this image contains text
e x p o s e 3
when you dream, there are no rules
people can fly, anything can happen
sometimes theres a moment, as you awaken
you become aware of the real world around you
... but you still dreamin
..... welcome to expose 3!
bonjour nurt
lotsa things happend last weeks!.... pack was seriously delayed
due hd crashes / virusses / earthquakes / floodings and a lost
puppy who kept pissing on my leg! ..damn life is tuff!
but finally its here! THE expose package numero 3! So far the best
pack from expose i think, more ansis, more asciis and more exe-
files to play with : also a few members .. whahahhahah YEAH!
okay! wanna say one tiny little other thing and then im outtha here
I want to greet ma friend phonkie for al the things that he has done
for me / xperience and expose! thanx! and good luck with your exams!
WHAhaHAHAAHHAHA suffer! but HEEJ . you failed it the first time so
why not fail it again?!?! ..
sooow gottha go now!.. all wasted time to write this.. who reads
info files anyway?!?! *HECK, i dont :
lights out,
dirt bag
/topic expose sukking part : commin up next:
- yeah! seems that this sukking little groups gonna be big!
tjek out these 12 new members.
2st 2 stoned nl ascii
aln alien-a nl coder
asg asgorath nl lit
djr djr nl lit / co-ordinator
oD! overdose nl ascii
nd! noise damper nl ansi/ascii
mar margriet nl cheerleader
son sonic nl vga
rea reave nl lit
syn syndrome nl courier / ascii
mnx mnenomix nl ansi
pst pestilence nl trial ascii
- we are currently working to create an EXPOSE draw! .wham! we have two
of the best coders you could imaging So watch out for XDRAW 1.0
This version will be available in pack 4 and will be released as an
stand-alone release somewhere in june! The drawer will use the same
interface as ACIDDRAW v1.2, but will be upgraded with some extra
functions. more inpho wil come ....
- expose has an own LIT division now! DJR will take the responsability
to coordinate the lit-div! The lits will be vieweble with our own LIT
viewer! coded by our new coder gloomy
- expose organised an ansi compo. 16 people sended their apps to me and
showed the world how good they are in ansi : too bad i won...
WHAHAHAHAH yeah! i suck! i win my own compo!.. it was completly
fair organised and i did not pay myself money
But since i am the organiser of the compo, the prizes will not be
for me but for the winner of the expose compo 2 coming soon
the voting was done by a selected jury of 11 people who voted on the
un-named ansis you can find all the ansis in the pack of this month
One onther thing: i wanna say big BIG sorry to MIRAGE he sended his app
to me! but i forgot his ansi to put in the voting pack! SORRY!
his ansi is printed in the compo colly with extra credits xpocomp.ans
// s e n i o r - s t a f f
* dB! dirt bag nl art
* djr djr nl lit
* slc silence nl art
gR! tha grinder nl art
// a r t i s t s
* 2st 2 stoned nl ascii
ch! char nl vga
dr! dare nl vga
* dB! dirt bag nl ansi
* ex! exocet nl ansi
* iN! insert fn ansi/ascii
* kN! kenetic nl ansi/ascii
* mnx mnenomix nl ansi
* nd! noise damper nl ansi/ascii
oD! overdose nl ascii
* shl shizzl nl ansi
* slc silence nl ansi/scan
* h! shinigami sw ansi
sR! skullrazor nl ansi/ascii
son sonic gm vga
sw! sonicwave nl ansi/ascii
* syn syndrome nl ascii
gR! tha grinder nl ansi/ascii
* xnt xtinct nl ansi
// s u p p o r t
aln alien-a nl coder
dtc detonatic nl courier
* gl! gloomy nl coder
mar margriet nl cheerleader
* syn syndrome nl courier
* ti! total illusion nl coder
// lit
* asg asgorath nl lit
* djr djr nl lit
kN! kenetic nl lit
* rea reave nl lit
// trial
* pst pestilence nl ascii
* contributing members to pack 3
// h e a d q u a t e r s
whq!! xperience +31.53.4328041
fn-hq artfront +358.3.3676568
us-hq demons den 1 +1.213.662O971
demons den 2 +1.213.662O972
au-hq organized Kaos +612.9876.1536
is-hq prodigy +972.6.6271344
sw-hq ravebase +41.22.3485521
yu-hq shadow-two +381.11.424360
co-hq the pound bbs +385.1.215.132
no-hq trip reset +47.716.60.136
pl-hq unknown area +48-22-6653501
gm-hq energy 52 +49.soooooooon
// m e m b e r - b o a r d s
nl cybers edge +31.228.522399
nl deep side +31.79.offline
nl evidence +31.76.5938027
nl phutonic phase +31.soooooooon
nl public hanging +31.547.261154
nl outbreak +31.24.6419013
nl outpost +31.345.616402
nl overload board +31.70.3940474
nl shiznit +31.bwahahahah
nl the 7 angels +soon-offline!
// s i t e s
nl cubical +31.70.3556296
nl dark reflection +31.16.5320064
nl distortion +31.5213.21608
nl exessive force +31.49.7572146
nl fact +31.546.473736
nl icarus splash 1 +31.485.322508
nl icarus splash 2 +31.485.315817
sw lost in 3O3 +41.62.7731741
yu onix +381.11.547848
nl napalm assault +31.10.2907759
au staesis +61.2.96832403
yu trail blazer +381.111761507
nl x-connection +31.25.2221334
// f t p
files will be available on our own ftp server soon!
// h o m e p a g e
our home page will be online in aug97.... watch out ..
// m a i l i n g - l i s t
leave mail to postmaster@explizit.org with subject
subcribe expose
// r e a c t i o n s o n p a c k 2
written by ch:ilm of explizit ch:ilm@explizit.org
Zo! There we go .. I juzt saw that inkkredddible cewl
xpoartpack number2 ... hehe it roqs! and i felt diz
need to write sumthin for it .. dunno whaai coz its not
a mag and itz not an azine eitha but i juzzed must
make a phew commentz about it .. coz there were some
thingz that wreally annoy me about it now there are
more thinz that annoi me but i know that my homy Deeebee!
will publish diz righte deebee?!
Anyway! on with da... subject ... da complainz
heeejzz deeb! make sure that therz some kewl ansi art
around thiz crap storie coz els its boooooring and not
cewl for in a art pack
zught ... where zal ik like ns starten .. oja i know! da
most stupid borrrring thinz in xpoze art pek .. that s
somthing i just HAD to write about .. and that is all the
i luv you margriet krepheid!! whaaa that pizzes me off!
i dont know margriet im sure shez kewl, shes srs sizta!!
but thatz not the point the point is that its annoing to
read that 14678989 timez i think deeebee is a fool in
love! welll okay hes a fool, but now hez also in love!
and that meanz he will never be the seem koele duwt again,
when i beat him at laseren! whahaha oneee ... dat was niet
deebee anyway tralala ... dont get me wrong i still
respectz deebee! but stop with the margriet thing i mean
its like a hi-skoel duwt! but then again deebee goes to
hi-skoewl! whahaha .. so its just normal behaviour zigh
meebie im too old for the scene .. i dunno i guezz its just
me but some more thinz piss me off all the young duwts
who show no respec!! whaaaa and the exeption is deebee! hes
a younge duwt but he showz respec! maybe becoz i supply him
with fresj paddestoelen every month but maybe bcoz he
drinx club-a-soub sinze the wonderboyz split up .. nah ff
seriuz maar all de younge muziq duwts who think they rool and
think that every1 else suqs! get a grib duwts ... there are
peeople in this sceene that have been in there longerz than
you are old! so show sum respect ... juzt like i did in the
pazt .. whahaa hehe egtnot ...
Bla .. oh ofcorz the eXpose paq is echwelzwaarokee!! finaly
there is a cewl dutch group that greetz explizit ...
dunno whaai im writing diz .. but then again .. maybe you
want to read sum crapheid after all the seriouz ansi biznizz
of expoze pack 3 !! hehe yeah, i care! expoze will echwel
kick big! with vga art as well ofcauze ... so they will be
bigger and better and doper .. and in a while we can beat the
crapheid out of eachother in sume lazer kwast
still reading eh ... few you muzt be far gone pel
ya wanna read sumthing kewl? hehe .. then buy a pleebooy! not
thatz cool but at least hugh can still pay the bills thanx
to you .... hmmm tjilps tip of the week must be encore un
foix .. echwelvetpret! played in the reAl club in tongeren ..
i sumtimez go there and the muziq is awesumheid! only the
people are a bit tooooo decent drezzed there .. i alwayz
wear baggy shitz and you see them thinking there goez a
garbage man!! but i dont keeeeer!! whahaha zo! neejj flor!!!!
but then again the chiqs there alwayz appreciate people that
dont look like a gladgeshavede macho-man ... at leazt
the chix that i think rool ... the kool onez
nah a better place is depot 29 in leuven! wwhahaaha zooo vetzwet
op een kruisraket jange! die tent is echwelzwaarrelaxt!
its a fuqing wear h o u s e like i say .. a fabriexhal!
verrie kool and u-ground as well .. sumthin like the weztergas
febriek you could have read in explore 2 .. or 3... we care!
nooooooooooot! or should i say westerpillenfabriek .. hehe
nah depot 29 is echwelbeter! fridayz loop and saturdayz food
two cewl partiez from 10 till 7.30 in the am! beter than
stoopid dutch clubz who cloze at 3 am .. zuqs! ah .. i hear
you thinking ... so tjilp is a patatbelg! but im not!
no worse ... a real limburger!! jaa nEEEE rooi!! whahahaha kug
but the qlubz in belgium are far more kool than the klubz
in holland .. in holland most stink! they play top 50 krepheid
or even gabber! whahaha i hate gabber! its true! i hate it!
i cant stand them! to all of you who read diz .. i really
hate you fuqin gabberz! zo there ... i dont care .. nah i
dont even hate gabberz .. i juzt dont ker about dem ... as
long as dey dont interfere with my cewl heersend life! of
tegno, club and goa! en daarmee is dit verhaal uit!!
more about dutch clubz like the vaagzaamheid and de
danssalon in a next artikel ... prolly in exploration! and
if you dont know what that is then peg! zo daaaaaaaggg!!!
// r e a c t i o n s o n r e a c t i o n
written by phoncie of explizit postmaster@explizit.org
if ch:ilm can say something, i want that too ofcourse...
expose is becoming more and more famous each day. why, we all wonder.
well, thats easy: they easily beat all other ansi/aski groups
in holland. europe i mean .
i think that expose is not so famous in gronsveld, whahah tsooooooj.
you dont get this line unless you are a true xpl-member/lover, so i
guess there are just 2 ppl who understand it.
anywayz...i think its time for expose to conquer the usa, how?
thats easy...send some bomb-letters to acid and ice and there you go.
make sure its a have bomb, coz those groups have like a zillion
members, that sux, coz how can they know each other well?
okay. dirtbag has the most original style in the ansi-scene if you ask
me but you should take a look at his older art from icarus splash!!.
damn, i just knoeide sum sinaasappeljuice over my keyboard...
i also think that expose should open some sort of account, so that
all xpo-lovers can donate some cah, which will stimulate the xpoers
too create some more art. ch:ilm got sick of that i-luv-margriet-line,
but that was *before* he met his present girl. coz guess what, why
do you think he left the scene? right! neeeeej, gronsveld...KUGKUG!
oh and btw, tan i luv ya! whap..slam...big shout to all the
girls supportin scene-dewds, non-scene-dewds...girls rewl..admit
it..they...never mind
expose-art is best viewed if you listenen to some cool music, im
talking about clubtrancegoa-stuph and all that...
okay, time for me to stop this coz i dont think youre waiting for
this kind of depressing lines full of crap. ooh, btw...i dunno how soon
theyll have the internet-shit going on...but im offering expose
our mailing-list-service. if you want too get the latest expose-releases
thru email, send a email to: postmaster@explizit.org and write something
in the body like: subscribe expose-stuff...cool huh?
keep it real, peace!
// s n a i l m a i l email for any kind of reactions
or applys: Dirtbag@explizit.org
expose 97 if you are attracted to the idea
toekomststraat 89 of being an expose member! apply
7521 CM enschede quick call our whq or leave
HOLLAND email to the adress mentioned
// e n d s t o r y
okay that was it for today! .. ga naar huis man!
once again this pack was dedicated to MARGRIET
SUFFER Ch:ilm .. bwhahhahahhahahahaaha
till next! .. dirt bag! signing off!
1 9 9 7
e x p o s e p a c k 3news by dirt bag c expose june 1 9 9 7
when you dream, there are no rules
people can fly, anything can happen
sometimes theres a moment, as you awaken
you become aware of the real world around you
... but you still dreamin
..... welcome to expose 3!
bonjour nurt
lotsa things happend last weeks!.... pack was seriously delayed
due hd crashes / virusses / earthquakes / floodings and a lost
puppy who kept pissing on my leg! ..damn life is tuff!
but finally its here! THE expose package numero 3! So far the best
pack from expose i think, more ansis, more asciis and more exe-
files to play with : also a few members .. whahahhahah YEAH!
okay! wanna say one tiny little other thing and then im outtha here
I want to greet ma friend phonkie for al the things that he has done
for me / xperience and expose! thanx! and good luck with your exams!
WHAhaHAHAAHHAHA suffer! but HEEJ . you failed it the first time so
why not fail it again?!?! ..
sooow gottha go now!.. all wasted time to write this.. who reads
info files anyway?!?! *HECK, i dont :
lights out,
dirt bag
/topic expose sukking part : commin up next:
- yeah! seems that this sukking little groups gonna be big!
tjek out these 12 new members.
2st 2 stoned nl ascii
aln alien-a nl coder
asg asgorath nl lit
djr djr nl lit / co-ordinator
oD! overdose nl ascii
nd! noise damper nl ansi/ascii
mar margriet nl cheerleader
son sonic nl vga
rea reave nl lit
syn syndrome nl courier / ascii
mnx mnenomix nl ansi
pst pestilence nl trial ascii
- we are currently working to create an EXPOSE draw! .wham! we have two
of the best coders you could imaging So watch out for XDRAW 1.0
This version will be available in pack 4 and will be released as an
stand-alone release somewhere in june! The drawer will use the same
interface as ACIDDRAW v1.2, but will be upgraded with some extra
functions. more inpho wil come ....
- expose has an own LIT division now! DJR will take the responsability
to coordinate the lit-div! The lits will be vieweble with our own LIT
viewer! coded by our new coder gloomy
- expose organised an ansi compo. 16 people sended their apps to me and
showed the world how good they are in ansi : too bad i won...
WHAHAHAHAH yeah! i suck! i win my own compo!.. it was completly
fair organised and i did not pay myself money
But since i am the organiser of the compo, the prizes will not be
for me but for the winner of the expose compo 2 coming soon
the voting was done by a selected jury of 11 people who voted on the
un-named ansis you can find all the ansis in the pack of this month
One onther thing: i wanna say big BIG sorry to MIRAGE he sended his app
to me! but i forgot his ansi to put in the voting pack! SORRY!
his ansi is printed in the compo colly with extra credits xpocomp.ans
// s e n i o r - s t a f f
* dB! dirt bag nl art
* djr djr nl lit
* slc silence nl art
gR! tha grinder nl art
// a r t i s t s
* 2st 2 stoned nl ascii
ch! char nl vga
dr! dare nl vga
* dB! dirt bag nl ansi
* ex! exocet nl ansi
* iN! insert fn ansi/ascii
* kN! kenetic nl ansi/ascii
* mnx mnenomix nl ansi
* nd! noise damper nl ansi/ascii
oD! overdose nl ascii
* shl shizzl nl ansi
* slc silence nl ansi/scan
* h! shinigami sw ansi
sR! skullrazor nl ansi/ascii
son sonic gm vga
sw! sonicwave nl ansi/ascii
* syn syndrome nl ascii
gR! tha grinder nl ansi/ascii
* xnt xtinct nl ansi
// s u p p o r t
aln alien-a nl coder
dtc detonatic nl courier
* gl! gloomy nl coder
mar margriet nl cheerleader
* syn syndrome nl courier
* ti! total illusion nl coder
// lit
* asg asgorath nl lit
* djr djr nl lit
kN! kenetic nl lit
* rea reave nl lit
// trial
* pst pestilence nl ascii
* contributing members to pack 3
// h e a d q u a t e r s
whq!! xperience +31.53.4328041
fn-hq artfront +358.3.3676568
us-hq demons den 1 +1.213.662O971
demons den 2 +1.213.662O972
au-hq organized Kaos +612.9876.1536
is-hq prodigy +972.6.6271344
sw-hq ravebase +41.22.3485521
yu-hq shadow-two +381.11.424360
co-hq the pound bbs +385.1.215.132
no-hq trip reset +47.716.60.136
pl-hq unknown area +48-22-6653501
gm-hq energy 52 +49.soooooooon
// m e m b e r - b o a r d s
nl cybers edge +31.228.522399
nl deep side +31.79.offline
nl evidence +31.76.5938027
nl phutonic phase +31.soooooooon
nl public hanging +31.547.261154
nl outbreak +31.24.6419013
nl outpost +31.345.616402
nl overload board +31.70.3940474
nl shiznit +31.bwahahahah
nl the 7 angels +soon-offline!
// s i t e s
nl cubical +31.70.3556296
nl dark reflection +31.16.5320064
nl distortion +31.5213.21608
nl exessive force +31.49.7572146
nl fact +31.546.473736
nl icarus splash 1 +31.485.322508
nl icarus splash 2 +31.485.315817
sw lost in 3O3 +41.62.7731741
yu onix +381.11.547848
nl napalm assault +31.10.2907759
au staesis +61.2.96832403
yu trail blazer +381.111761507
nl x-connection +31.25.2221334
// f t p
files will be available on our own ftp server soon!
// h o m e p a g e
our home page will be online in aug97.... watch out ..
// m a i l i n g - l i s t
leave mail to postmaster@explizit.org with subject
subcribe expose
// r e a c t i o n s o n p a c k 2
written by ch:ilm of explizit ch:ilm@explizit.org
Zo! There we go .. I juzt saw that inkkredddible cewl
xpoartpack number2 ... hehe it roqs! and i felt diz
need to write sumthin for it .. dunno whaai coz its not
a mag and itz not an azine eitha but i juzzed must
make a phew commentz about it .. coz there were some
thingz that wreally annoy me about it now there are
more thinz that annoi me but i know that my homy Deeebee!
will publish diz righte deebee?!
Anyway! on with da... subject ... da complainz
heeejzz deeb! make sure that therz some kewl ansi art
around thiz crap storie coz els its boooooring and not
cewl for in a art pack
zught ... where zal ik like ns starten .. oja i know! da
most stupid borrrring thinz in xpoze art pek .. that s
somthing i just HAD to write about .. and that is all the
i luv you margriet krepheid!! whaaa that pizzes me off!
i dont know margriet im sure shez kewl, shes srs sizta!!
but thatz not the point the point is that its annoing to
read that 14678989 timez i think deeebee is a fool in
love! welll okay hes a fool, but now hez also in love!
and that meanz he will never be the seem koele duwt again,
when i beat him at laseren! whahaha oneee ... dat was niet
deebee anyway tralala ... dont get me wrong i still
respectz deebee! but stop with the margriet thing i mean
its like a hi-skoel duwt! but then again deebee goes to
hi-skoewl! whahaha .. so its just normal behaviour zigh
meebie im too old for the scene .. i dunno i guezz its just
me but some more thinz piss me off all the young duwts
who show no respec!! whaaaa and the exeption is deebee! hes
a younge duwt but he showz respec! maybe becoz i supply him
with fresj paddestoelen every month but maybe bcoz he
drinx club-a-soub sinze the wonderboyz split up .. nah ff
seriuz maar all de younge muziq duwts who think they rool and
think that every1 else suqs! get a grib duwts ... there are
peeople in this sceene that have been in there longerz than
you are old! so show sum respect ... juzt like i did in the
pazt .. whahaa hehe egtnot ...
Bla .. oh ofcorz the eXpose paq is echwelzwaarokee!! finaly
there is a cewl dutch group that greetz explizit ...
dunno whaai im writing diz .. but then again .. maybe you
want to read sum crapheid after all the seriouz ansi biznizz
of expoze pack 3 !! hehe yeah, i care! expoze will echwel
kick big! with vga art as well ofcauze ... so they will be
bigger and better and doper .. and in a while we can beat the
crapheid out of eachother in sume lazer kwast
still reading eh ... few you muzt be far gone pel
ya wanna read sumthing kewl? hehe .. then buy a pleebooy! not
thatz cool but at least hugh can still pay the bills thanx
to you .... hmmm tjilps tip of the week must be encore un
foix .. echwelvetpret! played in the reAl club in tongeren ..
i sumtimez go there and the muziq is awesumheid! only the
people are a bit tooooo decent drezzed there .. i alwayz
wear baggy shitz and you see them thinking there goez a
garbage man!! but i dont keeeeer!! whahaha zo! neejj flor!!!!
but then again the chiqs there alwayz appreciate people that
dont look like a gladgeshavede macho-man ... at leazt
the chix that i think rool ... the kool onez
nah a better place is depot 29 in leuven! wwhahaaha zooo vetzwet
op een kruisraket jange! die tent is echwelzwaarrelaxt!
its a fuqing wear h o u s e like i say .. a fabriexhal!
verrie kool and u-ground as well .. sumthin like the weztergas
febriek you could have read in explore 2 .. or 3... we care!
nooooooooooot! or should i say westerpillenfabriek .. hehe
nah depot 29 is echwelbeter! fridayz loop and saturdayz food
two cewl partiez from 10 till 7.30 in the am! beter than
stoopid dutch clubz who cloze at 3 am .. zuqs! ah .. i hear
you thinking ... so tjilp is a patatbelg! but im not!
no worse ... a real limburger!! jaa nEEEE rooi!! whahahaha kug
but the qlubz in belgium are far more kool than the klubz
in holland .. in holland most stink! they play top 50 krepheid
or even gabber! whahaha i hate gabber! its true! i hate it!
i cant stand them! to all of you who read diz .. i really
hate you fuqin gabberz! zo there ... i dont care .. nah i
dont even hate gabberz .. i juzt dont ker about dem ... as
long as dey dont interfere with my cewl heersend life! of
tegno, club and goa! en daarmee is dit verhaal uit!!
more about dutch clubz like the vaagzaamheid and de
danssalon in a next artikel ... prolly in exploration! and
if you dont know what that is then peg! zo daaaaaaaggg!!!
// r e a c t i o n s o n r e a c t i o n
written by phoncie of explizit postmaster@explizit.org
if ch:ilm can say something, i want that too ofcourse...
expose is becoming more and more famous each day. why, we all wonder.
well, thats easy: they easily beat all other ansi/aski groups
in holland. europe i mean .
i think that expose is not so famous in gronsveld, whahah tsooooooj.
you dont get this line unless you are a true xpl-member/lover, so i
guess there are just 2 ppl who understand it.
anywayz...i think its time for expose to conquer the usa, how?
thats easy...send some bomb-letters to acid and ice and there you go.
make sure its a have bomb, coz those groups have like a zillion
members, that sux, coz how can they know each other well?
okay. dirtbag has the most original style in the ansi-scene if you ask
me but you should take a look at his older art from icarus splash!!.
damn, i just knoeide sum sinaasappeljuice over my keyboard...
i also think that expose should open some sort of account, so that
all xpo-lovers can donate some cah, which will stimulate the xpoers
too create some more art. ch:ilm got sick of that i-luv-margriet-line,
but that was *before* he met his present girl. coz guess what, why
do you think he left the scene? right! neeeeej, gronsveld...KUGKUG!
oh and btw, tan i luv ya! whap..slam...big shout to all the
girls supportin scene-dewds, non-scene-dewds...girls rewl..admit
it..they...never mind
expose-art is best viewed if you listenen to some cool music, im
talking about clubtrancegoa-stuph and all that...
okay, time for me to stop this coz i dont think youre waiting for
this kind of depressing lines full of crap. ooh, btw...i dunno how soon
theyll have the internet-shit going on...but im offering expose
our mailing-list-service. if you want too get the latest expose-releases
thru email, send a email to: postmaster@explizit.org and write something
in the body like: subscribe expose-stuff...cool huh?
keep it real, peace!
// s n a i l m a i l email for any kind of reactions
or applys: Dirtbag@explizit.org
expose 97 if you are attracted to the idea
toekomststraat 89 of being an expose member! apply
7521 CM enschede quick call our whq or leave
HOLLAND email to the adress mentioned
// e n d s t o r y
okay that was it for today! .. ga naar huis man!
once again this pack was dedicated to MARGRIET
SUFFER Ch:ilm .. bwhahhahahhahahahaaha
till next! .. dirt bag! signing off!
1 9 9 7
e x p o s e p a c k 3news by dirt bag c expose june 1 9 9 7
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