this image contains text
-//-------/ hooligan! /
------------- error art august
nineteen ninetyfive pack ------------- Fi
rst of all we would like to apologize for the lack of a 0795-pack.
The reason why is becused i managed to format one of my harddrives
with most of the stuff for the 0795-pack on it. Ive also changed
to obv and that took most of my sparetime.
New for this pack is the separation of vga in one part and ansi, rip,
ascii in the other part. We did this because many people wanted to see
them in different parts and to keep the size down.
Since the last ea pack Stile has died. The members of EA wants to
thank Stile for the time and some very hi-quality packs. R.i.p.
From this pack, we will release our bbs utilities under a new name.
The EA bbs utility section is now called juice. Proxyon is the
leader of juice and you can get in touch with him on the ice box.
New members this month is:
HOOLIGAN finnish asciiartist with an own style and a big talent
LEATHERFACE swedish asciiartist that is really good
Our US headquarter emerald dawn has closed, new US HQ is absolute entropy
EA wish all of them a warm welcome to the group!
Last of all, we would like to thank Spellbinder for his fileid.diz!
motan 17/07/95 tosh10 of error art
------------- error art august
nineteen ninetyfive pack ------------- Fi
rst of all we would like to apologize for the lack of a 0795-pack.
The reason why is becused i managed to format one of my harddrives
with most of the stuff for the 0795-pack on it. Ive also changed
to obv and that took most of my sparetime.
New for this pack is the separation of vga in one part and ansi, rip,
ascii in the other part. We did this because many people wanted to see
them in different parts and to keep the size down.
Since the last ea pack Stile has died. The members of EA wants to
thank Stile for the time and some very hi-quality packs. R.i.p.
From this pack, we will release our bbs utilities under a new name.
The EA bbs utility section is now called juice. Proxyon is the
leader of juice and you can get in touch with him on the ice box.
New members this month is:
HOOLIGAN finnish asciiartist with an own style and a big talent
LEATHERFACE swedish asciiartist that is really good
Our US headquarter emerald dawn has closed, new US HQ is absolute entropy
EA wish all of them a warm welcome to the group!
Last of all, we would like to thank Spellbinder for his fileid.diz!
motan 17/07/95 tosh10 of error art
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