansi as well a Kieth tribute im gonna haveta do the color palette deal. so this was scrapped as i reluctantly
fired up pablodraw and started making colors to give it another shot.
always looking for a new way to do old tricks i got the idea to do an original Maxx ansi. fuckin no holds barred. im talkin a two-hundred column
width, 400+ lines, many, many .xbin color palettes, the works. in the rush of excitement i started blasting out the idea. but then there was the
dreaded .xbin curse that sometimes happens in pablodraw. for reasons unknown, pablodraw will sometimes save .xbins in some strange format leaving
the ansi looking like nothing more than line noise. that can be a tad bit fucking discouraging when you created a volume of color palettes. but i
had to press on and try again using the standard sixteen color set. but the original idea kept crawling back into my head and i knew that in order
to make a kickass original Maxx ansi as well a Kieth tribute im gonna haveta do the color palette deal. so this was scrapped as i reluctantly
fired up pablodraw and started making colors to give it another shot.
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