this image contains text
Buckwheat - Love the do
Cindy Crawford - Nice Baud!
Felix the Cat - Youre one hot pussy
Molson - Love your packs
Tom Vu - Our eternal inspiration
Bullwinkle - Nice beaver
John Carpenter - For filling our bloodnguts quota
iD Software - For filling our bloodnguts quota
Crimson Gael - For showing us well never be the worst
Tempus Thales - Fuckin hot ANSIs for someone whos rusty
Alcohol - For making these greetz possible
The Jabba - Nice modem, eh?
Bell - For all those KEWL extenders
Creative Labs - For making the cool DOOM voices possible
du Maurier - For rotting our lungs
Bill Clinton - Long time no see!
Maxwell House - Keeping the prez alive
Molson - For frying our brain cells
Sammy the Squirrel - Eat my nuts
Timex - For reminding us how late our pack is
The Cult - Mood music for the mentally ill BW
Jarvis Hookers - For helping me drop a load... of troubles
Tesla - Youre still an asshole
Heinz Katsup - For making our macaronincheese SOOOOOO good
Trojan - Better than MacAffees virus shield
Peter Pan - Nice boots
ACiD VMB - Wheres OUR greet?
Future Crew - Were not worthy, were not worthy!
McDonalds - We hope to be everywhere too
Kraft PeanutButter - Oww! Youre so smooth
Bic Razors - The difference between senior junior members
HTC - Were not worthy, were not worthy!
Hammy the Hamster - But thats another story...
Lassie - I owe you my life
MicroSoft - Windows: The best game ever
Pepto Bismol - For making this pack possible
Sleep - Havent seen ya this month
School - You neither!
Booze - Seen plenty of YOU...
Your Mom - Youre an amazon
Molson - My best friend
John Candy - Bit the big one, eh?
Invincible Dawn - Quit snoring on the phone
Super Grover - For making me what I am today
David Letterman - One of my Top 10 favorite people
Hudson Hicks - You want some of this?
Molson - 24 bottles of beer in the fridge... 24 bottles of beer
Black Widow - 24 bottles of beer in my stomach... 24 bottles of beer
Toilet bowl - The porcelain god
Farts - Taking scratchnsniff too far
CKLN-FM - DRK makes it on the airwaves!
1 Bum Cheek Rocker- Jiggle it, just a little bit...
Kermit the Frog - Fuck you, you fucking cock slimer
Miss Piggy - Hiiiiiiiii.... YAAAAAAA!
Albert Einstein - Nice hair!
Marilyn Monroe - Nice tits!
Terminator 2 - I didnt kill anyone
Ren and Stimpy - Something came out of my butt!
Twisted Towers - Fine, DONT validate our members
RedMan - RIPping the competition to shreds
Jack the Ripper - Not a bad ripper, either
K-Y Jelly - You make it hard for us
LSD - Do you see what I see?
Giligan - The coconut eating homeboy
Kurt Cobain - Any body move Ill blow my fucking head off!
Visine - Guaranteed to cover up those allergies
Pee-Wee Herman - Next time just settle for butter on your popcorn
Power Rangers - Morphuckedupcomputergraphics
Bobbit - Hail the Snap-Out Tools
Kim Campbell - Find a job yet?
7-Eleven - Abududa Monkoke Cury
Charles Manson - Hey man, they havent caught ME yet
Miller Lite - Just add water
Bob Rae - Just cuz smokes are cheaper doesnt me we like you
Corn Flakes - Give it up, no one will ever like them
TRS - What do you mean its only a game?!
Alcatraz - My home away from home
Mony Python - Woooo!
Michael Jackson - Gearbox
The Blue Jays - Yes...we are Canadian!
Al Bundy - A REAL man
Energizer Bunny - Were still going
Leisure Suit Larry - Whatever happened to 4?
Oxford Dictionary - Helping Laserlore all the way!
Jim Morison - Im drunk, Im somebody, Im drunk, Im dead
Stephen King - Long live the Gun Slinger!
Ann Rice - I vant to suck your ...
Earthquake - Data to the bridge
Digital Riddle - *I* invented DARK
Toronto - Anyone else going to start a BBS?
Molson - For the free beers youll give us when you see these greets
Lever 2000 - We want to see some of those OTHER parts
Steven Seagal - I could take you!
Van Damme - My grandma could take you!
Kraft Dinner - The only thing I can cook
Pakistan - If it werent for you, CANADIANS would have to drive cabs
Betty Rubble - Youre a babe!
IBM - For making keyboards that dont ssssssssssssstick
God - Long time no see
Cheevy - Meow!
Buckwheat - Love the do
Cindy Crawford - Nice Baud!
Felix the Cat - Youre one hot pussy
Molson - Love your packs
Tom Vu - Our eternal inspiration
Bullwinkle - Nice beaver
John Carpenter - For filling our bloodnguts quota
iD Software - For filling our bloodnguts quota
Crimson Gael - For showing us well never be the worst
Tempus Thales - Fuckin hot ANSIs for someone whos rusty
Alcohol - For making these greetz possible
The Jabba - Nice modem, eh?
Bell - For all those KEWL extenders
Creative Labs - For making the cool DOOM voices possible
du Maurier - For rotting our lungs
Bill Clinton - Long time no see!
Maxwell House - Keeping the prez alive
Molson - For frying our brain cells
Sammy the Squirrel - Eat my nuts
Timex - For reminding us how late our pack is
The Cult - Mood music for the mentally ill BW
Jarvis Hookers - For helping me drop a load... of troubles
Tesla - Youre still an asshole
Heinz Katsup - For making our macaronincheese SOOOOOO good
Trojan - Better than MacAffees virus shield
Peter Pan - Nice boots
ACiD VMB - Wheres OUR greet?
Future Crew - Were not worthy, were not worthy!
McDonalds - We hope to be everywhere too
Kraft PeanutButter - Oww! Youre so smooth
Bic Razors - The difference between senior junior members
HTC - Were not worthy, were not worthy!
Hammy the Hamster - But thats another story...
Lassie - I owe you my life
MicroSoft - Windows: The best game ever
Pepto Bismol - For making this pack possible
Sleep - Havent seen ya this month
School - You neither!
Booze - Seen plenty of YOU...
Your Mom - Youre an amazon
Molson - My best friend
John Candy - Bit the big one, eh?
Invincible Dawn - Quit snoring on the phone
Super Grover - For making me what I am today
David Letterman - One of my Top 10 favorite people
Hudson Hicks - You want some of this?
Molson - 24 bottles of beer in the fridge... 24 bottles of beer
Black Widow - 24 bottles of beer in my stomach... 24 bottles of beer
Toilet bowl - The porcelain god
Farts - Taking scratchnsniff too far
CKLN-FM - DRK makes it on the airwaves!
1 Bum Cheek Rocker- Jiggle it, just a little bit...
Kermit the Frog - Fuck you, you fucking cock slimer
Miss Piggy - Hiiiiiiiii.... YAAAAAAA!
Albert Einstein - Nice hair!
Marilyn Monroe - Nice tits!
Terminator 2 - I didnt kill anyone
Ren and Stimpy - Something came out of my butt!
Twisted Towers - Fine, DONT validate our members
RedMan - RIPping the competition to shreds
Jack the Ripper - Not a bad ripper, either
K-Y Jelly - You make it hard for us
LSD - Do you see what I see?
Giligan - The coconut eating homeboy
Kurt Cobain - Any body move Ill blow my fucking head off!
Visine - Guaranteed to cover up those allergies
Pee-Wee Herman - Next time just settle for butter on your popcorn
Power Rangers - Morphuckedupcomputergraphics
Bobbit - Hail the Snap-Out Tools
Kim Campbell - Find a job yet?
7-Eleven - Abududa Monkoke Cury
Charles Manson - Hey man, they havent caught ME yet
Miller Lite - Just add water
Bob Rae - Just cuz smokes are cheaper doesnt me we like you
Corn Flakes - Give it up, no one will ever like them
TRS - What do you mean its only a game?!
Alcatraz - My home away from home
Mony Python - Woooo!
Michael Jackson - Gearbox
The Blue Jays - Yes...we are Canadian!
Al Bundy - A REAL man
Energizer Bunny - Were still going
Leisure Suit Larry - Whatever happened to 4?
Oxford Dictionary - Helping Laserlore all the way!
Jim Morison - Im drunk, Im somebody, Im drunk, Im dead
Stephen King - Long live the Gun Slinger!
Ann Rice - I vant to suck your ...
Earthquake - Data to the bridge
Digital Riddle - *I* invented DARK
Toronto - Anyone else going to start a BBS?
Molson - For the free beers youll give us when you see these greets
Lever 2000 - We want to see some of those OTHER parts
Steven Seagal - I could take you!
Van Damme - My grandma could take you!
Kraft Dinner - The only thing I can cook
Pakistan - If it werent for you, CANADIANS would have to drive cabs
Betty Rubble - Youre a babe!
IBM - For making keyboards that dont ssssssssssssstick
God - Long time no see
Cheevy - Meow!
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