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Name: Death Star
:emaNNumbah: 2o3.894.18o5 - 28.8k :habmuNSysop
: Gate Keeper SuRGE :posySStorage: 486DX2/66 w/
900 megs and a 4x CDRom Available :egarotSSitez: FiDEL
iS Site, Soals @ Zero Distro :zetiS Wicked Distro,
Surge Member BoardNetwerks: Impact Net :skrewteN
Name: Death Star
:emaNNumbah: 2o3.894.18o5 - 28.8k :habmuNSysop
: Gate Keeper SuRGE :posySStorage: 486DX2/66 w/
900 megs and a 4x CDRom Available :egarotSSitez: FiDEL
iS Site, Soals @ Zero Distro :zetiS Wicked Distro,
Surge Member BoardNetwerks: Impact Net :skrewteN
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