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issue 2
i sticks it in the
hole and i feel beta
as soon as i make a
ahhh sound.
tuday is issue 2 of mr french.
mommy told me that mistur french likes to visit all sorts of exciting places.
one place he goes to evey thursday night is at my house where mommy works from
in the basement. there is a wall there with a hole in it, i herd french call it
a glory hole wunce. as you know it is christmas soon and mistur french will be
cuoming over for his praesents. every yeer he comes over in his santy outfit
and goes to the basement and he puts his candy cane in the glory holes.
mum calls it a candy cane so i goto sckool and i hear the girls in class tell
me that they like eating candy cains. so one day i pulled my pants down and i
said to tiffany that she can have mine but she must give it back because i need
it to peepee. i got in trubble with miss dukes because tiffany told on me but
i thort that i was in trubble becoz tiffany isnt allowed to have sugar.
that is the last time i offer my candy cane to a girl. they are dobbers. maybe
next time i will give it to my frend hamish becaose boys dont tell on boys.
girls r yuk.
ansi by est2010 that is short for etashblished 2010 for the year iam born in.
issue 2
i sticks it in the
hole and i feel beta
as soon as i make a
ahhh sound.
tuday is issue 2 of mr french.
mommy told me that mistur french likes to visit all sorts of exciting places.
one place he goes to evey thursday night is at my house where mommy works from
in the basement. there is a wall there with a hole in it, i herd french call it
a glory hole wunce. as you know it is christmas soon and mistur french will be
cuoming over for his praesents. every yeer he comes over in his santy outfit
and goes to the basement and he puts his candy cane in the glory holes.
mum calls it a candy cane so i goto sckool and i hear the girls in class tell
me that they like eating candy cains. so one day i pulled my pants down and i
said to tiffany that she can have mine but she must give it back because i need
it to peepee. i got in trubble with miss dukes because tiffany told on me but
i thort that i was in trubble becoz tiffany isnt allowed to have sugar.
that is the last time i offer my candy cane to a girl. they are dobbers. maybe
next time i will give it to my frend hamish becaose boys dont tell on boys.
girls r yuk.
ansi by est2010 that is short for etashblished 2010 for the year iam born in.
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