this image contains text
A word from the Art Coordinator:
This is our first ever art pack and I am psyched. I know that were not in
the same league much less ballpark or even the damned stadium as ACiD, iCE
or TRiBE or any other big named, sucessful group but I am pleased just the
Special thanks/congrats go out to certain members of the group.
DMitri - Thanks for working on the viewer. Lets hope you get the bugs out
Frog - great coding.
The other members - Keep up the good work!
Yer all probably wondering WHY the hell I made a VGA for Brians World AND
had it made into an awesome loader since our prez, The Tooncinator, and
Acidic Brain of Brians World had a big fight before the formation of ESC.
Well, to be honest, I did it because Acidic Brain is a good pal and
deserves something nice for once so here it is AB... your very own loader!
The FG-LITS.EXE file in the zip is probably confusing you eh? Well, it is
just a demonstration of what we at ESCAPE can do. It is similiar to ACiDs
side to side scrolling ansis, but bigger. It goes up and down too For
lack of anything else, we used a bunch of the lits already included in the
pack and a funky version of Jazzs logo. check it out.
The viewer, as you know already, was coded by DMitri. It is pretty damned
good. Better than most could do but it has some bugs that he is working
on. The scrollback wouldnt work right so there is none. : Just set the
speed down to 28.8 or slower and view it that way. Hopefully, VGA and RIP
will be added for the next pack. :7 Anyway, it is good, it works and we
thank D once again for it. : Also, D made his own quasi-sauce where
you use EDIT or another text editor and add Two lines to the beginning to
the ansi. The addition symbol + and then the artist name is the first
line. The second line is then the description. Unfortunately, when the ansi
is uploaded and such, the +ARTIST shows up so just edit it out if you plan
to display our ansis. And add the ARTIST/DESCRIPTION when you plan to view
an ansi in EscView or it might show up all funky like. :
The file FG-LITS.EXE was coded by Frog. Unfortunately, I couldnt get in
touch with him for two days before the release of the pack and get a copy
of the EXE with credit to him included in it And he wanted to add a fade
in but I thought this coding, as it was, was TOO GREAT to not be in the
pack so I put it in anyway. Check it out, use the arrow keys and just check
out the smooth scroller Similar to ACiDs but with lits as no one could
draw a side to side picture in less than 5 days
Some nifty greets for everyone:
Reznor: You did say youd join - Maybe :
SmooZ: Good luck in NATiON, we could have used you but oh well... :
Acidic Brain: Sorry it had to be this way... :7
Ravaged Soul: Your board gets better every day... :
Lil Disclaimer:
I, Ghost Walks Inside, did indeed edit some of the ansis and gifs in this
pack due to the fact that the groups name was undecided and ultimately,
changed. I give full credit to the artists themselves for creating the art
and IF ANY of them have a problem, they may get in touch with me and we may
discuss it.
This is our first ever art pack and I am psyched. I know that were not in
the same league much less ballpark or even the damned stadium as ACiD, iCE
or TRiBE or any other big named, sucessful group but I am pleased just the
Special thanks/congrats go out to certain members of the group.
DMitri - Thanks for working on the viewer. Lets hope you get the bugs out
Frog - great coding.
The other members - Keep up the good work!
Yer all probably wondering WHY the hell I made a VGA for Brians World AND
had it made into an awesome loader since our prez, The Tooncinator, and
Acidic Brain of Brians World had a big fight before the formation of ESC.
Well, to be honest, I did it because Acidic Brain is a good pal and
deserves something nice for once so here it is AB... your very own loader!
The FG-LITS.EXE file in the zip is probably confusing you eh? Well, it is
just a demonstration of what we at ESCAPE can do. It is similiar to ACiDs
side to side scrolling ansis, but bigger. It goes up and down too For
lack of anything else, we used a bunch of the lits already included in the
pack and a funky version of Jazzs logo. check it out.
The viewer, as you know already, was coded by DMitri. It is pretty damned
good. Better than most could do but it has some bugs that he is working
on. The scrollback wouldnt work right so there is none. : Just set the
speed down to 28.8 or slower and view it that way. Hopefully, VGA and RIP
will be added for the next pack. :7 Anyway, it is good, it works and we
thank D once again for it. : Also, D made his own quasi-sauce where
you use EDIT or another text editor and add Two lines to the beginning to
the ansi. The addition symbol + and then the artist name is the first
line. The second line is then the description. Unfortunately, when the ansi
is uploaded and such, the +ARTIST shows up so just edit it out if you plan
to display our ansis. And add the ARTIST/DESCRIPTION when you plan to view
an ansi in EscView or it might show up all funky like. :
The file FG-LITS.EXE was coded by Frog. Unfortunately, I couldnt get in
touch with him for two days before the release of the pack and get a copy
of the EXE with credit to him included in it And he wanted to add a fade
in but I thought this coding, as it was, was TOO GREAT to not be in the
pack so I put it in anyway. Check it out, use the arrow keys and just check
out the smooth scroller Similar to ACiDs but with lits as no one could
draw a side to side picture in less than 5 days
Some nifty greets for everyone:
Reznor: You did say youd join - Maybe :
SmooZ: Good luck in NATiON, we could have used you but oh well... :
Acidic Brain: Sorry it had to be this way... :7
Ravaged Soul: Your board gets better every day... :
Lil Disclaimer:
I, Ghost Walks Inside, did indeed edit some of the ansis and gifs in this
pack due to the fact that the groups name was undecided and ultimately,
changed. I give full credit to the artists themselves for creating the art
and IF ANY of them have a problem, they may get in touch with me and we may
discuss it.
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