this image contains text
bigge pifs second fire logo cluster.
if you want something, catch me on irc as biggepif
a big sorry to smokey: what i tried to do sucked, youll have
something soon, dont worry..
---rigor promotional----------------------------------------------------------
r i g o r
---spinal gamma---------------------------------------------------------------
g a m m a .
---impure------------------------------------------------------for jeepee---
jeepees impure.. ..and he doesnt like it. :
---the vestige-------------------------------------------------for egoteq---
t h e v e s t i g e
---rift-------------------------------------------------------for diocese--
hmmm... it sucks.
hmmm... it sucks.
...nways, its dead. :
bigge piffire
just to warn you, i drank some whisky before doing that... and since there is
a kind of party at my house, i had a lotsa pressure! :
i did it in 50 mins and now i have to leave the compute to jeepee wholl do
his logo...
i got 4 votes for that at the nectar 04 compo...
---jerky----------------------------------------------------white insanity--
---hmmm...-------------------------------------------------------------------- dont drink and draw
if anyone wants
that for his
board, dont be
shy... ask me on
---for the glacial compo------------------------------------------------------
- dont laugh, i did it in 30 minutes. -
bigge piffire
- what did you say? weird?... nah... -
---ethic promotional----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------my mom didnt even understand one of them..:
if you want something, catch me on irc as biggepif
a big sorry to smokey: what i tried to do sucked, youll have
something soon, dont worry..
---rigor promotional----------------------------------------------------------
r i g o r
---spinal gamma---------------------------------------------------------------
g a m m a .
---impure------------------------------------------------------for jeepee---
jeepees impure.. ..and he doesnt like it. :
---the vestige-------------------------------------------------for egoteq---
t h e v e s t i g e
---rift-------------------------------------------------------for diocese--
hmmm... it sucks.
hmmm... it sucks.
...nways, its dead. :
bigge piffire
just to warn you, i drank some whisky before doing that... and since there is
a kind of party at my house, i had a lotsa pressure! :
i did it in 50 mins and now i have to leave the compute to jeepee wholl do
his logo...
i got 4 votes for that at the nectar 04 compo...
---jerky----------------------------------------------------white insanity--
---hmmm...-------------------------------------------------------------------- dont drink and draw
if anyone wants
that for his
board, dont be
shy... ask me on
---for the glacial compo------------------------------------------------------
- dont laugh, i did it in 30 minutes. -
bigge piffire
- what did you say? weird?... nah... -
---ethic promotional----------------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------my mom didnt even understand one of them..:
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