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Error Art was formed in Gefle, Sweden in June 1994 by ToSH1o and Mohawk-II.
It is a graphic design-group. Mainly into Ansi, RayTrace and Animations.
We make graphics for Boards, Groups, Privates or anyone you can think of.
MoHaWK-II RayTracing, Animations Pix
ToSH1o Ansi Other Gfx
Boardname AFL Speed Numbers
THE iCE BoX WHQs 144 v32 Node 1: +46-o26-614646
Node 1: +46-o26-615656
MiCRo MaNia DiST 144 v32 +46-o155-3555o
PHeNoMeNa DiST 144 v32 +46-o11-1oo544
Greetings to: CHRoNiC, GeKKo, FLaVoR FLaVe, Dr ?, CouNTeRPaRTs, PRoXyoN,
eNDeVeouR, ZiP JaM ... and everybody else who we forgotten...
Error Art is allways looking for a few, good men.
We are looking for DistSites, Artists, Coders and more...
If you think you are qualified enough to become a Error Art member,
then call THE iCE BoX and leave a message for ToSH10 or MoHaWK-II.
-/ERRoR ART- July -94
Error Art was formed in Gefle, Sweden in June 1994 by ToSH1o and Mohawk-II.
It is a graphic design-group. Mainly into Ansi, RayTrace and Animations.
We make graphics for Boards, Groups, Privates or anyone you can think of.
MoHaWK-II RayTracing, Animations Pix
ToSH1o Ansi Other Gfx
Boardname AFL Speed Numbers
THE iCE BoX WHQs 144 v32 Node 1: +46-o26-614646
Node 1: +46-o26-615656
MiCRo MaNia DiST 144 v32 +46-o155-3555o
PHeNoMeNa DiST 144 v32 +46-o11-1oo544
Greetings to: CHRoNiC, GeKKo, FLaVoR FLaVe, Dr ?, CouNTeRPaRTs, PRoXyoN,
eNDeVeouR, ZiP JaM ... and everybody else who we forgotten...
Error Art is allways looking for a few, good men.
We are looking for DistSites, Artists, Coders and more...
If you think you are qualified enough to become a Error Art member,
then call THE iCE BoX and leave a message for ToSH10 or MoHaWK-II.
-/ERRoR ART- July -94
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