![#INFO# Fire Newsletter for 2/97 by Senior Staff](/pack/fire0297/x1/0297NEWS.ANS.png)
this image contains text
The Night Angel
Fire Ansi
Fire news for February 1997
flame on! you just melt away! :
welcome again to the fabulous fire combustion. its 1997, we
started in 1994 and were still going stronger than ever.
february is always an odd month for fire, since were kinda
recovering from our january vacation. by the same token, our
members have also had a lot of time in which to draw, so we
usually have quite a few high quality pieces. as if we usually
dont! : this months pack is one of the better ones, and
from what ive seen of this months competetion, possibly the
best that the scene has produced this month.
hats off to fire hirez and fire ansi: this months match-up is
undoubtedly a tie. both divisions produced some amazing stuff.
i dont have much else to say, so ill let the pack speak for
itself. less talk, more rock! call the regency.
fire ascii is officially dead. RIP. thanks again to fractal,
blatz and mass murderer, the glue that managed to hold the
division together for so long against such adversity.
- hal
louse! :
Hey fire art pack patrons, Firez is back in action following our
annual winter break. Our first new member of the new year, Pyxis, comes to
us from Dark, where he began as a vga artist last summer. Pyxis will be
adding his fantasy art creation skills and thus another genre to an already
multi-faceted vga unit. This month also marks the formal retirement of
Surreal Logic, fires former high resolution coordinator and sub-coordinator.
Surreal is busy with school and a thriving I hope : web publishing
business, but will still be helping out from time to time with the creation
of FireWeb. Devious also leaves our member list this month, because I
really dont know who he is, or if he exists, for that matter.
For the first time that I know of fire hirez is happy to present
to you a special guest artist: ACiDs very own Tomppa. Im particularly
excited because Tomppa happens to be one of my favorite vga artists in the
scene today, and he should be yours, too. : Perhaps we can turn the guest
artist idea into a lasting tradition...
Finally, a note about irc: the fire meeting time has been changed
from Wednesday nights to Friday nights, partly to accomodate the euros that
are in fire, and partly because simply more people are around on friday
nights. Again, this is just to allow those who dont irc much to have a
time that they can plan ahead for and know that there will be people around.
Also, d0nutz, the fire bot, is back online thanks to Private Parts, so
things should be running a little more smoothly from now on.
Oh, and Pinguino: were truly glad to have you around to release
with us this month. I really cant imagine what things would be like if
you werent here.
Enjoy our art, and Ill see you next month.
-God among Lice, fire hirez coord.-
acid and ice beware, the web will soon be aflame! :
fireweb news - http://patriot.net/panacea
Hi.. this is Panacea, Fire Senior in charge of Fireweb. Fire is proud
to be the last major group in the ansi scene to get a World Wide Web page.
Our web page wont just have stupid memberlists though, it will be a
valuable resource for the entire world. We will have online international
news, competitive with such commercial sites as MSNBC and CNN Online.
It will be a service for downloading the latest music as heard on MTV and
MTV2, just like MusicNOW. But most importantly, it will serve as a meeting
place for world leaders to assemble together, create treaties and make the
our Earth a more peaceful place. Aye, FireWeb will not merely benefit
ansi artists, or just people that have access to the Internet. FireWeb
truly will be beneficial for all of Gods children.
- Panacea, living up to the true meaning of his name.
a dying art form? we think not, fuckers! :
yeah, were a small bunch, but fire ansi packs a punch! fire ansi
adds yet one more member to the roster of the illustrious golden
bees this month in the form of everyones favorite ingredient in
table salt: sodium. sodium, coming from the now decrepit and aged
remains of the ACiD ansi department, sports a very unique style in
his latest work that really sets him apart from the norm. enjoy
his work, im sure there will be more coming.
unfortunately, i couldnt reach gunthar before pack time for
various reasons. sorry, gunny, but your showing next month will
be spectacular! :
id like to personally greet eerie, bisounours, vade79, iodine
zircus, nail, nosegos and panacea for a 10-man ansi team, we did
pretty well. :
- hal / fire president / slackmaster extarordinaire!
Fire Ansi
Fire news for February 1997
flame on! you just melt away! :
welcome again to the fabulous fire combustion. its 1997, we
started in 1994 and were still going stronger than ever.
february is always an odd month for fire, since were kinda
recovering from our january vacation. by the same token, our
members have also had a lot of time in which to draw, so we
usually have quite a few high quality pieces. as if we usually
dont! : this months pack is one of the better ones, and
from what ive seen of this months competetion, possibly the
best that the scene has produced this month.
hats off to fire hirez and fire ansi: this months match-up is
undoubtedly a tie. both divisions produced some amazing stuff.
i dont have much else to say, so ill let the pack speak for
itself. less talk, more rock! call the regency.
fire ascii is officially dead. RIP. thanks again to fractal,
blatz and mass murderer, the glue that managed to hold the
division together for so long against such adversity.
- hal
louse! :
Hey fire art pack patrons, Firez is back in action following our
annual winter break. Our first new member of the new year, Pyxis, comes to
us from Dark, where he began as a vga artist last summer. Pyxis will be
adding his fantasy art creation skills and thus another genre to an already
multi-faceted vga unit. This month also marks the formal retirement of
Surreal Logic, fires former high resolution coordinator and sub-coordinator.
Surreal is busy with school and a thriving I hope : web publishing
business, but will still be helping out from time to time with the creation
of FireWeb. Devious also leaves our member list this month, because I
really dont know who he is, or if he exists, for that matter.
For the first time that I know of fire hirez is happy to present
to you a special guest artist: ACiDs very own Tomppa. Im particularly
excited because Tomppa happens to be one of my favorite vga artists in the
scene today, and he should be yours, too. : Perhaps we can turn the guest
artist idea into a lasting tradition...
Finally, a note about irc: the fire meeting time has been changed
from Wednesday nights to Friday nights, partly to accomodate the euros that
are in fire, and partly because simply more people are around on friday
nights. Again, this is just to allow those who dont irc much to have a
time that they can plan ahead for and know that there will be people around.
Also, d0nutz, the fire bot, is back online thanks to Private Parts, so
things should be running a little more smoothly from now on.
Oh, and Pinguino: were truly glad to have you around to release
with us this month. I really cant imagine what things would be like if
you werent here.
Enjoy our art, and Ill see you next month.
-God among Lice, fire hirez coord.-
acid and ice beware, the web will soon be aflame! :
fireweb news - http://patriot.net/panacea
Hi.. this is Panacea, Fire Senior in charge of Fireweb. Fire is proud
to be the last major group in the ansi scene to get a World Wide Web page.
Our web page wont just have stupid memberlists though, it will be a
valuable resource for the entire world. We will have online international
news, competitive with such commercial sites as MSNBC and CNN Online.
It will be a service for downloading the latest music as heard on MTV and
MTV2, just like MusicNOW. But most importantly, it will serve as a meeting
place for world leaders to assemble together, create treaties and make the
our Earth a more peaceful place. Aye, FireWeb will not merely benefit
ansi artists, or just people that have access to the Internet. FireWeb
truly will be beneficial for all of Gods children.
- Panacea, living up to the true meaning of his name.
a dying art form? we think not, fuckers! :
yeah, were a small bunch, but fire ansi packs a punch! fire ansi
adds yet one more member to the roster of the illustrious golden
bees this month in the form of everyones favorite ingredient in
table salt: sodium. sodium, coming from the now decrepit and aged
remains of the ACiD ansi department, sports a very unique style in
his latest work that really sets him apart from the norm. enjoy
his work, im sure there will be more coming.
unfortunately, i couldnt reach gunthar before pack time for
various reasons. sorry, gunny, but your showing next month will
be spectacular! :
id like to personally greet eerie, bisounours, vade79, iodine
zircus, nail, nosegos and panacea for a 10-man ansi team, we did
pretty well. :
- hal / fire president / slackmaster extarordinaire!
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