this image contains text
// what is it ?!
a man reaching out to the stars.
one arm up one arm down. head back.
standing. above him the stars.
under him the ground.
// what should it be ?!
a catch, not just of the image but of the
impression the image image in my mind
in this case has. this means i have
to ask myself how does it feel ?.
the image of the answer is the picture.
// technical.
i think drawing an man in the dark gets
the best results if i you lotsa fuzz
and a b/w scheme. like photography.
// there are some mechanisms, some functions
in this pic who are used to support the
impressionistic goal. see: if we use lotsa
contrast we have lack of lightsources. one
lightsource - one shadow. simple.
the stars are in an interaction with the
girl. they have a connection and this nz relational element can be clearly determined beholding the form in which they are grouped.
a semi-circle where the man is in the middle.
// closing words
everything beyond this point is not completely true. lets see. what is it. an action. one
tryes to reach the stars still ruled by the law of earth. up there are the stars, the in-
tellectual, crystal, more white clear things - down there is contemplative mother earth and
her strange. in the middle is the man. i dont use any evidences of sex. behold it as man, woman - it has no intention, no need to be
a special man.by not saying it is man or woman i support the impression that the sense of the peace is more a general term. it is not just
counting for man or for black man or for black man from euriope neither for male nor female
the figure here is man from mankind itself
you neednt believe that.
i am not angry if you thought its a face.
nearly noone understands it.
a man reaching out to the stars.
one arm up one arm down. head back.
standing. above him the stars.
under him the ground.
// what should it be ?!
a catch, not just of the image but of the
impression the image image in my mind
in this case has. this means i have
to ask myself how does it feel ?.
the image of the answer is the picture.
// technical.
i think drawing an man in the dark gets
the best results if i you lotsa fuzz
and a b/w scheme. like photography.
// there are some mechanisms, some functions
in this pic who are used to support the
impressionistic goal. see: if we use lotsa
contrast we have lack of lightsources. one
lightsource - one shadow. simple.
the stars are in an interaction with the
girl. they have a connection and this nz relational element can be clearly determined beholding the form in which they are grouped.
a semi-circle where the man is in the middle.
// closing words
everything beyond this point is not completely true. lets see. what is it. an action. one
tryes to reach the stars still ruled by the law of earth. up there are the stars, the in-
tellectual, crystal, more white clear things - down there is contemplative mother earth and
her strange. in the middle is the man. i dont use any evidences of sex. behold it as man, woman - it has no intention, no need to be
a special man.by not saying it is man or woman i support the impression that the sense of the peace is more a general term. it is not just
counting for man or for black man or for black man from euriope neither for male nor female
the figure here is man from mankind itself
you neednt believe that.
i am not angry if you thought its a face.
nearly noone understands it.
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