this image contains text
// / ,oo ,
oo /
gOReKORe! /
SpL@ / /
/ oYo / / / /
/ / @ / / ..:::::::
/ /U ::
.: ! /-dGs-
d o g g y t y l e - n e w s - 22.o2.997
- weve released next kikkinazz philez!
- Sundance will be unactive til may97 bkoz of high skool phinalz.
hez lazy... B
a c t u a l m e m b E r l i t :
Acid aC!d azkee artizt, swappa, graphician
Budgie bD! azkee artizt, swappa
Sundance ! azkee artizt, graphician, musician
- if yare still lookin 4 gr8 team 2 join and yare talented and ideaful
m8 - join us!
k o n t a k t u s a t :
Acid Budgie Sundance
Patriotow 32b/1 Bohaterow W-wy 1o5/3 Ustronna 6/52
44-253 Rybnik 72-2oo Nowogard 43-1oo Tychy
Poland Poland Poland
+48 93 222189
d i a l :
n1 +48 89 279966 / n1 +48 91 87 94 93
n2 +48 89 359ask / n2 +48 91 AS K4 IT
w e v e m a d e 1 9 k o l l i e z t i l n o w :
oo. dGs-DEEP.txt DEEP FOREST acid 3o.o8.996
oo2. dGs-TALE.txt TALES FROM THA HARD SIDE sundance 3o.o8.996
oo3. dGs-!US!.txt I LOVE US! acid 7.o9.996
oo4. dGs-PROV.txt PROVOKAATIO sundance 25.o9.996
oo5. dGs-INDD.txt INDEPENDENCE DAY acid o9..996
oo6. dGs-VISH.txt VISUAL SHOCK 1: ATHEISM sundance o9..996
oo7. dGs-TRAN.txt TRANCE budgie o9..996
oo8. dGs-BRWI.txt BROKEN WIATRAK acid 5.2.996
oo9. dGs-STRK.txt STRIKING MISMATCH acid 2o.2.996
oo. dGs-DAVE.txt VISUAL SHOCK 2: D.A.V.E sundance 24.2.996
o. dGs-RETR.txt RETROSPECTION acid 3.2.996
o2. dGs-GERI.txt I LOVE GERI sundance ?.o.997
o3. dGs-PIPA.txt PIPA budgie 3.o.997
o4. dGs-TAKE.txt TAKE A DEEP BREATHE acid o.o2.997
o5. dGs-FORT.txt FOREST budgie o.o2.997
o6. dGs-TRUE.txt TRUCE budgie o.o2.997
o7. dGS-KRWI.txt KRASHD WIATRAK acid 22.o2.997
o8. dGs-KULF.txt PLECAKI KULFONIAKI acid sdee 22.o2.997
o9. dGs-14XL.txt 14 LOVE acid 22.o2.997
acid 9.5 kolliez
budgie 4 killiez
sundance 5.5 kolliez
w e r e g r 8 , a r e n t w e ?
oo /
gOReKORe! /
SpL@ / /
/ oYo / / / /
/ / @ / / ..:::::::
/ /U ::
.: ! /-dGs-
d o g g y t y l e - n e w s - 22.o2.997
- weve released next kikkinazz philez!
- Sundance will be unactive til may97 bkoz of high skool phinalz.
hez lazy... B
a c t u a l m e m b E r l i t :
Acid aC!d azkee artizt, swappa, graphician
Budgie bD! azkee artizt, swappa
Sundance ! azkee artizt, graphician, musician
- if yare still lookin 4 gr8 team 2 join and yare talented and ideaful
m8 - join us!
k o n t a k t u s a t :
Acid Budgie Sundance
Patriotow 32b/1 Bohaterow W-wy 1o5/3 Ustronna 6/52
44-253 Rybnik 72-2oo Nowogard 43-1oo Tychy
Poland Poland Poland
+48 93 222189
d i a l :
n1 +48 89 279966 / n1 +48 91 87 94 93
n2 +48 89 359ask / n2 +48 91 AS K4 IT
w e v e m a d e 1 9 k o l l i e z t i l n o w :
oo. dGs-DEEP.txt DEEP FOREST acid 3o.o8.996
oo2. dGs-TALE.txt TALES FROM THA HARD SIDE sundance 3o.o8.996
oo3. dGs-!US!.txt I LOVE US! acid 7.o9.996
oo4. dGs-PROV.txt PROVOKAATIO sundance 25.o9.996
oo5. dGs-INDD.txt INDEPENDENCE DAY acid o9..996
oo6. dGs-VISH.txt VISUAL SHOCK 1: ATHEISM sundance o9..996
oo7. dGs-TRAN.txt TRANCE budgie o9..996
oo8. dGs-BRWI.txt BROKEN WIATRAK acid 5.2.996
oo9. dGs-STRK.txt STRIKING MISMATCH acid 2o.2.996
oo. dGs-DAVE.txt VISUAL SHOCK 2: D.A.V.E sundance 24.2.996
o. dGs-RETR.txt RETROSPECTION acid 3.2.996
o2. dGs-GERI.txt I LOVE GERI sundance ?.o.997
o3. dGs-PIPA.txt PIPA budgie 3.o.997
o4. dGs-TAKE.txt TAKE A DEEP BREATHE acid o.o2.997
o5. dGs-FORT.txt FOREST budgie o.o2.997
o6. dGs-TRUE.txt TRUCE budgie o.o2.997
o7. dGS-KRWI.txt KRASHD WIATRAK acid 22.o2.997
o8. dGs-KULF.txt PLECAKI KULFONIAKI acid sdee 22.o2.997
o9. dGs-14XL.txt 14 LOVE acid 22.o2.997
acid 9.5 kolliez
budgie 4 killiez
sundance 5.5 kolliez
w e r e g r 8 , a r e n t w e ?
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