this image contains text
i l l u s t r a t e d
zfact0rglue rippapoly
-- Intro
And here we have it, an extremely belated 12/98 Dark pack! Darks fattiness
just wasnt up to keeping on date this time around, and even though we arent
actually sorry for being so late, well pretend we are. Terribly sorry for
being so late this month. Blah. Deal with it.
Youll probably notice Ive never written an info file before. This is quite
an experience, and I hope I never have to do it again. :
-- luminous
-- News
This month, Blade, Dark and Cia were origionally going to be releasing a jointpack, which would have been quite a nice pack, with three of the scenes oldest
groups. However, after Cia decided they needed a little while to get back on
their feet after a sudden influx of members theyre getting fat, it was calledoff. As it stands, Im frantically putting together a pack which Ive never
done before either. Hopefully youll enjoy it.
As I said before, this months pack is slightly late, but thats all you can do.After the fairly sudden news of forgetting about the joint pack I was only
aware of Cias decision on new years eve I decided I couldnt let all the art
we had waiting for the joint pack to go to waste, so I present to you a belated
Dark 12/98.
Big things going on in the darkillustrated.org world. Im not allowed to
disclose much, but from what ive seen, things are looking really cool.. keep aneye out for this happening on their from time to time. Dark also now owns a
shiny new newsgroup. news.darkillustrated.org for those who dare. :
On to member news. Our long time member and fearless leader Xypher Matryx hasdecided its time to call it quits with Dark Illustrated, and formed the short
lived Shadowboxers Guild. After dissolving the Shadowboxers, however, Androc
has decided to leave the scene. Good luck with your future endeavors, you shallbe missed by all.
theCHEF decided he might like to try the Shadowboxers Guild as well, and hadleft the Dark family early on. However, with the Shadowboxers dissolving, hes
returned to our fatty ranks in full force. Glad to have you back, buddy.
Stile has also rejoined the ranks of Dark. You may remember him from the
oldschool days of Gothic and Dark. Well, hes returned to us, and now releases
his lovely if somewhat bloated mp3s with us. Welcome back.
In other sad news, Carnifex has decided his time riding under the Dark banner
had come to a close. We say farewell to you, you shall also be missed by all.
Rash also joins up with dark. Hes best known for his art found in glue and
mistigris packs. Welcome aboard, Rashie. :
Sudden Impact is also doing a little work for Dark Illustrateds coding dept.
Even though Suds isnt a new member, hes been inactive for a while, and only
recently resurfaced. :
Wed also like to welcome Rusted back into the fatty folds of Dark. A former
Lazarus/Twilight/Dark member is always a welcome addition to our lowrez dept.
Welcome aboard! :
Thats about it this time around. For anything that I might have missed,
terribly sorry.
-- luminous
-- Filenames
Filenaming conventions...
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five letter abbreviation of the artists alias.
Should the alias fall within five characters or less, the entire alias will
be used
represents the current number of peices the artist has produced the
year of the release.
* can be any valid extension for the form of art. The most common being
DRK for all lowrez images produced ansi and ascii and JPG/BIF/BMP/etc for
any hirez peices drawn, and IT/MOD/MP3/etc being used for any peice of music.
-- Quotes
peebles stile: Why isnt your cam on? I want to stalk you :
peebles If anybody tells you that the world is going to end today, dont
believe them. Its already tomorrow in Australia.
stile-zzz Anyone here have Webcam32 v4.8?
lemute stile-zzz: nobody here even has a webcam, let alone Webcam32 v4.8?
lemute oh wait, I just got a webcam in the mail
lemute ..but alas, no Webcam32 v4.8
lemute just your luck.
stile-zzz heh
* lemute is away, unpacking my webcam l!on : os/bx
-- Conclusion
Another year draws to a close for us fatties here at Dark illustrated. 1998
was a test, and well reap the rewards in 1999.
Thats about it for this months nfo file.. but before I go, Id like to thank
a few people. First of all, Rippa and Zfactor for the lovely Dark font at the
top of this very info file, and secondly, Retribution, for his guest, on such
short notice. You rock, guys. :
-- luminous
-- EOF 132 lines
zfact0rglue rippapoly
-- Intro
And here we have it, an extremely belated 12/98 Dark pack! Darks fattiness
just wasnt up to keeping on date this time around, and even though we arent
actually sorry for being so late, well pretend we are. Terribly sorry for
being so late this month. Blah. Deal with it.
Youll probably notice Ive never written an info file before. This is quite
an experience, and I hope I never have to do it again. :
-- luminous
-- News
This month, Blade, Dark and Cia were origionally going to be releasing a jointpack, which would have been quite a nice pack, with three of the scenes oldest
groups. However, after Cia decided they needed a little while to get back on
their feet after a sudden influx of members theyre getting fat, it was calledoff. As it stands, Im frantically putting together a pack which Ive never
done before either. Hopefully youll enjoy it.
As I said before, this months pack is slightly late, but thats all you can do.After the fairly sudden news of forgetting about the joint pack I was only
aware of Cias decision on new years eve I decided I couldnt let all the art
we had waiting for the joint pack to go to waste, so I present to you a belated
Dark 12/98.
Big things going on in the darkillustrated.org world. Im not allowed to
disclose much, but from what ive seen, things are looking really cool.. keep aneye out for this happening on their from time to time. Dark also now owns a
shiny new newsgroup. news.darkillustrated.org for those who dare. :
On to member news. Our long time member and fearless leader Xypher Matryx hasdecided its time to call it quits with Dark Illustrated, and formed the short
lived Shadowboxers Guild. After dissolving the Shadowboxers, however, Androc
has decided to leave the scene. Good luck with your future endeavors, you shallbe missed by all.
theCHEF decided he might like to try the Shadowboxers Guild as well, and hadleft the Dark family early on. However, with the Shadowboxers dissolving, hes
returned to our fatty ranks in full force. Glad to have you back, buddy.
Stile has also rejoined the ranks of Dark. You may remember him from the
oldschool days of Gothic and Dark. Well, hes returned to us, and now releases
his lovely if somewhat bloated mp3s with us. Welcome back.
In other sad news, Carnifex has decided his time riding under the Dark banner
had come to a close. We say farewell to you, you shall also be missed by all.
Rash also joins up with dark. Hes best known for his art found in glue and
mistigris packs. Welcome aboard, Rashie. :
Sudden Impact is also doing a little work for Dark Illustrateds coding dept.
Even though Suds isnt a new member, hes been inactive for a while, and only
recently resurfaced. :
Wed also like to welcome Rusted back into the fatty folds of Dark. A former
Lazarus/Twilight/Dark member is always a welcome addition to our lowrez dept.
Welcome aboard! :
Thats about it this time around. For anything that I might have missed,
terribly sorry.
-- luminous
-- Filenames
Filenaming conventions...
Filenames work like this: XXXXX-.*
XXXXX is a five letter abbreviation of the artists alias.
Should the alias fall within five characters or less, the entire alias will
be used
represents the current number of peices the artist has produced the
year of the release.
* can be any valid extension for the form of art. The most common being
DRK for all lowrez images produced ansi and ascii and JPG/BIF/BMP/etc for
any hirez peices drawn, and IT/MOD/MP3/etc being used for any peice of music.
-- Quotes
peebles stile: Why isnt your cam on? I want to stalk you :
peebles If anybody tells you that the world is going to end today, dont
believe them. Its already tomorrow in Australia.
stile-zzz Anyone here have Webcam32 v4.8?
lemute stile-zzz: nobody here even has a webcam, let alone Webcam32 v4.8?
lemute oh wait, I just got a webcam in the mail
lemute ..but alas, no Webcam32 v4.8
lemute just your luck.
stile-zzz heh
* lemute is away, unpacking my webcam l!on : os/bx
-- Conclusion
Another year draws to a close for us fatties here at Dark illustrated. 1998
was a test, and well reap the rewards in 1999.
Thats about it for this months nfo file.. but before I go, Id like to thank
a few people. First of all, Rippa and Zfactor for the lovely Dark font at the
top of this very info file, and secondly, Retribution, for his guest, on such
short notice. You rock, guys. :
-- luminous
-- EOF 132 lines
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