this image contains text
note - this anscii won out of all art submitted for
the goth compo, i recieved my e-LeeT 14.4 z00M as a g . ift
,dP 7@g,
7h, ,g@h
7h, dW
7h, . 7,7WP
32P 732@g. 7P
,g Iyyg5
g, l its a G for the GOTH
:W ,P compo. scroll down for
7P, ,nmyggggyyg, 68 lines of funk..
y y 7h,
h, keep no idols
yyyyyy IWh
, - pariahECLIPSE
gyyyy l , ,P
,d,h, ,dP ,g@5555@g,
gyyy 7h,
gyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 7h
I ,
l ,dP
,g@555@g, l ,dh,
l ,g@3,d33@g.
.g@32h,7P,dWP ,@gyyyyh, ,d3@gyy,dh,h
h,7,dWP 7P .g@3232@g. 7 ,dh, 77 ,yyyyyy, 7P ,yygggy, P7P 7P ,dh, 7P ,dh, ,g P ,d dP, . 7@gyyg@P, ,7h7 ,h, d, dI lI I,,l * l Ih,Wh dW ,h, ,d,dh,h, ,d, 7WP,d3@gyy@33@yggg@3h, 7 dh ,g@
l 7P 7 h,7P,d 7 3gyy@3 ,d,7P, d ,7P, dh,7@,,@P,dP d ,P,gyyyyyy,7, P , ,dh, , h, ,7,I I,P,hh,7,,555,,P,dh,7,h,7P,d,P,dWlh,7,73@gyyyy@3,P,d 7h,73@gyy3@gyyyyy@3P 7P 7WWh,7P 7P
,dg yyyP 7P 7h, ,dP 7P 7h,,dP 7P GOTH +o julian and trahma 7yyWP ascii done by pariah of ECLIPSE studios 1997 7gy
*** note :: from this point forward i am no longer doing free asciis for any ***one who asks me, not because i think im too good but because i dont have the
time. this means the only way you can SURELY get an ascii from me is to work outsome sort of trade with me if you see me on irc, or if you have nothing at all to offer, pay me.. one dollar im not big on charging, hell 50 cents is fine.
anyone who wants to trade/give me a 50 cents, leave pariah a note on phlome..
the goth compo, i recieved my e-LeeT 14.4 z00M as a g . ift
,dP 7@g,
7h, ,g@h
7h, dW
7h, . 7,7WP
32P 732@g. 7P
,g Iyyg5
g, l its a G for the GOTH
:W ,P compo. scroll down for
7P, ,nmyggggyyg, 68 lines of funk..
y y 7h,
h, keep no idols
yyyyyy IWh
, - pariahECLIPSE
gyyyy l , ,P
,d,h, ,dP ,g@5555@g,
gyyy 7h,
gyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy 7h
I ,
l ,dP
,g@555@g, l ,dh,
l ,g@3,d33@g.
.g@32h,7P,dWP ,@gyyyyh, ,d3@gyy,dh,h
h,7,dWP 7P .g@3232@g. 7 ,dh, 77 ,yyyyyy, 7P ,yygggy, P7P 7P ,dh, 7P ,dh, ,g P ,d dP, . 7@gyyg@P, ,7h7 ,h, d, dI lI I,,l * l Ih,Wh dW ,h, ,d,dh,h, ,d, 7WP,d3@gyy@33@yggg@3h, 7 dh ,g@
l 7P 7 h,7P,d 7 3gyy@3 ,d,7P, d ,7P, dh,7@,,@P,dP d ,P,gyyyyyy,7, P , ,dh, , h, ,7,I I,P,hh,7,,555,,P,dh,7,h,7P,d,P,dWlh,7,73@gyyyy@3,P,d 7h,73@gyy3@gyyyyy@3P 7P 7WWh,7P 7P
,dg yyyP 7P 7h, ,dP 7P 7h,,dP 7P GOTH +o julian and trahma 7yyWP ascii done by pariah of ECLIPSE studios 1997 7gy
*** note :: from this point forward i am no longer doing free asciis for any ***one who asks me, not because i think im too good but because i dont have the
time. this means the only way you can SURELY get an ascii from me is to work outsome sort of trade with me if you see me on irc, or if you have nothing at all to offer, pay me.. one dollar im not big on charging, hell 50 cents is fine.
anyone who wants to trade/give me a 50 cents, leave pariah a note on phlome..
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