this image contains text
What did you say the name of the compilation wa
So what do you want to know? To start with,
Dark Illustrated are
in a very devious way, a completely uncomplicated grou
p. This carefully
selected commercial compilation of such single mi
nded grouped and
seductive pieces of tragedy, life, longing and belongi
ngs surely sums up
the heartpounding life of this devious, uncomplicated g
roup, uncertainly
the most secretive of Canadian groups, certainly the mos
t surprising.
What is this compilation? Its a history of
substance and success,
a biography ghosted by the group themselves, the very
best of irrational
art work, a question of identity, confession cut
with dry wit, a
deflecting adventure in thought and space, a question o
f style, a parting
of ways, the end and the beginning, a celebration aliena
ted consciousness,
a sincere sell out, a voyage into the present, a full s
top, a semi-colon,
a question mark. Part art, part physical, part time, pa
rt space, its the
sensationally subdued career of Dark Illustrated from th
e beginning of the
best of, from the stop to the start from the start to th
e stop start.
What was the question? Heres one answe
r. Rhythm times and
technological agility and rendering programs and com
puter mistakes and
dynamic sensations and noise filled suspension and bes
ide themselves and
many meanderings and shy purpose and the question is
motionless and the
answer is eternal motion and vain desires and scatter
ed moods and mixed
meta-tongues and lyrical caresses and remote vision a
nd great haste and
points of obsession and unendurable happiness and the
anguish of amorous
subjugation and the crossing and clashing and trembling
and splintering of
mind and machine and the sound of feelings and melodie
s falling from the
skies and shadowy beauty and grave ecstasy and inexhaus
tible restlessness
and looking for life and stoned perfectionism and impr
isoned perceptions
and a low key engagement with a world of perplexities
and uncertainities
in which one can hope at best to achieve the small ple
asures of life the
small satisfactions and a kind of innocence that surrou
nds the enigma and
what was the question?
Who are Dark Illustrated? We may never know.
Where is Dark Illustrated? They are at home
, I presume. Or they
are at church. Or at some engineering contest. But
wherever they are,
right now, they are, in their own special way, t
elling right from
wrong and indulging in slight extravaganzas.
Where do they come from? 1 The early
1990s. 2 Gothic.
3 The North the North everywhere including the North.
3 GO7. 4 Black
Widow. 5 Tesla.
Can you repeat the question? Dark Illustra
ted remain a mystery,
to themselves as well as to others. I know them so well
and really I know
nothing about them. I know the art so well and I hav
e no idea where it
comes from and how it ends up like it does. And the answ
er to whatever the
question might be concerning Dark Illustrated these wild
mild artists with
chips on their shoulder or other on their mind and hear
ts on their sleeve
is not more and no less than ...
The Green Hornet / Dark Illustrated / grhorn
I think Paul Morley said this better.
The Members : Black Widow Carnifex
Xypher Matryx Burnout
Cyber X
Acidic Soap Agent 77 Clark
Daddymac Fractal Free Fa
ll Garroter
Grail Green Hornet The Inertia
Narcosis Neon Horse
Prodigy The Runamok Samurai
Seraphim Shadow Hawk
Holocaust Aladrin Faehan Alex Hertz
og Arzach Blackmage
Drone-Fly Epitaph Essential Obsceni
ty Eternal Vigilance Josh Mil
Lacunus Prison Breaker Rubidi
um Bromide Moby Purple
Viral Overlord Anarchist The
Holister Oxygene Pyro
Sudden Impact WayneKerr Night Stalk
er Mimes
Consultants : Carnifex, Burnout, and Xypher Matryx
Designed by : The Green Hornet
What did you say the name of the compilation wa
So what do you want to know? To start with,
Dark Illustrated are
in a very devious way, a completely uncomplicated grou
p. This carefully
selected commercial compilation of such single mi
nded grouped and
seductive pieces of tragedy, life, longing and belongi
ngs surely sums up
the heartpounding life of this devious, uncomplicated g
roup, uncertainly
the most secretive of Canadian groups, certainly the mos
t surprising.
What is this compilation? Its a history of
substance and success,
a biography ghosted by the group themselves, the very
best of irrational
art work, a question of identity, confession cut
with dry wit, a
deflecting adventure in thought and space, a question o
f style, a parting
of ways, the end and the beginning, a celebration aliena
ted consciousness,
a sincere sell out, a voyage into the present, a full s
top, a semi-colon,
a question mark. Part art, part physical, part time, pa
rt space, its the
sensationally subdued career of Dark Illustrated from th
e beginning of the
best of, from the stop to the start from the start to th
e stop start.
What was the question? Heres one answe
r. Rhythm times and
technological agility and rendering programs and com
puter mistakes and
dynamic sensations and noise filled suspension and bes
ide themselves and
many meanderings and shy purpose and the question is
motionless and the
answer is eternal motion and vain desires and scatter
ed moods and mixed
meta-tongues and lyrical caresses and remote vision a
nd great haste and
points of obsession and unendurable happiness and the
anguish of amorous
subjugation and the crossing and clashing and trembling
and splintering of
mind and machine and the sound of feelings and melodie
s falling from the
skies and shadowy beauty and grave ecstasy and inexhaus
tible restlessness
and looking for life and stoned perfectionism and impr
isoned perceptions
and a low key engagement with a world of perplexities
and uncertainities
in which one can hope at best to achieve the small ple
asures of life the
small satisfactions and a kind of innocence that surrou
nds the enigma and
what was the question?
Who are Dark Illustrated? We may never know.
Where is Dark Illustrated? They are at home
, I presume. Or they
are at church. Or at some engineering contest. But
wherever they are,
right now, they are, in their own special way, t
elling right from
wrong and indulging in slight extravaganzas.
Where do they come from? 1 The early
1990s. 2 Gothic.
3 The North the North everywhere including the North.
3 GO7. 4 Black
Widow. 5 Tesla.
Can you repeat the question? Dark Illustra
ted remain a mystery,
to themselves as well as to others. I know them so well
and really I know
nothing about them. I know the art so well and I hav
e no idea where it
comes from and how it ends up like it does. And the answ
er to whatever the
question might be concerning Dark Illustrated these wild
mild artists with
chips on their shoulder or other on their mind and hear
ts on their sleeve
is not more and no less than ...
The Green Hornet / Dark Illustrated / grhorn
I think Paul Morley said this better.
The Members : Black Widow Carnifex
Xypher Matryx Burnout
Cyber X
Acidic Soap Agent 77 Clark
Daddymac Fractal Free Fa
ll Garroter
Grail Green Hornet The Inertia
Narcosis Neon Horse
Prodigy The Runamok Samurai
Seraphim Shadow Hawk
Holocaust Aladrin Faehan Alex Hertz
og Arzach Blackmage
Drone-Fly Epitaph Essential Obsceni
ty Eternal Vigilance Josh Mil
Lacunus Prison Breaker Rubidi
um Bromide Moby Purple
Viral Overlord Anarchist The
Holister Oxygene Pyro
Sudden Impact WayneKerr Night Stalk
er Mimes
Consultants : Carnifex, Burnout, and Xypher Matryx
Designed by : The Green Hornet
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