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The DOA Digi-Pack Jan/Feb 93
Welcome to DOAs Jan/Feb Digi-Pack. A lot of changes have taken place in
DOA in these two months. We welcome aboard two new members, Cid Vicious and
Dark Ninja. Take a look at our collection of art for the Jan/Feb months of 93
and order a piece of art from any one of our sites today. Greets go out to:
Knight Hawk SixPak- Yo! You still alive?! Youre always welcome back man.
Mascot - Just got back from Canadian Tire, got myself a crowbar!
That 486 is mine!
Tatsu - You wanna come with me to Mascots house? Ill give you
the HD!
Cid Vicious - Welcome aboard! Awesome VGAs man, especially that last
one...evil grin
Banana Basher - One million five hundred and two, one million five hundred
and three...just counting the of VGAs you did. One
million fiv...
Spelljammer - Perfect file bases... echo You will keep Perfect file
bases echo
Dominator - Uhhh...er....uhmm......hmmmm....HI!
Dark Ninja - The A still doesnt look right...hmmm, oh well...j/k.
Vectorman - Oh, ok I get it...just one more question? look familiar
Evil Iggy - Still holding your breath?
Magik Pelvis - Foot taste good? -Hope you dont mind Tatsu :
Additional greets go out to the members of STYX, DEVO, SCI, and all other
groups out there!
As long as no modifications and/or alterations are done to this pack, you are
free to distribute it as a whole. Here is a list of files and descriptions:
File Name Size Description Artist
DN-DOA1 ANS 7.7k ANS DOA Promo Dark Ninja
DOAMMBRS ANS 2.6k ANS Member List Stealth Ninja
TSU-TAZ1 ANS 8.2k ANS TazNET Promo Tatsu
STYX! COM 1.8k ANS STYX Insert Tatsu
FILEID DIZ 0.2k DIZ File ID Stealth Ninja
BB-3ROG1 EXE 44.2k VGA The 3rd Reich of God Banana Basher
BB-CN1 EXE 20.6k VGA Chronic Necrosis Banana Basher
BB-DSOH1 EXE 26.1k VGA The Dark Side of Hell Banana Basher
BB-DSOH2 EXE 41.3k VGA The Dark Side of Hell 2 Banana Basher
BB-LOA1 EXE 10.7k VGA Legend of Ampasaurus Banana Basher
ELYCID1 EXE 12.0k VGA The Elysium Cid Vicious
LAIRCID1 EXE 11.2k VGA Dragons Lair Cid Vicious
MS-3ROG1 EXE 47.1k VGA The 3rd Reich of God Mascot
MS-DSOH1 EXE 26.0k VGA The Dark Side of Hell Mascot
MS-STYX! EXE 39.6k VGA STYX Promo Mascot
WOW1CID EXE 24.0k VGA World of Wonders Cid Vicious
BB-STYX1 GIF 70.6k GIF STYX Promo Hi-Res Banana Basher
DIGIPAK1 NFO 1.5k NFO The DOA Digi-Pack Stealth Ninja
DOA-APLY TXT 1.6k APP DOA Application Form Stealth Ninja
SNSTYX1 ZIP 171.5k VGA STYX Promo SB Stealth Ninja
SNSTYX2 ZIP 71.0k VGA STYX Promo 2 SB Stealth Ninja
TOTAL SIZE unzipped 642.6k
TOTAL SIZE zipped 608.7k
Welcome to DOAs Jan/Feb Digi-Pack. A lot of changes have taken place in
DOA in these two months. We welcome aboard two new members, Cid Vicious and
Dark Ninja. Take a look at our collection of art for the Jan/Feb months of 93
and order a piece of art from any one of our sites today. Greets go out to:
Knight Hawk SixPak- Yo! You still alive?! Youre always welcome back man.
Mascot - Just got back from Canadian Tire, got myself a crowbar!
That 486 is mine!
Tatsu - You wanna come with me to Mascots house? Ill give you
the HD!
Cid Vicious - Welcome aboard! Awesome VGAs man, especially that last
one...evil grin
Banana Basher - One million five hundred and two, one million five hundred
and three...just counting the of VGAs you did. One
million fiv...
Spelljammer - Perfect file bases... echo You will keep Perfect file
bases echo
Dominator - Uhhh...er....uhmm......hmmmm....HI!
Dark Ninja - The A still doesnt look right...hmmm, oh well...j/k.
Vectorman - Oh, ok I get it...just one more question? look familiar
Evil Iggy - Still holding your breath?
Magik Pelvis - Foot taste good? -Hope you dont mind Tatsu :
Additional greets go out to the members of STYX, DEVO, SCI, and all other
groups out there!
As long as no modifications and/or alterations are done to this pack, you are
free to distribute it as a whole. Here is a list of files and descriptions:
File Name Size Description Artist
DN-DOA1 ANS 7.7k ANS DOA Promo Dark Ninja
DOAMMBRS ANS 2.6k ANS Member List Stealth Ninja
TSU-TAZ1 ANS 8.2k ANS TazNET Promo Tatsu
STYX! COM 1.8k ANS STYX Insert Tatsu
FILEID DIZ 0.2k DIZ File ID Stealth Ninja
BB-3ROG1 EXE 44.2k VGA The 3rd Reich of God Banana Basher
BB-CN1 EXE 20.6k VGA Chronic Necrosis Banana Basher
BB-DSOH1 EXE 26.1k VGA The Dark Side of Hell Banana Basher
BB-DSOH2 EXE 41.3k VGA The Dark Side of Hell 2 Banana Basher
BB-LOA1 EXE 10.7k VGA Legend of Ampasaurus Banana Basher
ELYCID1 EXE 12.0k VGA The Elysium Cid Vicious
LAIRCID1 EXE 11.2k VGA Dragons Lair Cid Vicious
MS-3ROG1 EXE 47.1k VGA The 3rd Reich of God Mascot
MS-DSOH1 EXE 26.0k VGA The Dark Side of Hell Mascot
MS-STYX! EXE 39.6k VGA STYX Promo Mascot
WOW1CID EXE 24.0k VGA World of Wonders Cid Vicious
BB-STYX1 GIF 70.6k GIF STYX Promo Hi-Res Banana Basher
DIGIPAK1 NFO 1.5k NFO The DOA Digi-Pack Stealth Ninja
DOA-APLY TXT 1.6k APP DOA Application Form Stealth Ninja
SNSTYX1 ZIP 171.5k VGA STYX Promo SB Stealth Ninja
SNSTYX2 ZIP 71.0k VGA STYX Promo 2 SB Stealth Ninja
TOTAL SIZE unzipped 642.6k
TOTAL SIZE zipped 608.7k
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