this image contains text
dominio memberslist....
--/name? /status? /email? /does what?
Anomite leader anomiteone@hotmail.com ANSI,Hirez
Choz founder thhauk@online.no Hirez
Eside co leader e.side@hotmail.com ASCII,Web
Panaji senior pure@fix.no ASCII,ANSI,Web
Acidblood member he@do.not.have.email ANSI
Booze member booze28@hotmail.com ANSI,ASCII
Corst member corst@paniczone.net ANSI
Cherox member megamanrc@hotmail.com Hirez
Dyingsoul member dyingsoul666@hotmail.com ANSI,ASCII
Pogue member pogue@mindless.com ASCII
Simonking member simonk@friko.onet.pl ANSI,ASCII
Xpozed member do.not@know.his.email. Hirez
gained: dyingsoul
lost: prothesis, photek, Vader, Spitifire, Guma
--/name? /number? /status /country?
Alien hideout +47 63801737 whq. Norway
Dark Portal +49-4392-89716 ghq. Germany
Sumatra +31-165 320064 dhq. Holland dutch
Black Rose Tavern +1-770-222-9012 ushq. United States
Tical +47 63816648 mem. Norway
Zenith +47 63826582 mem. Norway
gained: none ?
lost: plush - memberboard
closing words...
If you got the talent, and wants to be in a chill-out group, Dominios
the one for you. email leaders if this applies to you.
eside // dominio
dominio memberslist....
--/name? /status? /email? /does what?
Anomite leader anomiteone@hotmail.com ANSI,Hirez
Choz founder thhauk@online.no Hirez
Eside co leader e.side@hotmail.com ASCII,Web
Panaji senior pure@fix.no ASCII,ANSI,Web
Acidblood member he@do.not.have.email ANSI
Booze member booze28@hotmail.com ANSI,ASCII
Corst member corst@paniczone.net ANSI
Cherox member megamanrc@hotmail.com Hirez
Dyingsoul member dyingsoul666@hotmail.com ANSI,ASCII
Pogue member pogue@mindless.com ASCII
Simonking member simonk@friko.onet.pl ANSI,ASCII
Xpozed member do.not@know.his.email. Hirez
gained: dyingsoul
lost: prothesis, photek, Vader, Spitifire, Guma
--/name? /number? /status /country?
Alien hideout +47 63801737 whq. Norway
Dark Portal +49-4392-89716 ghq. Germany
Sumatra +31-165 320064 dhq. Holland dutch
Black Rose Tavern +1-770-222-9012 ushq. United States
Tical +47 63816648 mem. Norway
Zenith +47 63826582 mem. Norway
gained: none ?
lost: plush - memberboard
closing words...
If you got the talent, and wants to be in a chill-out group, Dominios
the one for you. email leaders if this applies to you.
eside // dominio
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