this image contains text
We are watching, waiting and ready to engulf you into our hate
i l l u s t r a t e d - j u n e 9 6
- dark rituals -
- adark repository of information -
Waking up in the back of a taxi cab, I come around and glance
over the shoulder of the driver to see that the meter reads two
thousand, nine-hundred and seventy dollars 54 cents. The driver
informs me that I hailed him several days ago, and I have been in
a deep, alcohol-induced slumber ever since, leaving him no choice
but to drive endlessly around the block with the meter running.
Calmly instructing the fool to pull over to the side of the road,
I grab him by his poorly kept hair, and repeatedly bash his head
against the steering wheel until his brain becomes so drenched
with blood that he begins convulsing like popcorn. Proceeding
towards home on foot, I encounter a roving gang of hoodlums who
somehow regard my wallet as something worth risking their lives
stealing. In one fluid motion, I unveil my trusty TR-870
automatic shotgun, and dispatch them as quickly and as easily
as the deadly weapon allows. I finally arrive at my place of
residence, where I quickly down a few cases of Nestea for the
purpose of rehydrating myself. I then boot up my computer and
log onto the Dark Illustrated WHQ, The Lethal Aspect, and peruse
the message bases, where I read therein that several Dark-related
events have taken place in my absence.
Dark Illustrated: Editor in the house...
Grail here, taking over as this months wordsmith. I hold my
breath as I fill in a pretty big spot. Anyway... aside from that,
Im sitting here in the Editors role pondering on what the hell I
should write about for this months Info file. I guess I should
mention that there are a few new members for the month of June
which I have the opportunity and pleasure of introducing. Status on
an HQ board and Member Boards as well as news from the front...the
social front in regards to Dark members.
... And thus begins Darks Summer of Hate Tour. A summer
filled with ever-encompassing darkness and despair. When you find
one day the sun has disappeared, you shall know who rules the world
... Muahahaha...
Dark Illustrated: Social Misconducts...
Well, Sunday 23rd came and went and along with it, Dark hosted a
VGA competition on the Internet Relay Chat. Organized by Arzach and
judged by Burnout, Purple Dye, Egoteq and myself. Channel vga saw
many pop in within the four hour long contest and participants
showed up and strutted their talents to the fullest of their
capabilities. Among the contestants, Darks own Arzach took first
place, Kosh second, Edge third and in fourth place Method Man
other notable contestants were Armaggeddon Donut, Black Guard,
Bedlam, Prison Breaker, and MagneticM coming in that order of
scoring. It was a good day to socialize on IRC. Look for the
IRC VGA competition art pack floating around, featuring all the
weird and wonderful works of the participants.
A Dark meet was also held during this same week, proving to all
that the fun doesnt necessarily end when the sun goes down. Or
when it rains, for that matter. Those Darkies present and
accounted for included Arzach, Burnout, Carnifex, Grail, The Green
Hornet, Mist of Death, Oxygene, Prison Breaker, and Purple Dye.
Nuclear Inferno, a non-Dark member, also tagged along for the ride.
In addition to wrecking havoc in our wake, fruitful discussions
were held about Dark, various side-projects, and zinderfines. It
is expected that Dark will experience many exciting triumphs in the
near future as a result of this gathering.
Interestingly enough, Black Ire, the one responsible for organizing
this meet, failed to attend. Oh well -- maybe next time, Selvin!
Dark Illustrated: Say what?!?
Hi, Im Smokey. And thats Lord Q...
Dark Summer of Hate Tour -- courtesy of Crappy Canadas Wonderland.
THATs a zinderfine?!?
Good thing I brought my PONCHO!
group news
Dark Illustrated: New Members
As you all know from last month, Dark enjoyed its very first merger
with the now-defunct Wyld Studios. Not mentioned, however, was the addition of a new arrival from Wyld. In addition to the previously
unmentioned arrival, Dark also finds new talent from other local groups
as our Summer of Hate Tour kicks into high gear this June.
The - If you have been following Wyld Studios since November, the
Anarchist addition of The Anarchists role as the BBS Mod Division
Head boosted Wyld Studios productivity with kick ass
coding. Now Dark has the pleasure of exploring the wild
side of whom we call The Anarchist.
Trash - In a return engagement from nowhere. Trash rejoins the ANSI
Department from a long sojourn from reality. Still just as
good when he disappeared the first time.
Evil - I actually dont know much about the artist whom everyone
Genius knows as Evil Genius. But with a name like that, Im pretty
sure his artistic talent must be phenomenal. Genius I say,
pure ANSI genius.
WatOr - In a return engagement from out of nowhere. Deja Vu?
WatOr rejoins the ANSI Department with DoRK written all
his forehead. I mean Dark! : Im sure youll enjoy this
months TERRIFIC WatOr toon as much as I did.
Dark Illustrated: Internal Structure
Not a lot to report this month in regards to internal structure, except
for the fact that the Internet Division has blossomed. With additional
help from the rest of the Dark Members, it is now a complete group on
its own. Joining the Internet Division are Grail and Purple Dye as the
new Dark sites Webmasters, and Arzach becomes Head Graphic Supervisor.
Cyber X, Burnout, and Prison Breaker are also on the roster.
With the addition of experienced staff to the division, not only will
Darks World Wide Web Site grow into something it will be the place to
to be. You can expect that more members will be participating in its
development as the days go by. Reach the beta test of the site at:
As further development continues the official site will be moved to:
To avoid confusion, Wyld Studios still does exist. No longer an art
group, but as a full-time business dealing in web publishing, graphic
graphic art consultation and illustrations, as well as other related
USHQ: East 1999
With the loss of Tribal Sieges Tundra, East 1999 is the new USHQ.
Like its predecessor, Skypagers board is just as great as well as
easy on the eyes.
Member Boards: The Feanorian Letters The Way Station
Well along with the merger from Wyld two boards officially become
members boards and i myself would like to say that with the addition
of these boards, the Hamilton Dark Chapter will quickly see rapid
change and productivity by providing a really good communication hub
with the rest of Dark. Welcome to the fold, and embrace the darkness.
Dark Illustrated: The Collections
For the latest available DARK Collection, you can check out Halasters
Regency or the Washington University Archives wuarchive. Yggdrasils
homepage is currently in the darkness, and unavailable. As mentioned in
Group News, a new web site is in the works as this pack goes into
release. The Collections will be fully available when its officially
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listed within.
Dark Illustrated: The Filenames
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX - five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
- 2-digit number representing the number of releases this artist
has had since 01/96.
Dark Illustrated: Darkview
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so
consider yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
Dark Illustrated: Site Listings
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
East 1999 US Headquarters Skypager!
Saturated Fat Member Board WatOr
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
The Way Station Member Board The Anarchist
The Feanorian Letters Member Board Purple Dye
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
Dark does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please
cease requesting them, or sending applications.
Dark Illustrated: Greetings
Group Greets: To all whos anything and everything. Yeah right...
Individual Greets: You know who you are, so we are just greeting you.
From all of us at Dark Illustrated to all of you out
there...somewhere over the freaking rainbow.
Dark Illustrated: Dedications
I would like to dedicate this months Dark Collection to the efforts
of those whom the scene has molded into the kind of people they are.
Not only for their existence within the scene, but for their dedication
in keeping the scene alive as it stands in this day and age. With their
talents, camaraderie and strong sense of integrity, the scene will only
continue to grow.
layout: grail / the green hornet
editing: grail / carnifex
intro: prison breaker
Dark Illustrated 1996, All Rights Reserved
i l l u s t r a t e d - j u n e 9 6
- dark rituals -
- adark repository of information -
Waking up in the back of a taxi cab, I come around and glance
over the shoulder of the driver to see that the meter reads two
thousand, nine-hundred and seventy dollars 54 cents. The driver
informs me that I hailed him several days ago, and I have been in
a deep, alcohol-induced slumber ever since, leaving him no choice
but to drive endlessly around the block with the meter running.
Calmly instructing the fool to pull over to the side of the road,
I grab him by his poorly kept hair, and repeatedly bash his head
against the steering wheel until his brain becomes so drenched
with blood that he begins convulsing like popcorn. Proceeding
towards home on foot, I encounter a roving gang of hoodlums who
somehow regard my wallet as something worth risking their lives
stealing. In one fluid motion, I unveil my trusty TR-870
automatic shotgun, and dispatch them as quickly and as easily
as the deadly weapon allows. I finally arrive at my place of
residence, where I quickly down a few cases of Nestea for the
purpose of rehydrating myself. I then boot up my computer and
log onto the Dark Illustrated WHQ, The Lethal Aspect, and peruse
the message bases, where I read therein that several Dark-related
events have taken place in my absence.
Dark Illustrated: Editor in the house...
Grail here, taking over as this months wordsmith. I hold my
breath as I fill in a pretty big spot. Anyway... aside from that,
Im sitting here in the Editors role pondering on what the hell I
should write about for this months Info file. I guess I should
mention that there are a few new members for the month of June
which I have the opportunity and pleasure of introducing. Status on
an HQ board and Member Boards as well as news from the front...the
social front in regards to Dark members.
... And thus begins Darks Summer of Hate Tour. A summer
filled with ever-encompassing darkness and despair. When you find
one day the sun has disappeared, you shall know who rules the world
... Muahahaha...
Dark Illustrated: Social Misconducts...
Well, Sunday 23rd came and went and along with it, Dark hosted a
VGA competition on the Internet Relay Chat. Organized by Arzach and
judged by Burnout, Purple Dye, Egoteq and myself. Channel vga saw
many pop in within the four hour long contest and participants
showed up and strutted their talents to the fullest of their
capabilities. Among the contestants, Darks own Arzach took first
place, Kosh second, Edge third and in fourth place Method Man
other notable contestants were Armaggeddon Donut, Black Guard,
Bedlam, Prison Breaker, and MagneticM coming in that order of
scoring. It was a good day to socialize on IRC. Look for the
IRC VGA competition art pack floating around, featuring all the
weird and wonderful works of the participants.
A Dark meet was also held during this same week, proving to all
that the fun doesnt necessarily end when the sun goes down. Or
when it rains, for that matter. Those Darkies present and
accounted for included Arzach, Burnout, Carnifex, Grail, The Green
Hornet, Mist of Death, Oxygene, Prison Breaker, and Purple Dye.
Nuclear Inferno, a non-Dark member, also tagged along for the ride.
In addition to wrecking havoc in our wake, fruitful discussions
were held about Dark, various side-projects, and zinderfines. It
is expected that Dark will experience many exciting triumphs in the
near future as a result of this gathering.
Interestingly enough, Black Ire, the one responsible for organizing
this meet, failed to attend. Oh well -- maybe next time, Selvin!
Dark Illustrated: Say what?!?
Hi, Im Smokey. And thats Lord Q...
Dark Summer of Hate Tour -- courtesy of Crappy Canadas Wonderland.
THATs a zinderfine?!?
Good thing I brought my PONCHO!
group news
Dark Illustrated: New Members
As you all know from last month, Dark enjoyed its very first merger
with the now-defunct Wyld Studios. Not mentioned, however, was the addition of a new arrival from Wyld. In addition to the previously
unmentioned arrival, Dark also finds new talent from other local groups
as our Summer of Hate Tour kicks into high gear this June.
The - If you have been following Wyld Studios since November, the
Anarchist addition of The Anarchists role as the BBS Mod Division
Head boosted Wyld Studios productivity with kick ass
coding. Now Dark has the pleasure of exploring the wild
side of whom we call The Anarchist.
Trash - In a return engagement from nowhere. Trash rejoins the ANSI
Department from a long sojourn from reality. Still just as
good when he disappeared the first time.
Evil - I actually dont know much about the artist whom everyone
Genius knows as Evil Genius. But with a name like that, Im pretty
sure his artistic talent must be phenomenal. Genius I say,
pure ANSI genius.
WatOr - In a return engagement from out of nowhere. Deja Vu?
WatOr rejoins the ANSI Department with DoRK written all
his forehead. I mean Dark! : Im sure youll enjoy this
months TERRIFIC WatOr toon as much as I did.
Dark Illustrated: Internal Structure
Not a lot to report this month in regards to internal structure, except
for the fact that the Internet Division has blossomed. With additional
help from the rest of the Dark Members, it is now a complete group on
its own. Joining the Internet Division are Grail and Purple Dye as the
new Dark sites Webmasters, and Arzach becomes Head Graphic Supervisor.
Cyber X, Burnout, and Prison Breaker are also on the roster.
With the addition of experienced staff to the division, not only will
Darks World Wide Web Site grow into something it will be the place to
to be. You can expect that more members will be participating in its
development as the days go by. Reach the beta test of the site at:
As further development continues the official site will be moved to:
To avoid confusion, Wyld Studios still does exist. No longer an art
group, but as a full-time business dealing in web publishing, graphic
graphic art consultation and illustrations, as well as other related
USHQ: East 1999
With the loss of Tribal Sieges Tundra, East 1999 is the new USHQ.
Like its predecessor, Skypagers board is just as great as well as
easy on the eyes.
Member Boards: The Feanorian Letters The Way Station
Well along with the merger from Wyld two boards officially become
members boards and i myself would like to say that with the addition
of these boards, the Hamilton Dark Chapter will quickly see rapid
change and productivity by providing a really good communication hub
with the rest of Dark. Welcome to the fold, and embrace the darkness.
Dark Illustrated: The Collections
For the latest available DARK Collection, you can check out Halasters
Regency or the Washington University Archives wuarchive. Yggdrasils
homepage is currently in the darkness, and unavailable. As mentioned in
Group News, a new web site is in the works as this pack goes into
release. The Collections will be fully available when its officially
DARK packs old and new are also available on Member Boards, listed within.
Dark Illustrated: The Filenames
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.DRK
XXXXX - five characters we hope represents an artists name adequately.
- 2-digit number representing the number of releases this artist
has had since 01/96.
Dark Illustrated: Darkview
DARKVIEW still has bugs in it. .JPGs may not display properly, so
consider yourself warned. A new viewer is being designed.
Dark Illustrated: Site Listings
The Lethal Aspect World Headquarters Xypher Matryx
East 1999 US Headquarters Skypager!
Saturated Fat Member Board WatOr
Sight Sound Member Board Drone-Fly
The Way Station Member Board The Anarchist
The Feanorian Letters Member Board Purple Dye
The Regency Internet Site Halaster
Dark does not have distribution sites, nor is it seeking any. Please
cease requesting them, or sending applications.
Dark Illustrated: Greetings
Group Greets: To all whos anything and everything. Yeah right...
Individual Greets: You know who you are, so we are just greeting you.
From all of us at Dark Illustrated to all of you out
there...somewhere over the freaking rainbow.
Dark Illustrated: Dedications
I would like to dedicate this months Dark Collection to the efforts
of those whom the scene has molded into the kind of people they are.
Not only for their existence within the scene, but for their dedication
in keeping the scene alive as it stands in this day and age. With their
talents, camaraderie and strong sense of integrity, the scene will only
continue to grow.
layout: grail / the green hornet
editing: grail / carnifex
intro: prison breaker
Dark Illustrated 1996, All Rights Reserved
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