this image contains text
. . - w0op - .
fractalfire - fr-colly.ans
this is my second ansi logo colly so far. im really cutting down on the ascii
now. ill make an occasional ascii logo :. check out my last colly in this
months pack - my traditional monthly greets go out to: splint, halaster,
flame, betrayer, sphive, fassassin, extremist, panacea, black viper, eerie,
maxwell, tnangel, fluor, grindstone, rza, ts, smooth, ansi, ice.
the gub mint - for pushead
.: -- + -fractal : --+---------------+---- -- -- ----- ------ ---+---++---------+----+-----
drip - for grimwyre
----------------+----------------------------------------+---+--------------drip - enter your handle or real name if yu dont want to use one.
dont mind the shitty background ...
the gas chamber - for muh bud tsk :
gas cham ber --+---+-+- ------ -- - -- ---------- -- --------- --the gas chambA - +o: the silent killer - a pile of affilZ
logo by fractal in da nine sickz
ooze e-mag - for sq2
--- -- ansi by fractal fire ----+ +---+ +------
-frak!@ -- - --- - - +
: +- o o z e e - m a g -+
bbslist - for that phat guy c4lled soi.
+- fr
eof bitz
fractalfire - fr-colly.ans
this is my second ansi logo colly so far. im really cutting down on the ascii
now. ill make an occasional ascii logo :. check out my last colly in this
months pack - my traditional monthly greets go out to: splint, halaster,
flame, betrayer, sphive, fassassin, extremist, panacea, black viper, eerie,
maxwell, tnangel, fluor, grindstone, rza, ts, smooth, ansi, ice.
the gub mint - for pushead
.: -- + -fractal : --+---------------+---- -- -- ----- ------ ---+---++---------+----+-----
drip - for grimwyre
----------------+----------------------------------------+---+--------------drip - enter your handle or real name if yu dont want to use one.
dont mind the shitty background ...
the gas chamber - for muh bud tsk :
gas cham ber --+---+-+- ------ -- - -- ---------- -- --------- --the gas chambA - +o: the silent killer - a pile of affilZ
logo by fractal in da nine sickz
ooze e-mag - for sq2
--- -- ansi by fractal fire ----+ +---+ +------
-frak!@ -- - --- - - +
: +- o o z e e - m a g -+
bbslist - for that phat guy c4lled soi.
+- fr
eof bitz
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