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Wasted again...Just wastin
Thats all I do anymore.
...I just sit here and rot
Smoke a bowl
....Roll up a phatty
Get all toked up and
just chill
Wastin away.
At times I sit and think..
ponder of things to come
But its usually interrupte
d by my high..
Is this all there is to
life? Just tokin up?
And wastin a
I coulda been the p
Coulda been a doctor....
At least, thats what p
arents told me...
But I just choose to tok
e up and waste away...
Im no hero, well maybe
to some I am
But even thats not
Im a disposab
le hero
Thats all I do anymore.
...I just sit here and rot
Smoke a bowl
....Roll up a phatty
Get all toked up and
just chill
Wastin away.
At times I sit and think..
ponder of things to come
But its usually interrupte
d by my high..
Is this all there is to
life? Just tokin up?
And wastin a
I coulda been the p
Coulda been a doctor....
At least, thats what p
arents told me...
But I just choose to tok
e up and waste away...
Im no hero, well maybe
to some I am
But even thats not
Im a disposab
le hero
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