this image contains text
carrOt clUb
pOofs sectiOn Well, here we are again...Yup thats right its Devious again, the same ol group that started back in September of 94 right
back atcha! This is our Not-so 1 year Anniversery! But, now
we are mostly focused on a being a friends oriented group with
none of the common problems that go along with other groups such as: conflicts with members, and deadline hassles and all that fucking stupid shit. After being in 2 groups since DVSs departure I have learned that there is no place like home . And, Im going back where I came from. DVS merged with some fucking lame group in Mid March which became United. Well, that group just plain blew nutz, there were
over 90 members, and frankly, the only good thing was the fucking confs . So that group died after its first pack cuz I quit and well..it died. Then in May I started Vapor which was a good group art wise, but people got to be assholes are tried to do things for themselves and not for the group, and that also died. VPR died in July right after its best pack they released 3. So, you must be saying...Why the fuck do I give a shit..Well, I dont fucking give a shit if you do, Im just telling some history from the group. But, after all that bullshit..It taught me a lesson, and a few others and myself came up with the idea of this group. So here it is. And, I guarantee that it will last. The people that have helped put this group back together are as follows: Sandman: This guy was with me all the way on this idea and helped me the most with all the principles of the group etc..The whole friends concept was thought up by Sandman and myself, so if there are any kinda leaders in this group, he is defintely one of them. Next person would be Iczer-1: This guy has been with me in
EVERY group I have ever been in. And, he was with us 110 on this group and he did alot of really nice artwork this month. He should also be looked at as a leader in the group. Next would be Twister:
heh...Yet another person that has followed me where ever I have went. A really great artist, and a really big stoner, but thats
besides the point . His work was the first that I recieved for this pack, and he was also an ex-DVS member. Our next Contributer would be Quisling: Quisling has brought his great artwork over to
DVS, he is also in Union I know. But, since he is good friends with the group members, he was invited in and gladly accepted. And I look foward to working with him more in the future. Another person that has done alot with DVS is Blenderhead: He is a really great artist as well. He excells in Rip, but, he is also very good with ANSi, and has brought his skills over to DVS. He is also in Union, but once again he is a close friend to the group and was invited . Another great artist in our ranks is Visigoth: He is superb VGA artist who has established himself as one of the best. Being apart of ACiD for along time now, his work is widely seen and respected by all. Once again another friend that was invited and gladly accepted . Another Ex-DVS alumni in the group is Leper Messiah: Leper has been with me quite along time, ever since the orginal DVS back in Sept of 94. Out of all the ppl that are apart of this reunion of sorts, I think he was the most excited to hear the news . He also brings
along some phone skills, which are important . One of my good pals
that is with us is Bloodshot: This irc guru brings his keen insight to the group and helps around with his sharp observational and writin skillz ...He rocks shit thru straws . Another artist that comes to us from his own group is Nero: Yeah, he comes to us from his group Splat! This youngster is a friend of mine, and he has alot of growing potencial in ANSi art, and Im sure he will excell in other areas. And, Im glad to have him aboard. An artist that came kinda late in the month being Iridescent: he is formely of groups like Vapor/Union and Spastic among some others. He has changed his handle like 2 times in the past 2 months . He is having some kind of indentity problem , but he is a pretty cool guy that has been with me since May, and
he is a nice asset to the group. He is also trying to run his own group I believe called Apathy, and I wish him luck. The next member
is a really good friend of mine and he is Dsinny: this loud mouthd guy is one of the coolest mother fuckers in the scene . And he does some nifty phone shit every once in awhile when he feels like it. And he is a great part of the group. One other guy that is part of the group that I owe alot to is Giant Iguana: this guy got me some nifty shit in the past and I thank him very much for it. He has also been with me for along time, and he is otherwise known on confs as the
Hindu Killer . A member that doesnt do much but is with us ahhh in spirit we could say is Morbid Fixation: He is a really close friend of mine and a great artist when he feels like doing art that is . He is also a member of Dark, and has been with me since he
first started drawing back in January . Well, that is about all the bullshitting I have to do. Id just like to give thanks to everyone that have contributed to the pack, drawing or not, you guys deserve a pat on the back. And as you can see, we dont want any applicants, this an all friends group, the only way to get in is to be invited be myself or one of the other ppl in the
group. And lastly, please DO NOT ask us for a site, cuz we dont want any of those fucking nerve racking things . Well, thats about all I have to say. Hope you all enjoyd the pack, alot of hard work was put in. Lates Evil Ernie poof DVS MOFUCKA
sandmAns sectiOn Well look at this peachy keen. VAPOR died just one month after I quit spastic. This just lead me to try to figure what I was going to with myself other than work. My local group that I founded called the digital disorder tdd is basically gone, but I keep the name for pride. carrOt klUb is swell, as always. Still, something was missing from my extensive computing. So, poOf ee and I sat down at least I was and rang up a phone bill while planing the future of our known lives. DVS came back. After painstaking hours of
conversation we decided that DVS would be friends only and invite only after that. Loyality is a nifty aspect in the art scene, if you only have people in a group for status and what they really want is to be in one of those other colas groups, then your structure of the group equals jello gelatin melting in a black metal bowl in the sun on a hot muggy day in other words, unstable. We bring you DVS in a new and not-so new package. My hopes being that this group will become my final resting place in the scene unless it is
disturbed ie: killed. So I welcome you to view, experience, and live the new deviOus.
sandmAn dvs.tdd.ck! email.bayfield@io.com dreamscapeweb.http://www.io.com/bayfield
qUislings sectiOn
Just wondering, you gonna have to burn your pubic hairs off with
a hot iron rod? - Poof Quislings ramblings...
Shit, I suppose this is my segment on the fuqn info file... Life is good, Garcia is dead, my parents are lame, college shall be nifty, groups are rad, titles are boring, work is tiresom, chicks are the world, photography is the shit, little kids rock The Guardians ass, nudes are keen, my cats name is Kramer, Evil
Ernie is dead, my god had narcolepsy and Im dislexic, infinity is a dream, wild horses die in the city, cops dont like punks, shit smells good in the summer, hard crap is hard to find on hot days, more women need to give better blow jobs, lubrication is always good, bombs are fun, Oklahoma seems like the middle east, terrorism works in mysterious ways, christians suck, religion is the downfall of the modern world, you never see athiests using evolution as an exuse, I saw you fucking my hamster, furry animals require tongs, being lost in the morning sucks, what happened to Tito, Ill stop the world and melt with you, rainbows rarely appear in black and white, you ever see a man with his hand stuck in the meat grinder, signlanguage is difficult for parapalegics, hungry people need to eat more, Ive only met one
chick thats had lopsided tits, cupsize? whats that?, Brian, have you had a girl yet? Huh?, rouy dog si daed dna on eno serac, racecar backwards is racecar and wacky backwards is ykcaw, my existance was prophosized, we gave japan the VCR, calculators make rad vgas, dewdle my schlong in circles, are you getting off
on this, Theres not much that can offend me anymore?, shes larger than life and life is pretty big, are you sitting in the corner living the lyrics to every green day song, I wear my
underwear backwards incase I forget my name, Im a hasidic jew turned mormon, VAPOR is dead, Kennedy is lame, The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off to conserve energy - The Management, if you think you have control youre wrong, freedom is a luxury, life is short, stupid people shouldnt breed, sex is a fun thing, bondage is intriging and my fingers are now tired...
There ya go... about 20 minutes of random thoughts... brought to you by the imfamous Quisling... ansi and layout for this infofile done by the almighty sandman of dvs
pOofs sectiOn Well, here we are again...Yup thats right its Devious again, the same ol group that started back in September of 94 right
back atcha! This is our Not-so 1 year Anniversery! But, now
we are mostly focused on a being a friends oriented group with
none of the common problems that go along with other groups such as: conflicts with members, and deadline hassles and all that fucking stupid shit. After being in 2 groups since DVSs departure I have learned that there is no place like home . And, Im going back where I came from. DVS merged with some fucking lame group in Mid March which became United. Well, that group just plain blew nutz, there were
over 90 members, and frankly, the only good thing was the fucking confs . So that group died after its first pack cuz I quit and well..it died. Then in May I started Vapor which was a good group art wise, but people got to be assholes are tried to do things for themselves and not for the group, and that also died. VPR died in July right after its best pack they released 3. So, you must be saying...Why the fuck do I give a shit..Well, I dont fucking give a shit if you do, Im just telling some history from the group. But, after all that bullshit..It taught me a lesson, and a few others and myself came up with the idea of this group. So here it is. And, I guarantee that it will last. The people that have helped put this group back together are as follows: Sandman: This guy was with me all the way on this idea and helped me the most with all the principles of the group etc..The whole friends concept was thought up by Sandman and myself, so if there are any kinda leaders in this group, he is defintely one of them. Next person would be Iczer-1: This guy has been with me in
EVERY group I have ever been in. And, he was with us 110 on this group and he did alot of really nice artwork this month. He should also be looked at as a leader in the group. Next would be Twister:
heh...Yet another person that has followed me where ever I have went. A really great artist, and a really big stoner, but thats
besides the point . His work was the first that I recieved for this pack, and he was also an ex-DVS member. Our next Contributer would be Quisling: Quisling has brought his great artwork over to
DVS, he is also in Union I know. But, since he is good friends with the group members, he was invited in and gladly accepted. And I look foward to working with him more in the future. Another person that has done alot with DVS is Blenderhead: He is a really great artist as well. He excells in Rip, but, he is also very good with ANSi, and has brought his skills over to DVS. He is also in Union, but once again he is a close friend to the group and was invited . Another great artist in our ranks is Visigoth: He is superb VGA artist who has established himself as one of the best. Being apart of ACiD for along time now, his work is widely seen and respected by all. Once again another friend that was invited and gladly accepted . Another Ex-DVS alumni in the group is Leper Messiah: Leper has been with me quite along time, ever since the orginal DVS back in Sept of 94. Out of all the ppl that are apart of this reunion of sorts, I think he was the most excited to hear the news . He also brings
along some phone skills, which are important . One of my good pals
that is with us is Bloodshot: This irc guru brings his keen insight to the group and helps around with his sharp observational and writin skillz ...He rocks shit thru straws . Another artist that comes to us from his own group is Nero: Yeah, he comes to us from his group Splat! This youngster is a friend of mine, and he has alot of growing potencial in ANSi art, and Im sure he will excell in other areas. And, Im glad to have him aboard. An artist that came kinda late in the month being Iridescent: he is formely of groups like Vapor/Union and Spastic among some others. He has changed his handle like 2 times in the past 2 months . He is having some kind of indentity problem , but he is a pretty cool guy that has been with me since May, and
he is a nice asset to the group. He is also trying to run his own group I believe called Apathy, and I wish him luck. The next member
is a really good friend of mine and he is Dsinny: this loud mouthd guy is one of the coolest mother fuckers in the scene . And he does some nifty phone shit every once in awhile when he feels like it. And he is a great part of the group. One other guy that is part of the group that I owe alot to is Giant Iguana: this guy got me some nifty shit in the past and I thank him very much for it. He has also been with me for along time, and he is otherwise known on confs as the
Hindu Killer . A member that doesnt do much but is with us ahhh in spirit we could say is Morbid Fixation: He is a really close friend of mine and a great artist when he feels like doing art that is . He is also a member of Dark, and has been with me since he
first started drawing back in January . Well, that is about all the bullshitting I have to do. Id just like to give thanks to everyone that have contributed to the pack, drawing or not, you guys deserve a pat on the back. And as you can see, we dont want any applicants, this an all friends group, the only way to get in is to be invited be myself or one of the other ppl in the
group. And lastly, please DO NOT ask us for a site, cuz we dont want any of those fucking nerve racking things . Well, thats about all I have to say. Hope you all enjoyd the pack, alot of hard work was put in. Lates Evil Ernie poof DVS MOFUCKA
sandmAns sectiOn Well look at this peachy keen. VAPOR died just one month after I quit spastic. This just lead me to try to figure what I was going to with myself other than work. My local group that I founded called the digital disorder tdd is basically gone, but I keep the name for pride. carrOt klUb is swell, as always. Still, something was missing from my extensive computing. So, poOf ee and I sat down at least I was and rang up a phone bill while planing the future of our known lives. DVS came back. After painstaking hours of
conversation we decided that DVS would be friends only and invite only after that. Loyality is a nifty aspect in the art scene, if you only have people in a group for status and what they really want is to be in one of those other colas groups, then your structure of the group equals jello gelatin melting in a black metal bowl in the sun on a hot muggy day in other words, unstable. We bring you DVS in a new and not-so new package. My hopes being that this group will become my final resting place in the scene unless it is
disturbed ie: killed. So I welcome you to view, experience, and live the new deviOus.
sandmAn dvs.tdd.ck! email.bayfield@io.com dreamscapeweb.http://www.io.com/bayfield
qUislings sectiOn
Just wondering, you gonna have to burn your pubic hairs off with
a hot iron rod? - Poof Quislings ramblings...
Shit, I suppose this is my segment on the fuqn info file... Life is good, Garcia is dead, my parents are lame, college shall be nifty, groups are rad, titles are boring, work is tiresom, chicks are the world, photography is the shit, little kids rock The Guardians ass, nudes are keen, my cats name is Kramer, Evil
Ernie is dead, my god had narcolepsy and Im dislexic, infinity is a dream, wild horses die in the city, cops dont like punks, shit smells good in the summer, hard crap is hard to find on hot days, more women need to give better blow jobs, lubrication is always good, bombs are fun, Oklahoma seems like the middle east, terrorism works in mysterious ways, christians suck, religion is the downfall of the modern world, you never see athiests using evolution as an exuse, I saw you fucking my hamster, furry animals require tongs, being lost in the morning sucks, what happened to Tito, Ill stop the world and melt with you, rainbows rarely appear in black and white, you ever see a man with his hand stuck in the meat grinder, signlanguage is difficult for parapalegics, hungry people need to eat more, Ive only met one
chick thats had lopsided tits, cupsize? whats that?, Brian, have you had a girl yet? Huh?, rouy dog si daed dna on eno serac, racecar backwards is racecar and wacky backwards is ykcaw, my existance was prophosized, we gave japan the VCR, calculators make rad vgas, dewdle my schlong in circles, are you getting off
on this, Theres not much that can offend me anymore?, shes larger than life and life is pretty big, are you sitting in the corner living the lyrics to every green day song, I wear my
underwear backwards incase I forget my name, Im a hasidic jew turned mormon, VAPOR is dead, Kennedy is lame, The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off to conserve energy - The Management, if you think you have control youre wrong, freedom is a luxury, life is short, stupid people shouldnt breed, sex is a fun thing, bondage is intriging and my fingers are now tired...
There ya go... about 20 minutes of random thoughts... brought to you by the imfamous Quisling... ansi and layout for this infofile done by the almighty sandman of dvs
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