![member list by rai + bold](/pack/ecl-02/x1/02-MEM.NFO.png)
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ansi by
ECLIPSE JULY 1996 MEMBER LIST -------------------------------------------------
well, this month we have a new theme for the member list, as we will every
month .. this months theme is the G.I. JOE theme .. if you think really
hard back to the time when you had G.I. Joes, you can remember that they
all came with those elite cards on the back, describing them and their
ranks and life stories and stuff .. so here they are .. seven new members, 77, mighty mouse, cheeze, magnatop, bold, dieznyik and crayon .. some of these profiles have nothing to do with the members, but it was still really fun
.. eclipse may be shutting its doors on applicants soon .. we want to maintain
a close knit group and we wanna dont wanna become too big .. so if you wanna
apply, apply while you can .. send yer apps to rai on his board, fall from grace at 616-791-7571 ..
Code Name:
Special Forces Commander
Filename: RAI. SN: 343-33-LEAD
Primary Military Specialty: Commanding
Secondary: Infantry
Birthplace: Wahoo, NE Grade: E-7
Gung Ho is an excellent leader, he
coordinates many efforts towards the final
overtake of acid .. he has commanded
several succesfull missions in this
area ..
Code Name:
Dreadnok Poacher
Filename: SPLATT. SN: 334-55-STANK
Primary Military Specialty: Stinking
Secondary: Biological Warfare
Birthplace: MexicoGrade: E-2
Gnawgahyde could have single-handedly
taken over acid if his fellow artists
hadnt kicked him out of mexico for smell-
ing bad .. He wont bathe for a month, he
greases himself with rancid hog-fat, and
eats what he can trap ..
Code Name:
Ansi Expert
Filename: CHEEZE. SN: 342-23-ANSI
Primary Military Specialty: Art Instruction
Secondary: Technician
Birthplace: Miami, FL Grade: E-4
Snake eyes is a new addition to the team
this month, he posesses extreme art
skills, and is regarded in the group
as one of the best .. his talents will
hopefully lead to the final overtake
of acid ..
Code Name:
Communications Expert
Primary Military Specialty: Communication
Secondary: Technician
Birthplace: Kent City, MIGrade: E-3
Spearhead helps to set up all the
expert communications aspects of
the group .. he is a proffesional
in this area ..
Code Name:
Special Defense Penetrator
Filename: RED CIRCLE. SN: 343-23-BUTT
Primary Military Specialty: Master Diver
Secondary: underwater demolition instructor
Birthplace: Hoboken, NJ Grade:E-2
Back Blast specializes in the penetration
of enemy forces, and delivers his load
all the time ..he personally enjoys
taking them from the behind ..
Code Name:
Covert Demolitions Expert
Filename: BOLD. SN: 376-28-DEMO
Primary Military Specialty: Covert Op.
Secondary: Demolition
Birthplace: Anchorage, AS Grade:E-6
Night Viper is a Cover Operations expert,
he can do many things to fool the
enemy, disguise himself, hide, etc ..
when it gets cold here in michigan, he
is gonna teach us to ice-fish .. he is
a native american in alaska ..
Code Name:
Filename: DIEZNYIK. SN: 346-25-NONE
Primary Military Specialty: Unknown
Secondary: Unkown
Birthplace: Somewhere on Mars Grade:E-9
ok, there is this big obsession with
aliens lately in the world, well, here
is a real live one .. dieznyik, he only
comes to visit us when he drops off his
artwork for the eclipse pak .. he is is
the only artist we have allowed in the
group that doesnt live with us ..
Code Name:
Frag Guy
Filename:GRENDEL.SN: 345-66-FRAG
Primary Military Specialty: Fragging
Secondary: uhm .. more fragging..
Birthplace:Grand Rapids, MIGrade:E-7
Frag-Viper is very good at fragging ..
he does stuff with Frags ..and
believe me, this guy knows a LOT about
frags .. like .. for instance, i think
he knows what one is ..
Code Name:
Undercover Infiltration
Filename:CRAYON. SN: 734-92-ISPY
Primary Military Specialty: Spy stuff
Secondary: Decifering code
Birthplace: Somewhere, EuropeGrade:G-8
Cobra Commander is one of the best
undercover agent around, we are lucky
to have him on our team. He is currently
supplying us with info from large groups
such as acid, ice and decades ..
Code Name:
Multi-Shot Grenadier
Filename:SMOKEY.SN: 393-33-BOMB
Primary Military Specialty: Bombing
Secondary: Explosives
Birthplace: Cooperstown, NYGrade:E-3
Hardball is a bomb expert who is
also a large help to the group ..
he helps in the groups bomb area ..
yeah .. thats it ..
Code Name:
Pimp expert
Filename: MAGNATOP. SN: 334-43-PIMP
Primary Military Specialty: Pimping
Secondary: more pimping
Birthplace: NYC, NY Grade: E-3
Hawk is primarily interested in the
aspect of pimping, he has the pimpiest
fro of all, and he has that jivin
talk too .. on top of it all, he is
an excellent artist ..
Code Name:
Mascot Specializer
Filename:TORGO. SN: 134-34-TORG
Primary Military Specialty:Mascotness
Secondary: Moral Support
Birthplace: unknownGrade: E-1
Chuckles is a unique guy, he
specializes in moral support for
the team, although he may not draw,
he is a major part in the groups
overall effect ..
Code Name:
Animal Expert
Filename:SIR DEATH. SN: 233-33-CROC
Primary Military Specialty: Animals
Secondary: Crocodile taming
Birthplace: Cumberland, RIGrade:E-3
Croc Master is an expert at the
taming of crocodiles, he specializes
in animal training and such .. he
is a big help to the group ..dont
ask me why, but crocodile tamers
can really draw ..
Code Name:
Martial Arts Expert
Filename:MIGHTY MOUSE. SN: 253-23-KICK
Primary Military Specialty: Martial Arts
Secondary: Cooking
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CAGrade:E-5
Storm Shadow is an expert ninja,
he has mastered all the abilities
of the ninja .. He has also mastered
the technique set forth by master artist
Mark Kistler called Ninja Art ..
Code Name:
Undercover Infiltration
Filename:AGENT 77. SN: 234-35-SPIE
Primary Military Specialty: Spy Stuff
Secondary: Decifering Code
Birthplace: Unknown Grade:E-7
Not much is known about the mysterious
Agent 77, he is another Undercover
Infiltration expert, along with Crayon,
he works for an unknown agencie ..
ansi by
ECLIPSE JULY 1996 MEMBER LIST -------------------------------------------------
well, this month we have a new theme for the member list, as we will every
month .. this months theme is the G.I. JOE theme .. if you think really
hard back to the time when you had G.I. Joes, you can remember that they
all came with those elite cards on the back, describing them and their
ranks and life stories and stuff .. so here they are .. seven new members, 77, mighty mouse, cheeze, magnatop, bold, dieznyik and crayon .. some of these profiles have nothing to do with the members, but it was still really fun
.. eclipse may be shutting its doors on applicants soon .. we want to maintain
a close knit group and we wanna dont wanna become too big .. so if you wanna
apply, apply while you can .. send yer apps to rai on his board, fall from grace at 616-791-7571 ..
Code Name:
Special Forces Commander
Filename: RAI. SN: 343-33-LEAD
Primary Military Specialty: Commanding
Secondary: Infantry
Birthplace: Wahoo, NE Grade: E-7
Gung Ho is an excellent leader, he
coordinates many efforts towards the final
overtake of acid .. he has commanded
several succesfull missions in this
area ..
Code Name:
Dreadnok Poacher
Filename: SPLATT. SN: 334-55-STANK
Primary Military Specialty: Stinking
Secondary: Biological Warfare
Birthplace: MexicoGrade: E-2
Gnawgahyde could have single-handedly
taken over acid if his fellow artists
hadnt kicked him out of mexico for smell-
ing bad .. He wont bathe for a month, he
greases himself with rancid hog-fat, and
eats what he can trap ..
Code Name:
Ansi Expert
Filename: CHEEZE. SN: 342-23-ANSI
Primary Military Specialty: Art Instruction
Secondary: Technician
Birthplace: Miami, FL Grade: E-4
Snake eyes is a new addition to the team
this month, he posesses extreme art
skills, and is regarded in the group
as one of the best .. his talents will
hopefully lead to the final overtake
of acid ..
Code Name:
Communications Expert
Primary Military Specialty: Communication
Secondary: Technician
Birthplace: Kent City, MIGrade: E-3
Spearhead helps to set up all the
expert communications aspects of
the group .. he is a proffesional
in this area ..
Code Name:
Special Defense Penetrator
Filename: RED CIRCLE. SN: 343-23-BUTT
Primary Military Specialty: Master Diver
Secondary: underwater demolition instructor
Birthplace: Hoboken, NJ Grade:E-2
Back Blast specializes in the penetration
of enemy forces, and delivers his load
all the time ..he personally enjoys
taking them from the behind ..
Code Name:
Covert Demolitions Expert
Filename: BOLD. SN: 376-28-DEMO
Primary Military Specialty: Covert Op.
Secondary: Demolition
Birthplace: Anchorage, AS Grade:E-6
Night Viper is a Cover Operations expert,
he can do many things to fool the
enemy, disguise himself, hide, etc ..
when it gets cold here in michigan, he
is gonna teach us to ice-fish .. he is
a native american in alaska ..
Code Name:
Filename: DIEZNYIK. SN: 346-25-NONE
Primary Military Specialty: Unknown
Secondary: Unkown
Birthplace: Somewhere on Mars Grade:E-9
ok, there is this big obsession with
aliens lately in the world, well, here
is a real live one .. dieznyik, he only
comes to visit us when he drops off his
artwork for the eclipse pak .. he is is
the only artist we have allowed in the
group that doesnt live with us ..
Code Name:
Frag Guy
Filename:GRENDEL.SN: 345-66-FRAG
Primary Military Specialty: Fragging
Secondary: uhm .. more fragging..
Birthplace:Grand Rapids, MIGrade:E-7
Frag-Viper is very good at fragging ..
he does stuff with Frags ..and
believe me, this guy knows a LOT about
frags .. like .. for instance, i think
he knows what one is ..
Code Name:
Undercover Infiltration
Filename:CRAYON. SN: 734-92-ISPY
Primary Military Specialty: Spy stuff
Secondary: Decifering code
Birthplace: Somewhere, EuropeGrade:G-8
Cobra Commander is one of the best
undercover agent around, we are lucky
to have him on our team. He is currently
supplying us with info from large groups
such as acid, ice and decades ..
Code Name:
Multi-Shot Grenadier
Filename:SMOKEY.SN: 393-33-BOMB
Primary Military Specialty: Bombing
Secondary: Explosives
Birthplace: Cooperstown, NYGrade:E-3
Hardball is a bomb expert who is
also a large help to the group ..
he helps in the groups bomb area ..
yeah .. thats it ..
Code Name:
Pimp expert
Filename: MAGNATOP. SN: 334-43-PIMP
Primary Military Specialty: Pimping
Secondary: more pimping
Birthplace: NYC, NY Grade: E-3
Hawk is primarily interested in the
aspect of pimping, he has the pimpiest
fro of all, and he has that jivin
talk too .. on top of it all, he is
an excellent artist ..
Code Name:
Mascot Specializer
Filename:TORGO. SN: 134-34-TORG
Primary Military Specialty:Mascotness
Secondary: Moral Support
Birthplace: unknownGrade: E-1
Chuckles is a unique guy, he
specializes in moral support for
the team, although he may not draw,
he is a major part in the groups
overall effect ..
Code Name:
Animal Expert
Filename:SIR DEATH. SN: 233-33-CROC
Primary Military Specialty: Animals
Secondary: Crocodile taming
Birthplace: Cumberland, RIGrade:E-3
Croc Master is an expert at the
taming of crocodiles, he specializes
in animal training and such .. he
is a big help to the group ..dont
ask me why, but crocodile tamers
can really draw ..
Code Name:
Martial Arts Expert
Filename:MIGHTY MOUSE. SN: 253-23-KICK
Primary Military Specialty: Martial Arts
Secondary: Cooking
Birthplace: Los Angeles, CAGrade:E-5
Storm Shadow is an expert ninja,
he has mastered all the abilities
of the ninja .. He has also mastered
the technique set forth by master artist
Mark Kistler called Ninja Art ..
Code Name:
Undercover Infiltration
Filename:AGENT 77. SN: 234-35-SPIE
Primary Military Specialty: Spy Stuff
Secondary: Decifering Code
Birthplace: Unknown Grade:E-7
Not much is known about the mysterious
Agent 77, he is another Undercover
Infiltration expert, along with Crayon,
he works for an unknown agencie ..
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