this image contains text
/ Newsletter
for April, 1995
/ Or Wh
at Weve Been Up
To Since The La
st Pack
/ / / Well, lots has h
appened in the past couple of months. First Off, /
the reason the packet is so late in being released is
becuase Satan / Clas got into a
MAJOR car accident and spent a month a half in a
/ hospital bed. Not wanting to be outdone, I pro
ceeded to get into a / car accident on the
way to visit him, needless to say I spent 90 / /
of the next two weeks fighting insurance companies,
ex-girlfriends, / and car
dealerships. Everything is back to normal now, although I
/ am planning on taking Primal
Complex down due to my lack of time to /
/ time to preserve it. /
Heh - sounds like his board is the leftover - t
rying to perserve / it JK
But anyway, Im glad just to be typing this and be back at
home to recover instead of in a hospital bed like I was fo
r a long /
/ time. Anyway, for all those of you that were wo
ndering all 2, I am /
ok, and still plan on going off to college in Sept
ember. What both / Ignatiu
s and I leaving will do to FiDELiS remains to be seen...
/ FiDELiS is growing quite strong and has gained a lo
t of talent /
without me or Satan Clas to help it along. Heh, I gue
ss we are not / that needed : In the
past two months, weve only had one new artist /
join up, Venom, but the ones that were already members have t
urned /
/ out some great stuff, as this pack shows.
/ That being sa
id, I hope you like this pack, its a little skimpy
/ on VGA such, but since two of our main artists in tha
t area were
/ busy worrying about other things like getting th
eir memory back, /
hopefully you can forgive us this once : Anyway,
our lit division / keeps g
rowing stronger, and their submissions this month seem to be
some of their best yet. /
Anyway, well letcha go take a look at the pa
ck, with just one / plea at
the end for help - we are still looking for any worthwhile
/ ANSi/VGA/RiP/Music artists and ESPECIALLY coders noti
ce the lack
/ of a FiDELiS viewer in the pack who need a group
to join, and even /
a couple more distro sites, especially in the ar
ea codes where we / dont h
ave any representation. So, if ya wanna get in touch with
us, our App./Artist HQ is CyberPHck at 813399-2162, Cou
rrier HQ /
/ at least for a little longer is Primal Compl
ex, at 813363-1701, /
and our Programmer HQ is The Versed Drip at 4049
87-1910... Enjoy! /
/ Satan Clas, Ignatius, n the FiDELiS crew /
/ Greetz ta: ACiD, K
osmic Free Loader Foundation the king of music, /
XiDE a local group, but growing, Integrity, and ICoN.
for April, 1995
/ Or Wh
at Weve Been Up
To Since The La
st Pack
/ / / Well, lots has h
appened in the past couple of months. First Off, /
the reason the packet is so late in being released is
becuase Satan / Clas got into a
MAJOR car accident and spent a month a half in a
/ hospital bed. Not wanting to be outdone, I pro
ceeded to get into a / car accident on the
way to visit him, needless to say I spent 90 / /
of the next two weeks fighting insurance companies,
ex-girlfriends, / and car
dealerships. Everything is back to normal now, although I
/ am planning on taking Primal
Complex down due to my lack of time to /
/ time to preserve it. /
Heh - sounds like his board is the leftover - t
rying to perserve / it JK
But anyway, Im glad just to be typing this and be back at
home to recover instead of in a hospital bed like I was fo
r a long /
/ time. Anyway, for all those of you that were wo
ndering all 2, I am /
ok, and still plan on going off to college in Sept
ember. What both / Ignatiu
s and I leaving will do to FiDELiS remains to be seen...
/ FiDELiS is growing quite strong and has gained a lo
t of talent /
without me or Satan Clas to help it along. Heh, I gue
ss we are not / that needed : In the
past two months, weve only had one new artist /
join up, Venom, but the ones that were already members have t
urned /
/ out some great stuff, as this pack shows.
/ That being sa
id, I hope you like this pack, its a little skimpy
/ on VGA such, but since two of our main artists in tha
t area were
/ busy worrying about other things like getting th
eir memory back, /
hopefully you can forgive us this once : Anyway,
our lit division / keeps g
rowing stronger, and their submissions this month seem to be
some of their best yet. /
Anyway, well letcha go take a look at the pa
ck, with just one / plea at
the end for help - we are still looking for any worthwhile
/ ANSi/VGA/RiP/Music artists and ESPECIALLY coders noti
ce the lack
/ of a FiDELiS viewer in the pack who need a group
to join, and even /
a couple more distro sites, especially in the ar
ea codes where we / dont h
ave any representation. So, if ya wanna get in touch with
us, our App./Artist HQ is CyberPHck at 813399-2162, Cou
rrier HQ /
/ at least for a little longer is Primal Compl
ex, at 813363-1701, /
and our Programmer HQ is The Versed Drip at 4049
87-1910... Enjoy! /
/ Satan Clas, Ignatius, n the FiDELiS crew /
/ Greetz ta: ACiD, K
osmic Free Loader Foundation the king of music, /
XiDE a local group, but growing, Integrity, and ICoN.
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