this image contains text
eclipse 1996 - the dopest this side of whatever you
re on this side of
hey! cheeze here, and although it wasnt my duty to writ
e an infofile
this time around, i decided to, as an update to magnatops.
hold on to your
seat! h0h0h0..
i guess this is kind of lie a mag this time, ehh? s
anyways, id just like to point out a couple things:
1 if you downloaded this pack, you are in for some of the w
orst art ever
produced.. so why even waist your time?
2 the vote is in! eclipse WILL be accepting members! but, t
heres a catch..
we are going to be very selective, and you must be voted
in with a 75
majority vote.. so whip out your trusty tub of lard, and
contact an eclipse
member! if we suddenly begin to get too big, well stop
accepting members
uh oh.. warpus has just whispered something in my ear..
whats that
honey? you want to say something to the nice people? well..
i would like to take this time to thank cheeze for allow
ing me to voice my
opinions and for letting me release this in the eclipse
pack. without cheeze
you would not be reading this, without *cheeze* you woul
d still not
understand the beauty of wallpaper and everything else t
hat comes with it.
i admit that i spend too much time with wallpaper, but h
ow much time is
enough? how many more rolls of thrown-away wallpaper mu
st rot in the streets
of san francisco? how many more wallpaper designers mus
t get involved in the
wallpaper mafia? when will all this madness stop? ive
been asking myself
these questions for days now, and let me tell you someth
ing. i dont know.
what i do know, is that more people like *you* must get
involved in this
ever-so-growing religious past-time. how would you feel
if you were so out
of touch you did not even know what colour the famous BR
N02 design was? not
very good at all. would you consider suicide to relieve
this pain? most
certainly. reliable studies indicate that over 50 of t
eenagers on the
planet commit suicide every day because of wallpaper wit
hdrawal. they feel
out of touch, angry with themselves and feel that the on
ly thing they can
do to relieve this suffering is jump off a building, cli
mb into a fridge
or even join acid. but it doesnt have to be this way!
join me and many
other wallpaper fanatics and we will show you the light!
wow.. that was really moving. ok. on with it..
HEY! GUESS WHAT? i dont know. but, i DO have an eclipse
trivia question for you! YAY! when eclipse released
pack 08, was it a just another pack,
b the eclipse death pack, c the fake death of eclipse, o
r d a disgusting
array of mutilated body parts? answer at the end of this in
on a side note, adonut has married splatt, after finally
getting a
chance to sit down and have a long talk over tacos and refri
ed beans. it seems
that although they are very different, they are also very mu
ch alike.
lalal.. listen to me ramble. this is fu.. . SARKASM! WHA
back in the days, when i was a kid, there was this ice c
ream truck guy that
we called rAlPhEeE. ralphee always broke for donuts. on
e day ralphee told us t
at he had a 911 Porsche that he raced at teh Santa Anita
Horse Racing tracks
yeah I know hes a filthy liar well, i bleieved him an
d i went with him one
day and we rode da h0rzees all day long. we had lots of
fun. he gave me free
ice cream. the point of this paragraph is useless. lets
go on.daYEM.
when i was a native afrikkkan, my rela name was sarqazUl
u. i was destined
by divine right to be the next leader of my clan the pu
-tang clan but then
the white man came and took my sheep, my dogs, and left
the women. they took
me to amerikkka, where they sold me for fiddy cent. i li
ked the way they uesd
to talk to me like a dipshit, so I started talking like
that. now its been
awhile, and people call me ignoant cuz i dont talk like
jews. lil did htey kno
that i was really an educatead afrikkan. they also yelle
d FUCK YOU at me all
teha time, so I renamed myself FUCK YOU SARQAZULU, so no
w dey just call my
name, im real popular.
its been brought to my attention that this is going to
be in the ekkklipze
packkk. therefore ill act likkke its a pedophile, er in
fofile. i herd that
ekkklipze was really fuckkking lame, so i just had to wr
ite this up. iu mean
id never do soemthign for an ELiTE group. so uhm. don
t enjoy the packkk.
. ..well shit man, if you wanted to say something, you c
ould have said
so.. those damn carrots really hurt.
oh, btw - in case you were wondering why eclipse is back
, its because
WE FEEL LIKE IT! SO THERE!!! pllhhhhhh.. h0h0h0.
ITS TIME FOR.. theme music ..QUOTES FROM PARIAH!tm,c,
quote 1:
umm.. thats all wrong.. youre lying.. ask anybody,
im not an ant..
really.. im human.. i dont have tentacles.. *i don
t have tentacles*
.then warpus raped a 12 year old girl..
its probably a disguise.. you just slip into your human
outfit and everyone
sees you as being human but god forbid someone drops a b
ag of sugar on the
floor or anything else full of glucose for you will rip
off your outfit and
rush torwards the spilled sweets.. then your cover will
be blown.
quote 2:
wow.. i didnt know that. i never knew bold was unsane, i
was about to accuse
bold of ripping unsane.. jeepers. err, as you can all se
e.. no matter what
you think of eclipses humor, just like the aphex twin i
m constantly using
him as an example lately.. odd we are producing high qu
ality art and still
playing a joke on our scene at the same time. sitting
back, relaxing and
with ease doing what others cant do much of.
quote 3:
hehe : we should open an eclipse church.. i could be a
priest, ive always
wanted to be a priest.... but NOOO im too slow or else
god doesnt like
i guess thats it! enjoy the pack! and be sure to take a
look at all
the other .nfo stuff.. yeah. smooved out, yo oh yeah.. and
look for 10 out
hopefully the first day of 97!! THE TORGO SHOW !!!
answer to the trivia question: f .. buahahahaha
thanks to sarkasm, warpus,
and pariah for the stuff in this.. wee
eclipse 1996 - the dopest this side of whatever you
re on this side of
hey! cheeze here, and although it wasnt my duty to writ
e an infofile
this time around, i decided to, as an update to magnatops.
hold on to your
seat! h0h0h0..
i guess this is kind of lie a mag this time, ehh? s
anyways, id just like to point out a couple things:
1 if you downloaded this pack, you are in for some of the w
orst art ever
produced.. so why even waist your time?
2 the vote is in! eclipse WILL be accepting members! but, t
heres a catch..
we are going to be very selective, and you must be voted
in with a 75
majority vote.. so whip out your trusty tub of lard, and
contact an eclipse
member! if we suddenly begin to get too big, well stop
accepting members
uh oh.. warpus has just whispered something in my ear..
whats that
honey? you want to say something to the nice people? well..
i would like to take this time to thank cheeze for allow
ing me to voice my
opinions and for letting me release this in the eclipse
pack. without cheeze
you would not be reading this, without *cheeze* you woul
d still not
understand the beauty of wallpaper and everything else t
hat comes with it.
i admit that i spend too much time with wallpaper, but h
ow much time is
enough? how many more rolls of thrown-away wallpaper mu
st rot in the streets
of san francisco? how many more wallpaper designers mus
t get involved in the
wallpaper mafia? when will all this madness stop? ive
been asking myself
these questions for days now, and let me tell you someth
ing. i dont know.
what i do know, is that more people like *you* must get
involved in this
ever-so-growing religious past-time. how would you feel
if you were so out
of touch you did not even know what colour the famous BR
N02 design was? not
very good at all. would you consider suicide to relieve
this pain? most
certainly. reliable studies indicate that over 50 of t
eenagers on the
planet commit suicide every day because of wallpaper wit
hdrawal. they feel
out of touch, angry with themselves and feel that the on
ly thing they can
do to relieve this suffering is jump off a building, cli
mb into a fridge
or even join acid. but it doesnt have to be this way!
join me and many
other wallpaper fanatics and we will show you the light!
wow.. that was really moving. ok. on with it..
HEY! GUESS WHAT? i dont know. but, i DO have an eclipse
trivia question for you! YAY! when eclipse released
pack 08, was it a just another pack,
b the eclipse death pack, c the fake death of eclipse, o
r d a disgusting
array of mutilated body parts? answer at the end of this in
on a side note, adonut has married splatt, after finally
getting a
chance to sit down and have a long talk over tacos and refri
ed beans. it seems
that although they are very different, they are also very mu
ch alike.
lalal.. listen to me ramble. this is fu.. . SARKASM! WHA
back in the days, when i was a kid, there was this ice c
ream truck guy that
we called rAlPhEeE. ralphee always broke for donuts. on
e day ralphee told us t
at he had a 911 Porsche that he raced at teh Santa Anita
Horse Racing tracks
yeah I know hes a filthy liar well, i bleieved him an
d i went with him one
day and we rode da h0rzees all day long. we had lots of
fun. he gave me free
ice cream. the point of this paragraph is useless. lets
go on.daYEM.
when i was a native afrikkkan, my rela name was sarqazUl
u. i was destined
by divine right to be the next leader of my clan the pu
-tang clan but then
the white man came and took my sheep, my dogs, and left
the women. they took
me to amerikkka, where they sold me for fiddy cent. i li
ked the way they uesd
to talk to me like a dipshit, so I started talking like
that. now its been
awhile, and people call me ignoant cuz i dont talk like
jews. lil did htey kno
that i was really an educatead afrikkan. they also yelle
d FUCK YOU at me all
teha time, so I renamed myself FUCK YOU SARQAZULU, so no
w dey just call my
name, im real popular.
its been brought to my attention that this is going to
be in the ekkklipze
packkk. therefore ill act likkke its a pedophile, er in
fofile. i herd that
ekkklipze was really fuckkking lame, so i just had to wr
ite this up. iu mean
id never do soemthign for an ELiTE group. so uhm. don
t enjoy the packkk.
. ..well shit man, if you wanted to say something, you c
ould have said
so.. those damn carrots really hurt.
oh, btw - in case you were wondering why eclipse is back
, its because
WE FEEL LIKE IT! SO THERE!!! pllhhhhhh.. h0h0h0.
ITS TIME FOR.. theme music ..QUOTES FROM PARIAH!tm,c,
quote 1:
umm.. thats all wrong.. youre lying.. ask anybody,
im not an ant..
really.. im human.. i dont have tentacles.. *i don
t have tentacles*
.then warpus raped a 12 year old girl..
its probably a disguise.. you just slip into your human
outfit and everyone
sees you as being human but god forbid someone drops a b
ag of sugar on the
floor or anything else full of glucose for you will rip
off your outfit and
rush torwards the spilled sweets.. then your cover will
be blown.
quote 2:
wow.. i didnt know that. i never knew bold was unsane, i
was about to accuse
bold of ripping unsane.. jeepers. err, as you can all se
e.. no matter what
you think of eclipses humor, just like the aphex twin i
m constantly using
him as an example lately.. odd we are producing high qu
ality art and still
playing a joke on our scene at the same time. sitting
back, relaxing and
with ease doing what others cant do much of.
quote 3:
hehe : we should open an eclipse church.. i could be a
priest, ive always
wanted to be a priest.... but NOOO im too slow or else
god doesnt like
i guess thats it! enjoy the pack! and be sure to take a
look at all
the other .nfo stuff.. yeah. smooved out, yo oh yeah.. and
look for 10 out
hopefully the first day of 97!! THE TORGO SHOW !!!
answer to the trivia question: f .. buahahahaha
thanks to sarkasm, warpus,
and pariah for the stuff in this.. wee
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