this image contains text
Futuristic /rtists with Talent
Newsletter 1
August 1994
. Apologies .
Yes, its the August
pack and its finally out. Sorry for the
missing pack last mon
th, but it never made it to existance.
There were several thi
ngs going on in the month of July that
had caused this. One
is that we were going to merge with another
art group but decided against that
after some time. Another
reason is that Essence of Destruction 4O7,
our WHQ, was down fo
r about two weeks due to modem failure. The group was
in a state of chaos
at that time and was not ready to release a pack.
New Members ..
In the
past two months we have picked up several new members a
nd many distribution
sites. Among the new members are Ground Zero,
Talisman, GWoP, KAMiKAZi, S
candal, and ESOTERiC. There are too
many new distribution sites to list here.
We have been swamped
with applications for distribution and a
re now not accepting
as many. If you apply for one, we will ca
ll your BBS and check
it out. Your bbs has to be very art ori
ented, and other art
group affiliations are definately a plus.
.. Join Us
We are in need of Coders and ANSi Artists, al
though we will take
applications for other positions. If you
have talent in coding
or drawing ANSi files then use the F/T App
lication Generator in
this pack, fill out an app, and send it t
o us along with some
previous work. Join the F/T team.
.. FaTView
Next month we plan to have a new viewer. Y
es, itll support VGA
32O x 2OO mode. Itll have mouse support,
scrollback, and will
be able to read ANSi files up to 8OO lines
long. If time permits
to finish it of course.
.. Final Word
Well, enjoy this August compilation
of our work. Hope you like
what you see, and remember, this i
s only the second pack weve
ever done.
ad o
y ill F/T
Senior Staff
Destroyer - Handcuff that keyboard to yourself :
KAMiKAZi - Still aint working?
ESOTERiC - Hey, whats your NUP?
Death Pony - Yes, VGA! :
GWoP - Need some staples?
.. c1994 Futuris
tic /rtists wit
h Talent ..
Newsletter 1
August 1994
. Apologies .
Yes, its the August
pack and its finally out. Sorry for the
missing pack last mon
th, but it never made it to existance.
There were several thi
ngs going on in the month of July that
had caused this. One
is that we were going to merge with another
art group but decided against that
after some time. Another
reason is that Essence of Destruction 4O7,
our WHQ, was down fo
r about two weeks due to modem failure. The group was
in a state of chaos
at that time and was not ready to release a pack.
New Members ..
In the
past two months we have picked up several new members a
nd many distribution
sites. Among the new members are Ground Zero,
Talisman, GWoP, KAMiKAZi, S
candal, and ESOTERiC. There are too
many new distribution sites to list here.
We have been swamped
with applications for distribution and a
re now not accepting
as many. If you apply for one, we will ca
ll your BBS and check
it out. Your bbs has to be very art ori
ented, and other art
group affiliations are definately a plus.
.. Join Us
We are in need of Coders and ANSi Artists, al
though we will take
applications for other positions. If you
have talent in coding
or drawing ANSi files then use the F/T App
lication Generator in
this pack, fill out an app, and send it t
o us along with some
previous work. Join the F/T team.
.. FaTView
Next month we plan to have a new viewer. Y
es, itll support VGA
32O x 2OO mode. Itll have mouse support,
scrollback, and will
be able to read ANSi files up to 8OO lines
long. If time permits
to finish it of course.
.. Final Word
Well, enjoy this August compilation
of our work. Hope you like
what you see, and remember, this i
s only the second pack weve
ever done.
ad o
y ill F/T
Senior Staff
Destroyer - Handcuff that keyboard to yourself :
KAMiKAZi - Still aint working?
ESOTERiC - Hey, whats your NUP?
Death Pony - Yes, VGA! :
GWoP - Need some staples?
.. c1994 Futuris
tic /rtists wit
h Talent ..
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