this image contains text
No Ansi Sorry
---------------------------------------------------------------- Blind Sniper Brings You Back The Phatness With Crap Wisdom --------------------------------------------------------------
Okay firstly, youre thinking, What the fuck is that on his
head? Thats my peesy-ass hair iight, Ask Amber Dragonfly if you dont believe me that its that shit.
Hmmm, considering that this is our first REAL art pack, there aint much I can really say.
We currently have three art members to D38 More in other areas tho
Which are me, Ooze, And Fade Read the bloody member listing :. And were
always looking for new members, and we dont care what your affils are, or if
youre K-RaD and can get me the latest 0 second warez. As long as you can do
the art, were glad to have you onboard.
Word to out new member - Fade - Hes quite new in the art scene, and looks
to be a quite promising artist.
Oooh, lookee hear, it seems that I actually do have quite alot to say even
if it is crap...
Last word Honestly Um, thanks to Run DMC for all the old school beats that
kept me awake while doing this pack here.
Go Buy Yourself Some Old School!! Its Def :
Shock Horror! Blind Sniper Lies!
I admit it, Im fulla shit. I actually have a tonne of stuff
to say... I hope you like the art pack... Comments are always
welcome Most wont go into Zenith Zine :.
Ill give greets out to some people while Im here...
Props to: AnuerysmMadcapNeophyteAbbadonWarpigStalkaCCSKuruptCK187OozeFadeJester
ShaddowwarriorDameonAllthefemalesoutthere Breaths
Also, props to all the NZ groups out there - Big or small
Special love to Zenith Zine KiRRA - I want to see that e-mag blow up somethingbig like nitro.
As always, no-ones names up there are in any particular order, sorry to anyone Imissed out, and all that bollocks.
Ummm, sad to hear that Abaddons left the scene... Im hoping its only a temp
That is TRUELY it from me. did I spell Truely right? I dont know
---------------------------------------------------------------- Picture That Negro Called Fade Rips It Up With A Trip Down Mushy Lane Lost In ---------------------------------------------------------------- Nz Post
Gidday there, fade speaking .. mmmm yeh.. gives a look at the F!-*.* files and tell me what you think, Ive tryed to make all styles different cos an ascii artist with 1 - 2 styles is crap and boring.
I do take requests .. so hint hint please give me some ..
the ascii/ansis i like most that I did are the F!-korn.asc, F!-upld.ans
F!-ctb2.asc and all the F!-t5?.ans/asc files..
thanx alot and funky down.
- Fade
o o
too see what that means youll have to look in a mirror
Ooze Got His Computer Back Too Late So Blind Passes The Word Along!
I hope all the people who wanted requests from me got them
and they look alright. If you want some work done, contact
me. Thats about it, hope you enjoy the pack, send us some
letters on what you thought about it. And if you think you
have what it takes, Join Department 38!
And Blind Sniper is my personal hero!
Okay, he didnt say the last bit Well, not to me anyways.
2 Be December Or Not December?
Can we look forward to your art packs coming out Monthly or Bi-Monthly?
We have no idea. If we get enough requests, and our member list stays the
same or HOPEFULLY increases, we will try our best to bring it to you next
December the 13th. If not, you shall see us on the 13th of the new year.
Its always gotta be the 13th :
Newsletter by Blind Sniper, Fade, the spiritual essence of Ooze
No Ansi Sorry
---------------------------------------------------------------- Blind Sniper Brings You Back The Phatness With Crap Wisdom --------------------------------------------------------------
Okay firstly, youre thinking, What the fuck is that on his
head? Thats my peesy-ass hair iight, Ask Amber Dragonfly if you dont believe me that its that shit.
Hmmm, considering that this is our first REAL art pack, there aint much I can really say.
We currently have three art members to D38 More in other areas tho
Which are me, Ooze, And Fade Read the bloody member listing :. And were
always looking for new members, and we dont care what your affils are, or if
youre K-RaD and can get me the latest 0 second warez. As long as you can do
the art, were glad to have you onboard.
Word to out new member - Fade - Hes quite new in the art scene, and looks
to be a quite promising artist.
Oooh, lookee hear, it seems that I actually do have quite alot to say even
if it is crap...
Last word Honestly Um, thanks to Run DMC for all the old school beats that
kept me awake while doing this pack here.
Go Buy Yourself Some Old School!! Its Def :
Shock Horror! Blind Sniper Lies!
I admit it, Im fulla shit. I actually have a tonne of stuff
to say... I hope you like the art pack... Comments are always
welcome Most wont go into Zenith Zine :.
Ill give greets out to some people while Im here...
Props to: AnuerysmMadcapNeophyteAbbadonWarpigStalkaCCSKuruptCK187OozeFadeJester
ShaddowwarriorDameonAllthefemalesoutthere Breaths
Also, props to all the NZ groups out there - Big or small
Special love to Zenith Zine KiRRA - I want to see that e-mag blow up somethingbig like nitro.
As always, no-ones names up there are in any particular order, sorry to anyone Imissed out, and all that bollocks.
Ummm, sad to hear that Abaddons left the scene... Im hoping its only a temp
That is TRUELY it from me. did I spell Truely right? I dont know
---------------------------------------------------------------- Picture That Negro Called Fade Rips It Up With A Trip Down Mushy Lane Lost In ---------------------------------------------------------------- Nz Post
Gidday there, fade speaking .. mmmm yeh.. gives a look at the F!-*.* files and tell me what you think, Ive tryed to make all styles different cos an ascii artist with 1 - 2 styles is crap and boring.
I do take requests .. so hint hint please give me some ..
the ascii/ansis i like most that I did are the F!-korn.asc, F!-upld.ans
F!-ctb2.asc and all the F!-t5?.ans/asc files..
thanx alot and funky down.
- Fade
o o
too see what that means youll have to look in a mirror
Ooze Got His Computer Back Too Late So Blind Passes The Word Along!
I hope all the people who wanted requests from me got them
and they look alright. If you want some work done, contact
me. Thats about it, hope you enjoy the pack, send us some
letters on what you thought about it. And if you think you
have what it takes, Join Department 38!
And Blind Sniper is my personal hero!
Okay, he didnt say the last bit Well, not to me anyways.
2 Be December Or Not December?
Can we look forward to your art packs coming out Monthly or Bi-Monthly?
We have no idea. If we get enough requests, and our member list stays the
same or HOPEFULLY increases, we will try our best to bring it to you next
December the 13th. If not, you shall see us on the 13th of the new year.
Its always gotta be the 13th :
Newsletter by Blind Sniper, Fade, the spiritual essence of Ooze
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