this image contains text
Welcome once again,
ye Dark faithful, to another monthly
installment of the
Dark Collection. Those familiar with us
might wa
nt to skip immediately to the Dark News portion of
this file
and learn of the dramatic changes Dark is under-
For those who are new to our Col
lections, heres a brief
summary of what youre looking at:
Each month the artists
who form this group called Dark Ill
ustrated release a multi-
media pack we call a Collection. These
packs consist of
images drawn in various mediums generall
y high-resolution
pieces saved in GIF or JPEG format, or lo
w-resolution pieces
saved in ANSI format and occasionally i
nclude musical items
saved with S3M, MOD, or IT encoding
Why are we doing this? Fame and for
tune, mostly. Oh,
and the interaction between like-minded
artists is swell
- Xypher Matryx, Dark
Winter here. Just wante
d to congratulate everyone this
month on a well-rounded p
ack. Weve been kind of lazy
for the last couple of mo
nths and havent been releasing to
our full potential. Howe
ver were back and better then ever.
There are a coup
le of changes being made but theyre only
going to make us stronger. Until next m
- Winter, Dark Qu
Dark News...
Hope your tickers are u
p to some excitement. If not, you
might want the brac
e yourselves. Mutation is about the
only term sui
table for whats happening to this Heart of
The past c
ouple of months have been trying on Darks core
members, and for good
reason. The Senior Staff have been
cycled to lend a
fresh perspective and direction to the
group. Carnifex and Xyph
er Matryx, veterans from the very
beginning of Dark, have steppe
d down from their Senior
saddles. One will be concentr
ating on his studies, the other
will be concentrating on global
In the meantime, two members from Dar
ks ranks have risen
to the challenges involved in t
he groups well-being. The 4th
Disciple and Corinthian will assume the r
esponsibilities of
managing this murderous mass. Rumou
r has it fex and xypher
both shared in a day long
cackle as their burden was finally
relieved. Tog
ether with Prison Breaker, these three will
incite the bloodiest riots you
r scene has ever known. And
help ra
ise the standards for packs in the process.
The transition has been a
nything *but* smooth. However,
the coming months will
demonstrate how profound an effect
these changes will mak
e. We encourage your support, and we
also recognize there
ll be some resistance to the agenda set
by the new leadership. For thos
e who are siding with the
opposing team, you have our
sincerest condolences. The time
you spend fighting our evol
ution will have been wasted.
For those k
eeping track, the Internet department as been
merged back? into the Coding
division. An important note
for those seeking P
urple Dye: We recieved a garbled message
on our answering ma
chine that sounded something like ...help
k..........somebody call me...............
velkro...... So we hav
e. From this point on, the Purple
Menace nonono
, not Grimace, fool will be known as Velkro.
Theres more to
come, but not all of it can be revealed to
our faithful yet. Stay tune
d into the New Year for what we
promise to be the strongest Dark Illustra
ted ever!
- Xypher Matr
yx, Dark Linebacker
Dark Member Update
Seeking sh
elter from the radiated sunlight this month are
artists Catc
h22, Drs, Hitek, Noah,
Raize returning, and
Rusted. Long-thought-de
ad programmer Pyrochemist has come
slinking back into the active me
mberlist, cooking things up
with a strange glowing subs
tance...? Moomin 13 who joined
us last month was not me
ntioned in the September infofile.
We apologize and welcome he
r into Dark this month.
Dark Sites...
Life Force DARK World
Headquarters Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK
Member Board Night Stalker
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US
Support Site Megga Hertz
ABCB Cafe DARK Support Site Kyo
Where To Obtain Dark Collections
Via the interne
t, Dark packs can be obtained from the DARK
Homepage at www.darkill
Most Dark members
can be contacted by e-mail addresses
available in the m
emberlist, and some may be found lurking
on the IRC, o
n channel dark. EFnet
For more detail
ed information on Dark Illustrated, Darks
n F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions text file is in
in this archiv
e. DARK-FAQ.192
Filename Co
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abb
reviation of the artists alias.
Shoud the alias fall within fi
ve characters or less, the
alias will be used.
represents the current numb
er of pieces the artist has
produced the year of 1997.
* can be
any valid extension for images, executables, data
files ,or musical composi
tions. The most common are DRK for
images JPG/GIF/BMP/ etc... for high resolution graph
images, and MOD/S3M/XM/IT/etc for music data files.
A confession: Carnifex isnt really out s
tudying. Hes
actually hard at work
in the studio recording his new hit
e Something like an Automaton. Robot funk at its
Join us now! Or at the v
ery least, tune in again next
h for another blockbuster release!
Dewa mata.
Welcome once again,
ye Dark faithful, to another monthly
installment of the
Dark Collection. Those familiar with us
might wa
nt to skip immediately to the Dark News portion of
this file
and learn of the dramatic changes Dark is under-
For those who are new to our Col
lections, heres a brief
summary of what youre looking at:
Each month the artists
who form this group called Dark Ill
ustrated release a multi-
media pack we call a Collection. These
packs consist of
images drawn in various mediums generall
y high-resolution
pieces saved in GIF or JPEG format, or lo
w-resolution pieces
saved in ANSI format and occasionally i
nclude musical items
saved with S3M, MOD, or IT encoding
Why are we doing this? Fame and for
tune, mostly. Oh,
and the interaction between like-minded
artists is swell
- Xypher Matryx, Dark
Winter here. Just wante
d to congratulate everyone this
month on a well-rounded p
ack. Weve been kind of lazy
for the last couple of mo
nths and havent been releasing to
our full potential. Howe
ver were back and better then ever.
There are a coup
le of changes being made but theyre only
going to make us stronger. Until next m
- Winter, Dark Qu
Dark News...
Hope your tickers are u
p to some excitement. If not, you
might want the brac
e yourselves. Mutation is about the
only term sui
table for whats happening to this Heart of
The past c
ouple of months have been trying on Darks core
members, and for good
reason. The Senior Staff have been
cycled to lend a
fresh perspective and direction to the
group. Carnifex and Xyph
er Matryx, veterans from the very
beginning of Dark, have steppe
d down from their Senior
saddles. One will be concentr
ating on his studies, the other
will be concentrating on global
In the meantime, two members from Dar
ks ranks have risen
to the challenges involved in t
he groups well-being. The 4th
Disciple and Corinthian will assume the r
esponsibilities of
managing this murderous mass. Rumou
r has it fex and xypher
both shared in a day long
cackle as their burden was finally
relieved. Tog
ether with Prison Breaker, these three will
incite the bloodiest riots you
r scene has ever known. And
help ra
ise the standards for packs in the process.
The transition has been a
nything *but* smooth. However,
the coming months will
demonstrate how profound an effect
these changes will mak
e. We encourage your support, and we
also recognize there
ll be some resistance to the agenda set
by the new leadership. For thos
e who are siding with the
opposing team, you have our
sincerest condolences. The time
you spend fighting our evol
ution will have been wasted.
For those k
eeping track, the Internet department as been
merged back? into the Coding
division. An important note
for those seeking P
urple Dye: We recieved a garbled message
on our answering ma
chine that sounded something like ...help
k..........somebody call me...............
velkro...... So we hav
e. From this point on, the Purple
Menace nonono
, not Grimace, fool will be known as Velkro.
Theres more to
come, but not all of it can be revealed to
our faithful yet. Stay tune
d into the New Year for what we
promise to be the strongest Dark Illustra
ted ever!
- Xypher Matr
yx, Dark Linebacker
Dark Member Update
Seeking sh
elter from the radiated sunlight this month are
artists Catc
h22, Drs, Hitek, Noah,
Raize returning, and
Rusted. Long-thought-de
ad programmer Pyrochemist has come
slinking back into the active me
mberlist, cooking things up
with a strange glowing subs
tance...? Moomin 13 who joined
us last month was not me
ntioned in the September infofile.
We apologize and welcome he
r into Dark this month.
Dark Sites...
Life Force DARK World
Headquarters Seraphim
Mad Cows?!? DARK
Member Board Night Stalker
Abraxas/Diabolic DARK US
Support Site Megga Hertz
ABCB Cafe DARK Support Site Kyo
Where To Obtain Dark Collections
Via the interne
t, Dark packs can be obtained from the DARK
Homepage at www.darkill
Most Dark members
can be contacted by e-mail addresses
available in the m
emberlist, and some may be found lurking
on the IRC, o
n channel dark. EFnet
For more detail
ed information on Dark Illustrated, Darks
n F.A.Q. Frequently Asked Questions text file is in
in this archiv
e. DARK-FAQ.192
Filename Co
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five-letter abb
reviation of the artists alias.
Shoud the alias fall within fi
ve characters or less, the
alias will be used.
represents the current numb
er of pieces the artist has
produced the year of 1997.
* can be
any valid extension for images, executables, data
files ,or musical composi
tions. The most common are DRK for
images JPG/GIF/BMP/ etc... for high resolution graph
images, and MOD/S3M/XM/IT/etc for music data files.
A confession: Carnifex isnt really out s
tudying. Hes
actually hard at work
in the studio recording his new hit
e Something like an Automaton. Robot funk at its
Join us now! Or at the v
ery least, tune in again next
h for another blockbuster release!
Dewa mata.
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