![happy new year [fade#1] by radical](/pack/fade9701/x1/RDL%28HNY%29.ANS.png)
this image contains text
h a p p y n e w y e a r
hiya. a lot has happened in the past months. the biggest two things
that happened were the following two. action died in september, and
fade was born in late 96. we have been busy to make art as good as
possible for us to introduce fade into the art scene not as one :
of those little new groups, but one who has both fun and quality on
: top. for sure were not as good as those others, but hey.. even we :
get better!
i decided to introduce a new and fresh idea again. first pale intro-
duced the logo combo idea. since then not much things changed on
collies, so here is a first try. what my idea was, is to take an i-
dea out of the ascii scene into a ansi colly. dirtbag and silence
did that too this months, so take a look at their colly too! :
: action is dead. too bad. but the slogan of action is just a thing
ill keep in mind. i do it the way i want.
------------------ / / r a d i c a l -
eh.. hello.
this shits only here
----- to take up place.
my colly must be in the H3LLO?!
guiness book of records. ------
---- longest colly
radical - 600 lines
bored already?
// l
- oh my god! one of those lines!
one. radical. grill. eleven.
two. index. gates of hell. twelve. :
three. datura. its just fade. thirteen.
four. ooze. one of those fade97. fourteen. :
five. ironyx. collies made dizzyness. fifteen.
: six. fade. for fun pur- fade diz. sixteen.
seven. fiction. poses only. tadauw diz. seventeen.
eight. cheese. mindwipe diz. eighteen.
nine. tadauw. the end. nineteen.
ten. ooze. surprise. twenty.
-- rdL!
: rdL! : --+
destiny r0x! - d a t u r a -
it was a dawn to a new age
is this everything? :
a goodbye tribute to hollandias best artboard,
which disappeared in november of 1996. it was :
: just a great board. this logo is also the begin-
ning of something new radical new style. but
most of all, this logo is a thanks to demoralize
for providing us high quality until the end.
: with many thanx to mister aCk.
gggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg
: :: :: :: ggggggaardL :: :..: :: :
.. . . . . .. . . gggggg .. ::
.::. :..: :..: .::. :..: :..: .::. ll
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: ll
ll ll ll ll ll ll ll
ll ll ll ll ll ll llaaaa
: :: :: :: :: :: gggggg :: :
.---- aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa ---.
-- o o z e -x-- t h e n e t h e r l a n d s -x-- +o p i n o -
--------------------------------------------------- / / r a d i c a l ---
didnt even asked for, ya lucky bastard
s s. ss. .sss. s. o. .! s. .ss
s sb..sss .s. s.s .
: ? s s . rdL!
s4. .! s s ..
4 .. .s s s.s. .s
yes i know how to shade. just didnt knew back when i made this.
the artiest board of hollandia.
isnt it ironyx?
: / rAdical/faDe! / /
/ anyone that might like
this, please find a good
ss .s ssssSssss .xk ss .ss
ss s s f s ss s .s
s s f i c t i O n n e w s t y l E
/ / r a d i c a l - ofcourse the shading suxx
graffitys nice.
for my friend heretic.
lOu n g e Ac t
blokje kaas done for vertigo,
as being radicals first real
pic. err?!
waar blijft je plakje worst?
dont mind the dutch. please.
rdL! - :
t a d a u w !
onto the better stuff. ah! finally!
the end
what? the end?! YEAH!
errr.. nope.. not yet.
--------- damn.
: ANOTHER freebie?!
o O z e rdl/fade97.
one, two, barbecue. s .d
s F .s
rdL! ...ss ss ...sss 4 s
.e 3.. s 4
. b. F 4 s
F 4 s F
L F . .
. P rdL! b
P ssd F .
.sss. rdL! .ss L s.s
bs . .sd .d.
4L b s s .
SP :
s.rad GRiLL!@ The ONLY Barbecued Ascii Group In The Scene
thats dementeds slogan, as far as i can remember.
so what if i released it with grill too?! as if i care.
i ant do coloring..
// rad ica l
gat e s of h ell
------------ it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxx.
its old and it suxx. -errr? -rdls gates of hell logo.
inspired by some ice logo.
-- --------------------- --------------------------------- rdl
.------------------- ------------------- -- -- // fade97 -- fade worldheadquarters // ironyx. +31-715-896391.
its nice though.
s S s s 4 Ss s . s..
s S P s s S s S S s
ss S S.c. .
ss s P s
my best newskool ascii ever.
expect a the making of soon.
------------ oldskool s
nice for me
too. i like
: / it. relax.
// / / rdL!/
/ // l//
: a new section into // /
my colly ... /
d I Z Z Y N E S S //
----------------------------- diz for fade february 97 pack .,sSSs, .,ss, done for fade crew s S, ------------ ,a,sSss, ,sSs.,sSSs,. ssS ,S, ,a,-, ssSs : --+sSSSsSS:@sSS fade. fade. does that ---- -,ss. + o rdl/fade. sound familiar? the awakening , ------+ fade. february 1997 ., second collection : +---------------------+ ------------------------------------------
tadauw software enter prises 1996
i-- - -- ---------
a tADAUW! proudly presents: :
a tDW!dROP v1.O
a the premier dropfilecreator . yes, i code too.
:ia, what a waste.
:i, Door.Sys - ExitInfo.Bbs
:i Door.Sys - DorInfoX.Def
: ,:i, Works on all boardsystems .
,:i :
:: coded and designed by radical ------------ .-.:------------- rdL! diz for tadauw software . requested by tha ripper -------------------------------------------------------------------- diz for mindwipe sx my old sx group / done for all ex-mindwipe members / : : Y / / / / / / / Y//:/ . / :/ / .----: miNDWiPE! sX :/---. : : .---------------------------------. -.-------------------------------.- : rELEASE dATE DD/MM/YY ------------------------------- -------------- :
ladies and gentlemen, now weve come to..
greetings fly out to heretic, thanatos, pino
mart, demented, aCk, caynan, burps, trasher, mindcrime,
dieznyik, meggahertz, halaster, sinister x, shizzl, overdose,
vertigo, 2stoned, atlantic, calimero, dirt bag,
mailman, mexx, paranoid man, silence, skullrazor, sonic.
and a special tribute to phlome and goat
want to request? try g.wijnalda@net.hcc.nl or radical@dsl.nl or just ask me on
ansi or ascii. i dont care what others think, i just do it the way i want.
drawin where no soul has drawn before.
guiness book of records 1997 edition.
computer art // ansi
first logocolly - pale wasnt it? i got it somewhere here
longest logocolly - radical, 600 lines.
isnt it just great?
so request on ironyx - the artiest board of hollandia plug
+31-715-896391 - fade whq // blade dhq // grill dhq
or get me somewhere at ansi or ascii as rdlfade, radical or radical
plain email works fine too - g.wijnalda@net.hcc.nl or radical@dsl.nl
im not an ascii or ansi artist. im just an artist that accidentially
draws ascii and ansi. and thats a quote, 9l
see yall next colly. cheerio!
------------------ much hidden shit ----
hiya. a lot has happened in the past months. the biggest two things
that happened were the following two. action died in september, and
fade was born in late 96. we have been busy to make art as good as
possible for us to introduce fade into the art scene not as one :
of those little new groups, but one who has both fun and quality on
: top. for sure were not as good as those others, but hey.. even we :
get better!
i decided to introduce a new and fresh idea again. first pale intro-
duced the logo combo idea. since then not much things changed on
collies, so here is a first try. what my idea was, is to take an i-
dea out of the ascii scene into a ansi colly. dirtbag and silence
did that too this months, so take a look at their colly too! :
: action is dead. too bad. but the slogan of action is just a thing
ill keep in mind. i do it the way i want.
------------------ / / r a d i c a l -
eh.. hello.
this shits only here
----- to take up place.
my colly must be in the H3LLO?!
guiness book of records. ------
---- longest colly
radical - 600 lines
bored already?
// l
- oh my god! one of those lines!
one. radical. grill. eleven.
two. index. gates of hell. twelve. :
three. datura. its just fade. thirteen.
four. ooze. one of those fade97. fourteen. :
five. ironyx. collies made dizzyness. fifteen.
: six. fade. for fun pur- fade diz. sixteen.
seven. fiction. poses only. tadauw diz. seventeen.
eight. cheese. mindwipe diz. eighteen.
nine. tadauw. the end. nineteen.
ten. ooze. surprise. twenty.
-- rdL!
: rdL! : --+
destiny r0x! - d a t u r a -
it was a dawn to a new age
is this everything? :
a goodbye tribute to hollandias best artboard,
which disappeared in november of 1996. it was :
: just a great board. this logo is also the begin-
ning of something new radical new style. but
most of all, this logo is a thanks to demoralize
for providing us high quality until the end.
: with many thanx to mister aCk.
gggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggg
: :: :: :: ggggggaardL :: :..: :: :
.. . . . . .. . . gggggg .. ::
.::. :..: :..: .::. :..: :..: .::. ll
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: ll
ll ll ll ll ll ll ll
ll ll ll ll ll ll llaaaa
: :: :: :: :: :: gggggg :: :
.---- aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa ---.
-- o o z e -x-- t h e n e t h e r l a n d s -x-- +o p i n o -
--------------------------------------------------- / / r a d i c a l ---
didnt even asked for, ya lucky bastard
s s. ss. .sss. s. o. .! s. .ss
s sb..sss .s. s.s .
: ? s s . rdL!
s4. .! s s ..
4 .. .s s s.s. .s
yes i know how to shade. just didnt knew back when i made this.
the artiest board of hollandia.
isnt it ironyx?
: / rAdical/faDe! / /
/ anyone that might like
this, please find a good
ss .s ssssSssss .xk ss .ss
ss s s f s ss s .s
s s f i c t i O n n e w s t y l E
/ / r a d i c a l - ofcourse the shading suxx
graffitys nice.
for my friend heretic.
lOu n g e Ac t
blokje kaas done for vertigo,
as being radicals first real
pic. err?!
waar blijft je plakje worst?
dont mind the dutch. please.
rdL! - :
t a d a u w !
onto the better stuff. ah! finally!
the end
what? the end?! YEAH!
errr.. nope.. not yet.
--------- damn.
: ANOTHER freebie?!
o O z e rdl/fade97.
one, two, barbecue. s .d
s F .s
rdL! ...ss ss ...sss 4 s
.e 3.. s 4
. b. F 4 s
F 4 s F
L F . .
. P rdL! b
P ssd F .
.sss. rdL! .ss L s.s
bs . .sd .d.
4L b s s .
SP :
s.rad GRiLL!@ The ONLY Barbecued Ascii Group In The Scene
thats dementeds slogan, as far as i can remember.
so what if i released it with grill too?! as if i care.
i ant do coloring..
// rad ica l
gat e s of h ell
------------ it suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuxx.
its old and it suxx. -errr? -rdls gates of hell logo.
inspired by some ice logo.
-- --------------------- --------------------------------- rdl
.------------------- ------------------- -- -- // fade97 -- fade worldheadquarters // ironyx. +31-715-896391.
its nice though.
s S s s 4 Ss s . s..
s S P s s S s S S s
ss S S.c. .
ss s P s
my best newskool ascii ever.
expect a the making of soon.
------------ oldskool s
nice for me
too. i like
: / it. relax.
// / / rdL!/
/ // l//
: a new section into // /
my colly ... /
d I Z Z Y N E S S //
----------------------------- diz for fade february 97 pack .,sSSs, .,ss, done for fade crew s S, ------------ ,a,sSss, ,sSs.,sSSs,. ssS ,S, ,a,-, ssSs : --+sSSSsSS:@sSS fade. fade. does that ---- -,ss. + o rdl/fade. sound familiar? the awakening , ------+ fade. february 1997 ., second collection : +---------------------+ ------------------------------------------
tadauw software enter prises 1996
i-- - -- ---------
a tADAUW! proudly presents: :
a tDW!dROP v1.O
a the premier dropfilecreator . yes, i code too.
:ia, what a waste.
:i, Door.Sys - ExitInfo.Bbs
:i Door.Sys - DorInfoX.Def
: ,:i, Works on all boardsystems .
,:i :
:: coded and designed by radical ------------ .-.:------------- rdL! diz for tadauw software . requested by tha ripper -------------------------------------------------------------------- diz for mindwipe sx my old sx group / done for all ex-mindwipe members / : : Y / / / / / / / Y//:/ . / :/ / .----: miNDWiPE! sX :/---. : : .---------------------------------. -.-------------------------------.- : rELEASE dATE DD/MM/YY ------------------------------- -------------- :
ladies and gentlemen, now weve come to..
greetings fly out to heretic, thanatos, pino
mart, demented, aCk, caynan, burps, trasher, mindcrime,
dieznyik, meggahertz, halaster, sinister x, shizzl, overdose,
vertigo, 2stoned, atlantic, calimero, dirt bag,
mailman, mexx, paranoid man, silence, skullrazor, sonic.
and a special tribute to phlome and goat
want to request? try g.wijnalda@net.hcc.nl or radical@dsl.nl or just ask me on
ansi or ascii. i dont care what others think, i just do it the way i want.
drawin where no soul has drawn before.
guiness book of records 1997 edition.
computer art // ansi
first logocolly - pale wasnt it? i got it somewhere here
longest logocolly - radical, 600 lines.
isnt it just great?
so request on ironyx - the artiest board of hollandia plug
+31-715-896391 - fade whq // blade dhq // grill dhq
or get me somewhere at ansi or ascii as rdlfade, radical or radical
plain email works fine too - g.wijnalda@net.hcc.nl or radical@dsl.nl
im not an ascii or ansi artist. im just an artist that accidentially
draws ascii and ansi. and thats a quote, 9l
see yall next colly. cheerio!
------------------ much hidden shit ----
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