this image contains text
The DARK Sourcefile
Dark Illustrated: The Year In Review
- Introduction -
Weve been asked many times why we only release bi-monthly or
sometimes not even that. Weve also been asked Who the hell are
you guys? and If youre a group, wheres all your art?!?! Weve also
had alot of people come to us with the idea of putting together a
retrospective of Darks work. So due to popular demand, here it is.
A compilation of the BEST of each pack that Dark has ever released, up
to and including the December 1994 pack.
The artwork included in this zipfile is a look back at what weve
accomplished throughout 1994, in chronological order. Why didnt we
include the February 1995 pack in this little rag? Because you WILL
see another one of these in 96, so were going to keep you in anti-
cipation until then.
Thats it for the niceties. See you next month, when Dark officially
releases its first in the line of many monthly packs.
- Filenames --
Weve taken a break from our usual XXXXX-.DRK file naming system.
Although we all love the sheer practicality of this innovation, it
proved unwieldly for our Best of Dark 1994 pack.
The Dark ansi files are named as follows:
represents four numbers - the first two being the month in which
the work was first showcased, and the last two numbers being the year
94. The extention represents the ansi number for that respective
The Dark VGA files are named as follows:
represents the month the VGA was produced in. The - represents the
VGA number for that respective month.
...You may notice a little trend here.
Top five reasons why Dark is still releasing these silly ASCII .NFO
files when cool people release wacko, multicolred, mutli-line .DIZ
5. Asskey is k0ol and pHUNk-EE.
4. insert reason here
3. Pea soup is green not yellow.
2. Gray is my favorite colour!
and the top reason:
1. Carnifex is colorblind from his 286.
- Member List --
To commemorate this Best of Dark compilation, the following memberlist
is slightly different from what we usually do - in this pack, were
listing everyone that has ever graced the memberlistings of Dark - along
with their past and present affiliations. note: PRODUCING members.
MUS Music Dept COD Coding Dept
LIT Lit. Dept COU Courier
SEN Senior T/C TeleComm
ORG Original Member
note: past affiliations are under the member name.
N G U O I O / E R
Alias S A S D T U C N G
Black Widow
Acidic Soap
Twilight Serenity
Black Ire
Legacy, iCE
Cyber Wolfe
Desalvo Forlorn Extender
Gothic, Nation
Drone Fly
Legacy, iCE, Valiant
Enraged Avenger
The God-Fearing Athiest
Grave Robber
Surgeon General
Silicon Graphics Liquid Image
Legacy, iCE, Valiant
Unknown Artist
Red Dwarf
Digital Riddle
Incievable Technology
Hannibal the Cannibal
Invincible Dawn
Lord Azzur
Metal Skin
Mist of Death
Night Hawk
Ravage Bias
iCE, Union
Liquid MaLT
Evil Misfit
iCE, S!P
Gothic, ACiD
Ritual Slaying
Scimitar Wraith
Gothic, iCE
Shock Wave
Silver Sable
Sudden Impact
Spaceman Spiff
Tank Girl
The Green Hornet
The Mad Hacker
The Retarded Warrior
Valiant, iCE, Gothic
Tribal Fish
Vector Helix
Legacy, iCE, Gothic
Xypher Matryx
Recently, it came to the attention of the Senior Staff members that Dark
was in a period of stagnation that had lasted too long. In response to
the concerns of both members and staffers alike, the following open letter
was drafted and presented to all the members.
We present it here, now, for you to read. Why? Because it is an important
turning point in Darks collective history. It is essential to provide
others with a sense of the meaning of the group Dark.
An open letter to all Dark members:
Dark is heading full-force in a new direction. Our One Year Anniversary pack,
02/95, marked the end of an era. With the upcoming release of our Best of
Dark 1994 pack, we will be changing our entire outlook on the way things are
done in the group. We have been stagnant for FAR too long. Consider this a
wake-up call.
Dark: A Call to Arms.
You have to be willing and able to pick up a rifle, and be ready and willing
to go into war. But you have to have your OWN rifle. We are not going to
supply you with this rifle we are not going to lead you by the hand like
children. You have to be responsible enough to pick up your OWN gun and go to
war, or else you will be shot dead.
No, were not actually going to war with any specific groups. You just have to
be able to set your own goals for the monthly packs we are eminently releasing
at the beginning of each month. Set your goals, be it one ANSI, one VGA, even
one call to another member to get THEM to do something. At the end of the
month, if your goal isnt reached, dont bother calling us and giving us your
submission. Not because we dont think its not good enough, or because you
didnt work hard enough, but because YOU know that you didnt work to YOUR
full potential. The key here is that the responsibility lies with YOU.
We want you to use your own judgement. If we know that its not good enough
for YOU, then were not going to look at it. We trust that you know what is
good enough and what is not good enough for you. We want YOU to know its not
good enough for YOU. Be accountable for yourself.
This is not an ultimatum. Some other groups employ methods of quality control
that are decided on the highly arbitrary judgement of its senior staff
members. Our method of quality control lies with you, the artist. We are
giving YOU the responsibility of deciding if your artwork is good enough to be
included in the Dark Collections. If YOU know you can do better, then WE know
you can do better. So do better.
If you have any problems or concerns with this whatsoever, do NOT hesitate to
contact any, or both of us, as listed below.
Forlorn Extender Carnifex Dark Senior Staffers
Forlorn Extender, Aka Desalvo Dave forlorn@sizone.pci.on.ca
Carnifex Ron xef@sizone.pci.on.ca
Things that make you go: Whafuck?
You actually listen to Pearl Jam?!?!?!
Honey, why is there honey and marshmallows all over your chest?
I didnt cheat sir! Its a cellular phone, honest!
Hey, get your hands off! Go buy your own prosthetic!
I finally fixed my Surpa Modem! It works fucking amazzf NO CARRIER
- Site List --
Name A/C Description SysOp
The Lethal Aspect 905 Temporary World HQ Xypher Matryx
Illusion Island 416 World HQ Down Black Widow
Sanctuary 305 Southern HQ Tempus Thales
Harvest Moon 216 Central HQ QuRan
Rebel Studios 905 Local Support Incesticyde
Dungeon 2 808 Dist. Site Smooth
Eleutheria 606 Dist. Site Soul Rebel
Ground Zero +972 Dist. Site Sharp Edge
Pantheon 703 Dist. Site Farmicus
Project-X +972 Dist. Site Nyc-Kid
Suicidal Shrimp 514 Dist. Site Red Leader
Sushi Bar Z 619 Dist. Site Asylum
The Heretic Asylum 404 Dist. Site Jello
Eternal Insanity 908 Dist. Site Mindcrime
The following text is a paid commerical. Dark Illustrated by no means
endorses nor supports the products of this company. Nor will Dark
Illustrated be held responsible for any malfunctions, fraud, medical
accidents, embarrassment by buyer, or over pricing according to the Federal
Pricing Law section 254:17. Dark Illustrated is in no means affiliated with
the following company and will not be held responsible for plugging its name.
The Vampire Hooligan Oral Sex Bar
911-666 Burlington Lane
call: 1-800-TRENT-NIN for more info.
- DARK Members --
New this month: Critical Illusion who is joining us as a courier.
Now read on about Eclipse Net.
- Eclipse --
Eclipse is the official dark network. Here is a place where most,
if not all, dark members can be contacted. Many people outside of the group
have informed us that they have had difficulty contacting their favorite dark
members. We at dark fell that the creation of eclipse will facilitate
such communications and we also think itll be a lot of fun.
An Eclipse Net Package will be released in the April dark pack. A
separate zip file will also be released to the boards. The world HUB will be
The Twisted Tower, in 905 toronto region, run by Elminster. More info can
be found in the next dark pack.
- Greets --
Dark would like to say hello to the following people and groups:
ACiD Blade
CIA Hoard iCE
Unchained Union
Jesus Christ Superstar Alter Ego
Bodycount Lord Jazz Sinned Soul
Tempus Syntax Error Argon
Chromatik Aphex Twin Nailz
MindCrime Neurotic
and all the guys we forgot
- Dedication --
This pack is dedicated to
all the Dark members, past
and present who have made
this pack possible.
If you only knew the power of the Dark side......
Carnifex Desalvoforlorn extender Ravage Bias
xef@sizone.pci.on.ca folorn@sizone.pci.on.ca ravageb@io.org
Dark Illustrated: The Year In Review
- Introduction -
Weve been asked many times why we only release bi-monthly or
sometimes not even that. Weve also been asked Who the hell are
you guys? and If youre a group, wheres all your art?!?! Weve also
had alot of people come to us with the idea of putting together a
retrospective of Darks work. So due to popular demand, here it is.
A compilation of the BEST of each pack that Dark has ever released, up
to and including the December 1994 pack.
The artwork included in this zipfile is a look back at what weve
accomplished throughout 1994, in chronological order. Why didnt we
include the February 1995 pack in this little rag? Because you WILL
see another one of these in 96, so were going to keep you in anti-
cipation until then.
Thats it for the niceties. See you next month, when Dark officially
releases its first in the line of many monthly packs.
- Filenames --
Weve taken a break from our usual XXXXX-.DRK file naming system.
Although we all love the sheer practicality of this innovation, it
proved unwieldly for our Best of Dark 1994 pack.
The Dark ansi files are named as follows:
represents four numbers - the first two being the month in which
the work was first showcased, and the last two numbers being the year
94. The extention represents the ansi number for that respective
The Dark VGA files are named as follows:
represents the month the VGA was produced in. The - represents the
VGA number for that respective month.
...You may notice a little trend here.
Top five reasons why Dark is still releasing these silly ASCII .NFO
files when cool people release wacko, multicolred, mutli-line .DIZ
5. Asskey is k0ol and pHUNk-EE.
4. insert reason here
3. Pea soup is green not yellow.
2. Gray is my favorite colour!
and the top reason:
1. Carnifex is colorblind from his 286.
- Member List --
To commemorate this Best of Dark compilation, the following memberlist
is slightly different from what we usually do - in this pack, were
listing everyone that has ever graced the memberlistings of Dark - along
with their past and present affiliations. note: PRODUCING members.
MUS Music Dept COD Coding Dept
LIT Lit. Dept COU Courier
SEN Senior T/C TeleComm
ORG Original Member
note: past affiliations are under the member name.
N G U O I O / E R
Alias S A S D T U C N G
Black Widow
Acidic Soap
Twilight Serenity
Black Ire
Legacy, iCE
Cyber Wolfe
Desalvo Forlorn Extender
Gothic, Nation
Drone Fly
Legacy, iCE, Valiant
Enraged Avenger
The God-Fearing Athiest
Grave Robber
Surgeon General
Silicon Graphics Liquid Image
Legacy, iCE, Valiant
Unknown Artist
Red Dwarf
Digital Riddle
Incievable Technology
Hannibal the Cannibal
Invincible Dawn
Lord Azzur
Metal Skin
Mist of Death
Night Hawk
Ravage Bias
iCE, Union
Liquid MaLT
Evil Misfit
iCE, S!P
Gothic, ACiD
Ritual Slaying
Scimitar Wraith
Gothic, iCE
Shock Wave
Silver Sable
Sudden Impact
Spaceman Spiff
Tank Girl
The Green Hornet
The Mad Hacker
The Retarded Warrior
Valiant, iCE, Gothic
Tribal Fish
Vector Helix
Legacy, iCE, Gothic
Xypher Matryx
Recently, it came to the attention of the Senior Staff members that Dark
was in a period of stagnation that had lasted too long. In response to
the concerns of both members and staffers alike, the following open letter
was drafted and presented to all the members.
We present it here, now, for you to read. Why? Because it is an important
turning point in Darks collective history. It is essential to provide
others with a sense of the meaning of the group Dark.
An open letter to all Dark members:
Dark is heading full-force in a new direction. Our One Year Anniversary pack,
02/95, marked the end of an era. With the upcoming release of our Best of
Dark 1994 pack, we will be changing our entire outlook on the way things are
done in the group. We have been stagnant for FAR too long. Consider this a
wake-up call.
Dark: A Call to Arms.
You have to be willing and able to pick up a rifle, and be ready and willing
to go into war. But you have to have your OWN rifle. We are not going to
supply you with this rifle we are not going to lead you by the hand like
children. You have to be responsible enough to pick up your OWN gun and go to
war, or else you will be shot dead.
No, were not actually going to war with any specific groups. You just have to
be able to set your own goals for the monthly packs we are eminently releasing
at the beginning of each month. Set your goals, be it one ANSI, one VGA, even
one call to another member to get THEM to do something. At the end of the
month, if your goal isnt reached, dont bother calling us and giving us your
submission. Not because we dont think its not good enough, or because you
didnt work hard enough, but because YOU know that you didnt work to YOUR
full potential. The key here is that the responsibility lies with YOU.
We want you to use your own judgement. If we know that its not good enough
for YOU, then were not going to look at it. We trust that you know what is
good enough and what is not good enough for you. We want YOU to know its not
good enough for YOU. Be accountable for yourself.
This is not an ultimatum. Some other groups employ methods of quality control
that are decided on the highly arbitrary judgement of its senior staff
members. Our method of quality control lies with you, the artist. We are
giving YOU the responsibility of deciding if your artwork is good enough to be
included in the Dark Collections. If YOU know you can do better, then WE know
you can do better. So do better.
If you have any problems or concerns with this whatsoever, do NOT hesitate to
contact any, or both of us, as listed below.
Forlorn Extender Carnifex Dark Senior Staffers
Forlorn Extender, Aka Desalvo Dave forlorn@sizone.pci.on.ca
Carnifex Ron xef@sizone.pci.on.ca
Things that make you go: Whafuck?
You actually listen to Pearl Jam?!?!?!
Honey, why is there honey and marshmallows all over your chest?
I didnt cheat sir! Its a cellular phone, honest!
Hey, get your hands off! Go buy your own prosthetic!
I finally fixed my Surpa Modem! It works fucking amazzf NO CARRIER
- Site List --
Name A/C Description SysOp
The Lethal Aspect 905 Temporary World HQ Xypher Matryx
Illusion Island 416 World HQ Down Black Widow
Sanctuary 305 Southern HQ Tempus Thales
Harvest Moon 216 Central HQ QuRan
Rebel Studios 905 Local Support Incesticyde
Dungeon 2 808 Dist. Site Smooth
Eleutheria 606 Dist. Site Soul Rebel
Ground Zero +972 Dist. Site Sharp Edge
Pantheon 703 Dist. Site Farmicus
Project-X +972 Dist. Site Nyc-Kid
Suicidal Shrimp 514 Dist. Site Red Leader
Sushi Bar Z 619 Dist. Site Asylum
The Heretic Asylum 404 Dist. Site Jello
Eternal Insanity 908 Dist. Site Mindcrime
The following text is a paid commerical. Dark Illustrated by no means
endorses nor supports the products of this company. Nor will Dark
Illustrated be held responsible for any malfunctions, fraud, medical
accidents, embarrassment by buyer, or over pricing according to the Federal
Pricing Law section 254:17. Dark Illustrated is in no means affiliated with
the following company and will not be held responsible for plugging its name.
The Vampire Hooligan Oral Sex Bar
911-666 Burlington Lane
call: 1-800-TRENT-NIN for more info.
- DARK Members --
New this month: Critical Illusion who is joining us as a courier.
Now read on about Eclipse Net.
- Eclipse --
Eclipse is the official dark network. Here is a place where most,
if not all, dark members can be contacted. Many people outside of the group
have informed us that they have had difficulty contacting their favorite dark
members. We at dark fell that the creation of eclipse will facilitate
such communications and we also think itll be a lot of fun.
An Eclipse Net Package will be released in the April dark pack. A
separate zip file will also be released to the boards. The world HUB will be
The Twisted Tower, in 905 toronto region, run by Elminster. More info can
be found in the next dark pack.
- Greets --
Dark would like to say hello to the following people and groups:
ACiD Blade
CIA Hoard iCE
Unchained Union
Jesus Christ Superstar Alter Ego
Bodycount Lord Jazz Sinned Soul
Tempus Syntax Error Argon
Chromatik Aphex Twin Nailz
MindCrime Neurotic
and all the guys we forgot
- Dedication --
This pack is dedicated to
all the Dark members, past
and present who have made
this pack possible.
If you only knew the power of the Dark side......
Carnifex Desalvoforlorn extender Ravage Bias
xef@sizone.pci.on.ca folorn@sizone.pci.on.ca ravageb@io.org
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