this image contains text
welcome to the second emerge pack. this pack is the result of a couple very
frustrating days of my, euphorias, work on putting it together. : .. for all
you apsiring group leaders out there, i cant say this enough. dont do it.
although there are fun parts seeing your final product a LOT of hard work
goes into putting together a quality pack. this will, in turn, probably be the
last time you see me putting together an emerge pack for a while. anyway..
this pack, in my eyes, is infinitely better than our last. this is because of
a little thing we use now called quality control. if you dont know whats been
going on the past month with emerge, well, we basically brought in the guys fromapathy and made two of them seniors b0rys and saint sinner. they are too of
the phattest pimps i know credit of the word pimp goes to b0rys. anyway,
they have been obviously instrumental in making this pack happen.
another amazing thing has been the arrival of doctor chug. doctor chug just
happens to be one of if not THE best ascii artist in the world. all the guys
at whatever other groups he was in are stupid for just letting him go, and we
have had the VERY lucky oppertunity of bringing him to emerge. check out his
AMAZING pic, FIVE HUNDRED PLUS LINES, dc!ereb.asc.. it is no doubt one of the
most amazing ascii pics ever. he has also become emerges co ascii-head along
with biohazard.
because the guys from apathy came over, we felt that having five seniors would
be ridiculous and that it just wouldnt work. as a result, steelflight very
graciously stepped down from being a senior and became emerges public
coordinator. not many people would do what steelflight did as easily as sf did
it. he knew that if he stayed on as a senior it would just be a status symbol
or what have you, and he really wouldnt be able to contribute as a senior
should. the seniors at emerge applaud steelflight. or something. :
this brings us to the part of the nfo where i tell you all the cool new guys in
emerge. we bring in omot from apathy, who adds a great new guy to our ansi dept.we only have one pic from him this month, but it is pretty rad. of course
saint sinner and borys come to us from apathy as well. saint sinner is a pretty
damn awesome pic artist, and borys is a very good fontist. voiz is back! voiz,
who all of you thought left the scene, is really here to stay with emerge. he
will not be joining any other groups under any circumstances, he is in emerge
for fun, and fun only. he did some really cool shit for this pack. check it out.bigge pif also joined the emerge ansi ranks this month. he did us one rad pic,
and hes also a canadien! wo0o! i cant wait for the next emerge conf, where
voiz and bigge pif can make fun of the master in french so he wont understand.
ah well, the rest of us will just have to keep making fun of harvey tm to his
face like weve been doing : .. also coming to the ansi dept this month was
reflexion. he is very good at fonts the header for this file is his only work
for the pack this month, and hes getting better at pics. we also brough in
phatal this month. hes in a lot of other groups at the moment, and he gave us
one ansi for the pack. we hope to see more of his work in future packs. and of
course, we brought cable to emerge in this pack! he unforunately has only joinedus for ansi, but thats enough for now. unfortunately none of cables work was
able to be included in this months pack. hopefully next month will be his monthto release! :
in the ascii dept this month weve had several new members join. mr. popeil
came over from illness, and he showcases his font skills in his two stack files.hes a damn good fontist, and a cool guy. he also runs a rad board with turtle
of ice, check it out. of course dr. chug joins us from cia. nuff said. shakti
of quad-p joins emerge ascii. shakti has a really cool style, and did a lot of
shit for my e-mag, golden arches. we hope to see him continue to produce like hehas. suburban terrorist and rezolution joined emerges lit department this
month. as well, mojo of eden came over to do lit with emerge. unfortunately,
terminal velocity, our ex-lit head, has left the group to pursue his career withcia. we wish him the best. epidemic also joined our ascii department, and he
already has two k-spiff asciis ready to go. i think thats all the new members,
if i forgot anybody, shoot me. oh yeah, tripe quit emerge, then re-joined, and
now isnt sure what hes doing. but hes releasing with us this month again,
as for next month, who knows.
this has really been a great month for emerge. i hope to see emerge grow as it
has over this last month every month. i think we will prove a lot of people
wrong with this pack. although i may not continue to be a senior for emerge
next month, i hope this group stays around and kicks some ass, whether or not
i am. i think it will. special thanks go to data ruckus. many of you know data
ruckus as dremerge on irc. he is one of the coolest guys ive met in the scene,and i hope he continues in emerge. he, and just about everybody else in emerge
know that without him, emerge would DEFINITELY not be where they are today. his
telecom and other low-key but appreciated things hes done for us are invaluable
also this month emerge kicked off its new e-mag koded by yours truly, golden
arhces! check it out, the latest issue of it is in this pack. it features a lot
of emergs ascii artists art.
well, thats about it from me for this month. laterz..
- euphoria emerge!
epemerge or epemerge on irc
Well, this emerge pack looks nice I guess everyone that said wed
suck can eat thier words at this point Heh .. well, enough gloating
for now ... This month emerge is looking a lot better. Weve got an
ansi division that is looking nice this month, a nicer ascii division,
and a da best telcom division but you guys dont see that, eh?. Well,
also this month, Erebuss damn 800 went down at the worst time it
possibly could, killing communication at the end of the month, so right
now Euphoria is running around like a nut thanks eric, the group needs
ya Well, i dont know if Saint Sinner is going to discuss this, but
i would like to talk for a second about the Apathy/Emerge merge, if you
would like to call it that Apathy was a small group that Saint
Sinner and I borys were starting to form. We were starting to pick up
some nice members and get going. On my board, euphoria was trying to
get a distro site off of me, and after a while of chatting, he wanted
to possibly merge. SS and I were wary about this, since the group we
had both just left, eden was killed by a merge. Well, Euphoria gave us
both the info for the emerge conference right after there first pack
which i will agree sucked. After looking at the pack, i was really
just planning on tell euph that we werent interested. Well, after six
or so hours, we were definitely merging. All of the emerge seniors
were cool, and they seemed like people i could and have get along
with. Eup is a tireless senior, always doing some progect or another,
Harv the master is pretty cool with public relations and shit like
that. SS and I, the two new seniors both have our own niches too. SS
got the ansi division jumpstarted, and ive done my own public rela-
tions thing Well, thats about all of the emerge bullshit for this
month that i can think of that eric hasnt already put in. Id like to
mention a few non-emerge-related things at this point, since a few
people are prolly bored and reading to this point Is it just me or
did almost every 800 bbs go down last week? All of the ones i know of
except Malfeas did ... hmm is the phone company catching on finally?
Oh well, id also like dive to try and contact me if he could, we had
some unfinished business going on before the 800s crashed Oh well
latahs to all.
Another great thing happened since the first pack, Rezolution is back. He used to be known as Dreldragon, the founder of broken. I would like to thank him for coming back. If it wasnt for Rezolution, Broken would have never
begun and Emerge would have never existed. If it wasnt for him, i wouldnt have
gotten interested in the art scene. Thanks Dan. I also wanted to welcome Saint Sinner and Borys as seniors. They really brought us great talent and will
be major contributors as seniors in emerge. Basically thats all, Euphoria covered everything else:
The Master Senior Staff
.. . eof mofo . ..
welcome to the second emerge pack. this pack is the result of a couple very
frustrating days of my, euphorias, work on putting it together. : .. for all
you apsiring group leaders out there, i cant say this enough. dont do it.
although there are fun parts seeing your final product a LOT of hard work
goes into putting together a quality pack. this will, in turn, probably be the
last time you see me putting together an emerge pack for a while. anyway..
this pack, in my eyes, is infinitely better than our last. this is because of
a little thing we use now called quality control. if you dont know whats been
going on the past month with emerge, well, we basically brought in the guys fromapathy and made two of them seniors b0rys and saint sinner. they are too of
the phattest pimps i know credit of the word pimp goes to b0rys. anyway,
they have been obviously instrumental in making this pack happen.
another amazing thing has been the arrival of doctor chug. doctor chug just
happens to be one of if not THE best ascii artist in the world. all the guys
at whatever other groups he was in are stupid for just letting him go, and we
have had the VERY lucky oppertunity of bringing him to emerge. check out his
AMAZING pic, FIVE HUNDRED PLUS LINES, dc!ereb.asc.. it is no doubt one of the
most amazing ascii pics ever. he has also become emerges co ascii-head along
with biohazard.
because the guys from apathy came over, we felt that having five seniors would
be ridiculous and that it just wouldnt work. as a result, steelflight very
graciously stepped down from being a senior and became emerges public
coordinator. not many people would do what steelflight did as easily as sf did
it. he knew that if he stayed on as a senior it would just be a status symbol
or what have you, and he really wouldnt be able to contribute as a senior
should. the seniors at emerge applaud steelflight. or something. :
this brings us to the part of the nfo where i tell you all the cool new guys in
emerge. we bring in omot from apathy, who adds a great new guy to our ansi dept.we only have one pic from him this month, but it is pretty rad. of course
saint sinner and borys come to us from apathy as well. saint sinner is a pretty
damn awesome pic artist, and borys is a very good fontist. voiz is back! voiz,
who all of you thought left the scene, is really here to stay with emerge. he
will not be joining any other groups under any circumstances, he is in emerge
for fun, and fun only. he did some really cool shit for this pack. check it out.bigge pif also joined the emerge ansi ranks this month. he did us one rad pic,
and hes also a canadien! wo0o! i cant wait for the next emerge conf, where
voiz and bigge pif can make fun of the master in french so he wont understand.
ah well, the rest of us will just have to keep making fun of harvey tm to his
face like weve been doing : .. also coming to the ansi dept this month was
reflexion. he is very good at fonts the header for this file is his only work
for the pack this month, and hes getting better at pics. we also brough in
phatal this month. hes in a lot of other groups at the moment, and he gave us
one ansi for the pack. we hope to see more of his work in future packs. and of
course, we brought cable to emerge in this pack! he unforunately has only joinedus for ansi, but thats enough for now. unfortunately none of cables work was
able to be included in this months pack. hopefully next month will be his monthto release! :
in the ascii dept this month weve had several new members join. mr. popeil
came over from illness, and he showcases his font skills in his two stack files.hes a damn good fontist, and a cool guy. he also runs a rad board with turtle
of ice, check it out. of course dr. chug joins us from cia. nuff said. shakti
of quad-p joins emerge ascii. shakti has a really cool style, and did a lot of
shit for my e-mag, golden arches. we hope to see him continue to produce like hehas. suburban terrorist and rezolution joined emerges lit department this
month. as well, mojo of eden came over to do lit with emerge. unfortunately,
terminal velocity, our ex-lit head, has left the group to pursue his career withcia. we wish him the best. epidemic also joined our ascii department, and he
already has two k-spiff asciis ready to go. i think thats all the new members,
if i forgot anybody, shoot me. oh yeah, tripe quit emerge, then re-joined, and
now isnt sure what hes doing. but hes releasing with us this month again,
as for next month, who knows.
this has really been a great month for emerge. i hope to see emerge grow as it
has over this last month every month. i think we will prove a lot of people
wrong with this pack. although i may not continue to be a senior for emerge
next month, i hope this group stays around and kicks some ass, whether or not
i am. i think it will. special thanks go to data ruckus. many of you know data
ruckus as dremerge on irc. he is one of the coolest guys ive met in the scene,and i hope he continues in emerge. he, and just about everybody else in emerge
know that without him, emerge would DEFINITELY not be where they are today. his
telecom and other low-key but appreciated things hes done for us are invaluable
also this month emerge kicked off its new e-mag koded by yours truly, golden
arhces! check it out, the latest issue of it is in this pack. it features a lot
of emergs ascii artists art.
well, thats about it from me for this month. laterz..
- euphoria emerge!
epemerge or epemerge on irc
Well, this emerge pack looks nice I guess everyone that said wed
suck can eat thier words at this point Heh .. well, enough gloating
for now ... This month emerge is looking a lot better. Weve got an
ansi division that is looking nice this month, a nicer ascii division,
and a da best telcom division but you guys dont see that, eh?. Well,
also this month, Erebuss damn 800 went down at the worst time it
possibly could, killing communication at the end of the month, so right
now Euphoria is running around like a nut thanks eric, the group needs
ya Well, i dont know if Saint Sinner is going to discuss this, but
i would like to talk for a second about the Apathy/Emerge merge, if you
would like to call it that Apathy was a small group that Saint
Sinner and I borys were starting to form. We were starting to pick up
some nice members and get going. On my board, euphoria was trying to
get a distro site off of me, and after a while of chatting, he wanted
to possibly merge. SS and I were wary about this, since the group we
had both just left, eden was killed by a merge. Well, Euphoria gave us
both the info for the emerge conference right after there first pack
which i will agree sucked. After looking at the pack, i was really
just planning on tell euph that we werent interested. Well, after six
or so hours, we were definitely merging. All of the emerge seniors
were cool, and they seemed like people i could and have get along
with. Eup is a tireless senior, always doing some progect or another,
Harv the master is pretty cool with public relations and shit like
that. SS and I, the two new seniors both have our own niches too. SS
got the ansi division jumpstarted, and ive done my own public rela-
tions thing Well, thats about all of the emerge bullshit for this
month that i can think of that eric hasnt already put in. Id like to
mention a few non-emerge-related things at this point, since a few
people are prolly bored and reading to this point Is it just me or
did almost every 800 bbs go down last week? All of the ones i know of
except Malfeas did ... hmm is the phone company catching on finally?
Oh well, id also like dive to try and contact me if he could, we had
some unfinished business going on before the 800s crashed Oh well
latahs to all.
Another great thing happened since the first pack, Rezolution is back. He used to be known as Dreldragon, the founder of broken. I would like to thank him for coming back. If it wasnt for Rezolution, Broken would have never
begun and Emerge would have never existed. If it wasnt for him, i wouldnt have
gotten interested in the art scene. Thanks Dan. I also wanted to welcome Saint Sinner and Borys as seniors. They really brought us great talent and will
be major contributors as seniors in emerge. Basically thats all, Euphoria covered everything else:
The Master Senior Staff
.. . eof mofo . ..
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