this image contains text
. .d
.,d b,.
.,d b.
.d .
,d .
.x .b.
.,d b.
.,d b,.
. .,d b,. ,x
, .d
.. .b.db. ..
.. b..xx..d .,
... ,. ., ,..x7
,.. .,d
b.....,. -rink-rat-
,.aaa. .aa. .saaa. .aa.
l l
ba.ed be.ad
,a. , , ,b d. d. ,b
ba.ed e.a .
Sa ad.
eS Sa ea.
drops fuckin 4th release!?
This Just in -- Drop News
soo, what could possibly be new with drop you say? well well..
mel farr has resigned as president and rink rat, has taken
the position. several attempts at bringing the group together
more have failed but alas, we will keep trying..
torreador was recently upgraded to rink rats senior staff and
will be second in charge.. this means he will have the
authority to add his own sick and twisted comedy, so beware!
in other member news, el-eye has ventured from high-res graphics
to the twisted realm of lo-res! he feels bad about his ansi
and thinks he sucks, so everyone compliment him also,
acolyte started his own lit group so he had to resign from drop.
bad-crc was promoted to vga coordinator after 2 months of not
hearing from the coordinator semso. speed freak quit because
he has become wrapped up with triloxy to run. a few other
members quit, but hey, they suck anyways!
features of this pack are 3 awesome pics by rink rat ehe,
along with klutchs first colli which rink rat deemed fair.
still in the ascii division, mustafa sied releases his first
few asciis this month, several in his colli and a few 25 line
logos for boards. finishing up the pack includes four tracks
from torreador and a guest track by claypool. and the lone ansi
this month is el-eyes colli.
rink took a vacation to toronto this month! and im gonna tell
you all about it whether you like it or not! i, rinky dink, am
from detroit suburb of and i just naturally assumed all big
cities were like detroit ie, kinda slummy, run down, with a few
nice new buildings and i assumed you wouldnt wanna be outside.
well boy was i wrong, i stayed out in downtown toronto all night
and i wasnt afraid. i went to a party but it sucked, just a
buncha teeny boopers hanging around smokin weed. i hit on 5 girls
and i think they only talked back cuz i have an american accent
anyways, my point is that detroit sucks.
now its that time again for me to tell anyone that actually
reads this newsletter other than the members that we want YOU to
join us in our quest to hrm, rule the art scene. right now we
need ansi members the most, as we only have 2 that contribute and
possibly 3 pending his decision. just run the dropapp.exe done
by empy and send the resulting file to rink@match.org along with
a sample of your work.
and now heres torreadors two bits... whats up beaners and
beanies!@!! torreador here with the latest shiznit on
the tracking scene for DROP. this month has been
extremely slow for me, which sucks! but oh well, life goes
on. im pissed that rinky didnt take my ass to toronto when
he went. i wanna meet some chicks dammit! but back to the
main idea, the tracking scene has been slow all in all. i
havent seen many trackers releasing their shit. as you all may
have figured out, i am outta things to say and i am just
blank-minded so ill send yall back to rinky caz he always
has something to say...
well, its about that time where i wrap things up, dis is rinky
back in control. i just got back from work and leeched torreadors
two bits. and on a completly side note as im often known for
doing i stole 6 from work today! shit im so fuckin bad..
phear my rebellious side..
Drop - Members
Rink Rat ASCII rink@match.org
Torreador TRACK Carrion69@aol.com
Bad-crc VGA badcrc@cybermail.net
Tormentor ANSI staffk@algonet.se
-- - ASCII E-MAIL - --
Dark Cube of 313
Organ Grinder
Mustafa Sied mustafa@psouth.net
Klutch klutch69@hotmail.com
-- - ANSI E-MAIL - --
Aerosmith aerosmith@match.org
Ripper1 ripper1@pipeline.com
El-Eye eleye@tcac.com
-- - LIT E-MAIL - --
Raven raven@match.org
-- - VGA E-MAIL - --
El-Eye eleye@tcac.com
Aerosmith aerosmith@match.org
Lizard interdog@america.net
,eaaa. .aaae,
a.a.a. .a.a.a
ai.l, ------ NEWBIES ------ ,l.ia
a.aa. this is where i intro .aa.a
a the new membuhz of drop a
a. these elite faces were .a
ii drawn by mustafa sied ii
. . -phear the newbiez!- . .
aa aa
mustafa sied: mustafa joined us from msg in ascii i think.. he does
mostly text logos for people, but he does an
occasional pic, like the one next to newbies
klutch: kind of funny story how this fellah joined drop
it turns out that rink rat once dated his older sister!
so rink got klutch involved in computers and eventually
taught him the way of ascii..
------ QUOTES ------
the following quote came while i was standing around with a
bunch of elite fellahs before we saw event horizon..
spb there was this 8 year old girl and she kept hitting on me
and it was pissing me off.. spb is 18 or so
doodoo well... was she hot! doodoo is in his 20s
maybe this was more of a you had to be there type thing, but
i found it hilarious..
------ CLOSING ------
music listened to while compiling this lovely pack together...
a. mentos commercial
b. simpsons theme song
c. an mp3 by a buddy of mine, doodoo
contacting us information...
a. rink@match.org
b. drop on efnet
c. http://drop.home.ml.org
::: rink ventured to toronto, and he liked what he saw :::
.,d b,.
.,d b.
.d .
,d .
.x .b.
.,d b.
.,d b,.
. .,d b,. ,x
, .d
.. .b.db. ..
.. b..xx..d .,
... ,. ., ,..x7
,.. .,d
b.....,. -rink-rat-
,.aaa. .aa. .saaa. .aa.
l l
ba.ed be.ad
,a. , , ,b d. d. ,b
ba.ed e.a .
Sa ad.
eS Sa ea.
drops fuckin 4th release!?
This Just in -- Drop News
soo, what could possibly be new with drop you say? well well..
mel farr has resigned as president and rink rat, has taken
the position. several attempts at bringing the group together
more have failed but alas, we will keep trying..
torreador was recently upgraded to rink rats senior staff and
will be second in charge.. this means he will have the
authority to add his own sick and twisted comedy, so beware!
in other member news, el-eye has ventured from high-res graphics
to the twisted realm of lo-res! he feels bad about his ansi
and thinks he sucks, so everyone compliment him also,
acolyte started his own lit group so he had to resign from drop.
bad-crc was promoted to vga coordinator after 2 months of not
hearing from the coordinator semso. speed freak quit because
he has become wrapped up with triloxy to run. a few other
members quit, but hey, they suck anyways!
features of this pack are 3 awesome pics by rink rat ehe,
along with klutchs first colli which rink rat deemed fair.
still in the ascii division, mustafa sied releases his first
few asciis this month, several in his colli and a few 25 line
logos for boards. finishing up the pack includes four tracks
from torreador and a guest track by claypool. and the lone ansi
this month is el-eyes colli.
rink took a vacation to toronto this month! and im gonna tell
you all about it whether you like it or not! i, rinky dink, am
from detroit suburb of and i just naturally assumed all big
cities were like detroit ie, kinda slummy, run down, with a few
nice new buildings and i assumed you wouldnt wanna be outside.
well boy was i wrong, i stayed out in downtown toronto all night
and i wasnt afraid. i went to a party but it sucked, just a
buncha teeny boopers hanging around smokin weed. i hit on 5 girls
and i think they only talked back cuz i have an american accent
anyways, my point is that detroit sucks.
now its that time again for me to tell anyone that actually
reads this newsletter other than the members that we want YOU to
join us in our quest to hrm, rule the art scene. right now we
need ansi members the most, as we only have 2 that contribute and
possibly 3 pending his decision. just run the dropapp.exe done
by empy and send the resulting file to rink@match.org along with
a sample of your work.
and now heres torreadors two bits... whats up beaners and
beanies!@!! torreador here with the latest shiznit on
the tracking scene for DROP. this month has been
extremely slow for me, which sucks! but oh well, life goes
on. im pissed that rinky didnt take my ass to toronto when
he went. i wanna meet some chicks dammit! but back to the
main idea, the tracking scene has been slow all in all. i
havent seen many trackers releasing their shit. as you all may
have figured out, i am outta things to say and i am just
blank-minded so ill send yall back to rinky caz he always
has something to say...
well, its about that time where i wrap things up, dis is rinky
back in control. i just got back from work and leeched torreadors
two bits. and on a completly side note as im often known for
doing i stole 6 from work today! shit im so fuckin bad..
phear my rebellious side..
Drop - Members
Rink Rat ASCII rink@match.org
Torreador TRACK Carrion69@aol.com
Bad-crc VGA badcrc@cybermail.net
Tormentor ANSI staffk@algonet.se
-- - ASCII E-MAIL - --
Dark Cube of 313
Organ Grinder
Mustafa Sied mustafa@psouth.net
Klutch klutch69@hotmail.com
-- - ANSI E-MAIL - --
Aerosmith aerosmith@match.org
Ripper1 ripper1@pipeline.com
El-Eye eleye@tcac.com
-- - LIT E-MAIL - --
Raven raven@match.org
-- - VGA E-MAIL - --
El-Eye eleye@tcac.com
Aerosmith aerosmith@match.org
Lizard interdog@america.net
,eaaa. .aaae,
a.a.a. .a.a.a
ai.l, ------ NEWBIES ------ ,l.ia
a.aa. this is where i intro .aa.a
a the new membuhz of drop a
a. these elite faces were .a
ii drawn by mustafa sied ii
. . -phear the newbiez!- . .
aa aa
mustafa sied: mustafa joined us from msg in ascii i think.. he does
mostly text logos for people, but he does an
occasional pic, like the one next to newbies
klutch: kind of funny story how this fellah joined drop
it turns out that rink rat once dated his older sister!
so rink got klutch involved in computers and eventually
taught him the way of ascii..
------ QUOTES ------
the following quote came while i was standing around with a
bunch of elite fellahs before we saw event horizon..
spb there was this 8 year old girl and she kept hitting on me
and it was pissing me off.. spb is 18 or so
doodoo well... was she hot! doodoo is in his 20s
maybe this was more of a you had to be there type thing, but
i found it hilarious..
------ CLOSING ------
music listened to while compiling this lovely pack together...
a. mentos commercial
b. simpsons theme song
c. an mp3 by a buddy of mine, doodoo
contacting us information...
a. rink@match.org
b. drop on efnet
c. http://drop.home.ml.org
::: rink ventured to toronto, and he liked what he saw :::
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