![infofile letter b by mo/logo: cz](/pack/ecl-11/x1/INFO11B.NFO.png)
this image contains text
-------- magnatops eclipse
info file .. --------
Greetings young reading scenester. You may be wondering
why I have so much
excellent art this release. Well, Im not going to answer
that, because you
dont deserve an answer. However, I am going to give my th
oughts on some
things that have been going on. You may or may not want to
read this, and
wheather you do or not doesnt effect me in any way other t
han self-esteem.
That is however only if you choose to tell me that you thou
ght I was a looser.
--- a dog, eating lunch .
---- @ ansi complaint numero uno
@ ----
So, youve been visiting ansi on efnet and you say to y
ourself, what the
is with all this disgusting pornography and stuff? Well, I
think thats a
good question. Well, Im damn sick of people saying that.
If you dont
like porn, dont visit channels that support it. You stupi
d idiots... And
if you dont like people that act gay, then dont visit the
only channel that
supports it, ansi. I am a chanop on ansi. Sometimes I s
ay to myself, why
am I a channel op? And then I remember, because I can kick
people. But I
dont because remorse gets mad. So, I just tell people lik
e 88keys to kick
people, because hes fearless. And then I say to myself ag
ain, gee, I suck.
Then I say Who wants to logo trade? and no one messages m
e, because I suck.
I think I found the problem in ansi, its me.. I suck. If
I wasnt in ansi
there wouldnt be any gay people, or people that ask for lo
gos by messaging
everyone with Do you take reqs?. Or maybe its simply be
cause Im not gay
and that surprises everyone. I dont know. I think the ma
in problem is well.. that uhm.. I uhm.. suck.
---- @ art in my eyes
@ ----
Once again I have yet another thought, this is getting t
o be almost like an
emag. Well, anyways.. I have something to say.. How many o
f your nerds reading this have ever looked at REAL ar
twork? Im not talking real artwork as in
Somms and Tempus Stuff.. Im talking, paintings by crazy pe
ople. Have you
ever noticed the difference in styles. Example: Dali, Pica
sso. These are
two artists that you should probably have atleast heard of.
Picasso is like
flame smoochie smoochie. And Id have to say that Dali i
s more like uhm..
well uh.. Ck... or something. Ok, bad example.. but you ge
t the idea. If you
have a different style, and it doesnt suck, then that will
make you
impressive. Even when people start copying people, example
, when an idea
becomes an institution.. like lord jazzs now oned style
became an
institution. Boy would that suck. I think making tutorial
s is bad if youre
going to demostrate your own style. I dont really have my
OWN style, but Im
trying to find one. I think Im coming close to ripping th
e style of uhm..
kinda toony type logo artists, splatt, cz.. etc.. but not r
so, just for the fucking record. When you make ansi, why d
ont you try and
be a little more original.. try something new, itll help y
ou, trust me. Im
---- @ my lamer complaint
@ ----
Have you ever made ansi in school? I do quite frequentl
y now... its sad
really. But hey, Ive been getting a lot better grades in
school and Ive
been making a hella more ansi.. But one thing really bugs m
e. I hate it when
I cant just sit and make ansi. All these fucking people k
eep walking up to
me and say Hey, whatcha making.. and Hey, whats that sa
y? .. I really
get irritated. In fact, sometimes I want to pull out my 9,
and cap em. But
Id probably go to jail for that. Ive even written about
half of this info
file at school, and at this very moment someone is reading
the upper half
of this page. I dont think he realizes how much danger he
s in... so, Im
going to hook mr. madness pla, HEY MRM!@ up with his info
s.. Boy will that
be funny.. So anyways.. I guess thats the entirety of my i
nfo file.. I
imagine you have a different view point now from what Ive
said.. well,
probably not.. but fuck that.
-----------@@ ECL @@! !.. 02/97 elk lips
... mO
-------- magnatops eclipse
info file .. --------
Greetings young reading scenester. You may be wondering
why I have so much
excellent art this release. Well, Im not going to answer
that, because you
dont deserve an answer. However, I am going to give my th
oughts on some
things that have been going on. You may or may not want to
read this, and
wheather you do or not doesnt effect me in any way other t
han self-esteem.
That is however only if you choose to tell me that you thou
ght I was a looser.
--- a dog, eating lunch .
---- @ ansi complaint numero uno
@ ----
So, youve been visiting ansi on efnet and you say to y
ourself, what the
is with all this disgusting pornography and stuff? Well, I
think thats a
good question. Well, Im damn sick of people saying that.
If you dont
like porn, dont visit channels that support it. You stupi
d idiots... And
if you dont like people that act gay, then dont visit the
only channel that
supports it, ansi. I am a chanop on ansi. Sometimes I s
ay to myself, why
am I a channel op? And then I remember, because I can kick
people. But I
dont because remorse gets mad. So, I just tell people lik
e 88keys to kick
people, because hes fearless. And then I say to myself ag
ain, gee, I suck.
Then I say Who wants to logo trade? and no one messages m
e, because I suck.
I think I found the problem in ansi, its me.. I suck. If
I wasnt in ansi
there wouldnt be any gay people, or people that ask for lo
gos by messaging
everyone with Do you take reqs?. Or maybe its simply be
cause Im not gay
and that surprises everyone. I dont know. I think the ma
in problem is well.. that uhm.. I uhm.. suck.
---- @ art in my eyes
@ ----
Once again I have yet another thought, this is getting t
o be almost like an
emag. Well, anyways.. I have something to say.. How many o
f your nerds reading this have ever looked at REAL ar
twork? Im not talking real artwork as in
Somms and Tempus Stuff.. Im talking, paintings by crazy pe
ople. Have you
ever noticed the difference in styles. Example: Dali, Pica
sso. These are
two artists that you should probably have atleast heard of.
Picasso is like
flame smoochie smoochie. And Id have to say that Dali i
s more like uhm..
well uh.. Ck... or something. Ok, bad example.. but you ge
t the idea. If you
have a different style, and it doesnt suck, then that will
make you
impressive. Even when people start copying people, example
, when an idea
becomes an institution.. like lord jazzs now oned style
became an
institution. Boy would that suck. I think making tutorial
s is bad if youre
going to demostrate your own style. I dont really have my
OWN style, but Im
trying to find one. I think Im coming close to ripping th
e style of uhm..
kinda toony type logo artists, splatt, cz.. etc.. but not r
so, just for the fucking record. When you make ansi, why d
ont you try and
be a little more original.. try something new, itll help y
ou, trust me. Im
---- @ my lamer complaint
@ ----
Have you ever made ansi in school? I do quite frequentl
y now... its sad
really. But hey, Ive been getting a lot better grades in
school and Ive
been making a hella more ansi.. But one thing really bugs m
e. I hate it when
I cant just sit and make ansi. All these fucking people k
eep walking up to
me and say Hey, whatcha making.. and Hey, whats that sa
y? .. I really
get irritated. In fact, sometimes I want to pull out my 9,
and cap em. But
Id probably go to jail for that. Ive even written about
half of this info
file at school, and at this very moment someone is reading
the upper half
of this page. I dont think he realizes how much danger he
s in... so, Im
going to hook mr. madness pla, HEY MRM!@ up with his info
s.. Boy will that
be funny.. So anyways.. I guess thats the entirety of my i
nfo file.. I
imagine you have a different view point now from what Ive
said.. well,
probably not.. but fuck that.
-----------@@ ECL @@! !.. 02/97 elk lips
... mO
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