this image contains text
M.e.e.t T.e.c.h.n.o C.r.e.w
ARtiSt.........: artist
titlE..........: title
ENCOdER........: enc.prog
RElEASE dAtE...: yy-mm-dd
SOURCE.........: source
SUPPliER.......: your nick
o1. artist - tracktitle - time
o2. artist - tracktitle - time
o3. artist - tracktitle - time
Additional info goes here
As a starting high class mp3 group we are
interested in some good Rippers and SiteOps,
please join MTC for an apply form.
LayouT Header
last updated.: 2000-02-22 by CreepahCRO
by...........: mastah
M.e.e.t T.e.c.h.n.o C.r.e.w
ARtiSt.........: artist
titlE..........: title
ENCOdER........: enc.prog
RElEASE dAtE...: yy-mm-dd
SOURCE.........: source
SUPPliER.......: your nick
o1. artist - tracktitle - time
o2. artist - tracktitle - time
o3. artist - tracktitle - time
Additional info goes here
As a starting high class mp3 group we are
interested in some good Rippers and SiteOps,
please join MTC for an apply form.
LayouT Header
last updated.: 2000-02-22 by CreepahCRO
by...........: mastah
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