this image contains text
- group news -
welcome back, folx! its been quite a while,
but heres a brand spankin
new fire pack for all of you to spooge over! as some of
you may know
already, fire was an ansi group founded in area code 404
by two guys
looking to have some fun. in short, it was a complete j
oke. following
the first pack, however, the groups founders decided to
meet their
semi-positive praise by making the group permanent and t
rying to release
monthly. the rest, as they say, is history.
as fire grew, we aquired many talented artists. some of
them were just
beginning their careers in the computer art scene. some
of the most
notable success stories of the groups 8 month history i
nclude neurosis,
prisoner1, shaolin and coolwhip joining union all rela
tive newcomers
at the time and myself and the lite joining relic. unf
ortunately, as
the artists in fire branched out into new directions, th
e amount that
they dedicated to fire every month began to decline. as
a result, i began
dealings with mistigris in january of 95 to try to merg
e fire into the
already-strong art group. after our final pack in febru
ary of 95, the
majority of the group did move to mist and fire ceased t
o exist.
months passed, and we all enjoyed our time in the scene.
p1 and myself
joined acid and several of the other members drifted off
to other groups or:
just relaxed for a while. after a few months, however,
prisoner1, crisis
and myself began kicking around an idea that had been di
scussed in the past
a fire reunion pack.
what you have unarchived today is the result of those de
liberations, the
work of most of the original fire staff and the contribu
tions of countless f
third party members. i would like to personally thank e
ach and every one
of our contributors this month, but i truly owe thanks t
o the original staf
of fire, including its founders and one-time presidents
: donut hole and
- individual -
maxwell: good ole max decided to go ahead and scrap sy
stem75. after
realizing what a moronic decision this was, ma
x decided to
start from scratch once more with a new name:
tempest or maybe
itll be spectre : bbs software. more impor
tantly, max
will be going off to perdue university very sh
ortly. i, for
one, hope hell stick around in the scene no m
atter how much fun
college is.
neurosis: after joining acid, mr. kirby decided that he
had reached as
far and as high in the scene as he could and w
anted to go. so
he quit. what? instead of leaving the scen
e completely,
however, sis has decided to contribute regula
rly to fire.
prisoner1: even tho p1 isnt in 404 anymore, we can s
till smell him. :
bah. p1 has always managed to find the time t
o draw tons of
really great ansi for fire and his other contr
ibutions have been
extremely valuable, as well in terms of recru
iting, etc.
p1 will also be attending college at the end o
f the summer.
but i dont know where! :
talen: talen, our propaganda coordinator, will be sti
cking around in
404 after the summer and attending georgia tec
wintermute: wintermute remains one of our most loyal an
d useful members.
even though he doesnt dedicate the time he us
ed to to fire, he
works at pizza hut and has some weird attracti
on to WOMEN. :
rolf is always there when you need him and hel
ped out this month
with our badassious viewer, pyroview.
iodine: even tho iodine isnt an old school fire me
mber, he gets my
personal thanks this month for the spectacular
rush job he did
on pyroviews new interface. speaking of whic
h, go run the
bastard! Its even niftier than version5ch.
- closing -
fire was my first group and my time spent within it rem
ains still my most
enjoyed time in the scene. thank you all for your supp
ort. lets give it
a whirl once more.
halaster fire president
by the way, the regency will be going down on or around
the 21st of august
as i move to college. i will be attempting to set it up
as a multi-line
telnet address. if anyone has any advice as to how to s
et up a board
through a direct ethernet connection, using win95 and re
negade, let me know.
- greets -
* donut hole: thanks for getting me into ansi.
thanks for teaching
me how to draw. thanks for starting fire in the first
* vendetta: thanks for trying to stay involved,
despite your move.
* prisoner1: thanks for coming over from blitz
. thanks for the
loyalty, even if you have occasionaly lapses of egoness
* phusion: rip-master extraordinaire. we miss
your work.
* shaolin: sorry you dont agree about the cont
ributors. draw more.
* the lite: call the reg some time, if you get
a chance.
* silence: fires 1 fontist. : still use si-j
* shrapnel: scent of fire still rules.
* epitaph: i hope you have an ansi in this pack
* farbekrieg: i still remember you calling my s
tuff too cartoony. :
* pale: our first and only ld member, for a lon
g time.
* maxwell: 24-hour pyroview. system75 will rul
e. lets kick da jam
at 404fest.
* wintermute: our other resident coding genious
. thanks for making
all the anal adjustments to pyroview, back in the day
* neurosis: the official halaster lamer program
must still exist.
eerie: a fire pack without a undergrown revie
w just isnt the same.
* ktulu: thanks for all the ansi critiques and
the kickass work.
flood: relic was terrific. thanks for the ce
rebus ansi, again.
jello: you let it die, but i can understand c
ompletely. best of
luck at gt.
cat: the man. acid will always rule.
* crisis: killer snow angels. dont leave the
scene, it needs an ass
or two like you and ..
axitious: choad menu. ru ruled. : balastic
* sir freaksalot: i will beat you at magic, som
stone the crow: bitchslap was a terrific idea
somms: good luck with legend, get continuum o
ut, dammit! :
rad man: call me again at 4 am and ill kill
napalm: you owe me a calvin. :
quran: our first ld contact/site. thanks fo
r everything.
jazz: menuset menuset menuset. hear you on a
conf soon.
cthulu: sorry for abandoning ship. period.
proximity: the man who made the reg a warez b
shadow master: the man who made me a warez pu
* talen: propaganda coord. most useless co eve
r born.
ts: thanks for the most amazing ansi that i h
ave ever had the pleasure
of calling my own.
greater evil: an honorary fire member, if iv
e ever seen one.
friar tuck: the oldest bbser in 404 and the c
reator of k-rad.com
* midget farmer: the best rg modder in the area
killean: the second best rg modder in the are
acode, but the biggest
all the people ive deleted from the regency:
no hard feelings. :
gel/drool/all the other 404 groups: put your
all into it. quality
counts more than anything.
and last but not least, ALL the fire members
and contributors.
* original fire member
- group news -
welcome back, folx! its been quite a while,
but heres a brand spankin
new fire pack for all of you to spooge over! as some of
you may know
already, fire was an ansi group founded in area code 404
by two guys
looking to have some fun. in short, it was a complete j
oke. following
the first pack, however, the groups founders decided to
meet their
semi-positive praise by making the group permanent and t
rying to release
monthly. the rest, as they say, is history.
as fire grew, we aquired many talented artists. some of
them were just
beginning their careers in the computer art scene. some
of the most
notable success stories of the groups 8 month history i
nclude neurosis,
prisoner1, shaolin and coolwhip joining union all rela
tive newcomers
at the time and myself and the lite joining relic. unf
ortunately, as
the artists in fire branched out into new directions, th
e amount that
they dedicated to fire every month began to decline. as
a result, i began
dealings with mistigris in january of 95 to try to merg
e fire into the
already-strong art group. after our final pack in febru
ary of 95, the
majority of the group did move to mist and fire ceased t
o exist.
months passed, and we all enjoyed our time in the scene.
p1 and myself
joined acid and several of the other members drifted off
to other groups or:
just relaxed for a while. after a few months, however,
prisoner1, crisis
and myself began kicking around an idea that had been di
scussed in the past
a fire reunion pack.
what you have unarchived today is the result of those de
liberations, the
work of most of the original fire staff and the contribu
tions of countless f
third party members. i would like to personally thank e
ach and every one
of our contributors this month, but i truly owe thanks t
o the original staf
of fire, including its founders and one-time presidents
: donut hole and
- individual -
maxwell: good ole max decided to go ahead and scrap sy
stem75. after
realizing what a moronic decision this was, ma
x decided to
start from scratch once more with a new name:
tempest or maybe
itll be spectre : bbs software. more impor
tantly, max
will be going off to perdue university very sh
ortly. i, for
one, hope hell stick around in the scene no m
atter how much fun
college is.
neurosis: after joining acid, mr. kirby decided that he
had reached as
far and as high in the scene as he could and w
anted to go. so
he quit. what? instead of leaving the scen
e completely,
however, sis has decided to contribute regula
rly to fire.
prisoner1: even tho p1 isnt in 404 anymore, we can s
till smell him. :
bah. p1 has always managed to find the time t
o draw tons of
really great ansi for fire and his other contr
ibutions have been
extremely valuable, as well in terms of recru
iting, etc.
p1 will also be attending college at the end o
f the summer.
but i dont know where! :
talen: talen, our propaganda coordinator, will be sti
cking around in
404 after the summer and attending georgia tec
wintermute: wintermute remains one of our most loyal an
d useful members.
even though he doesnt dedicate the time he us
ed to to fire, he
works at pizza hut and has some weird attracti
on to WOMEN. :
rolf is always there when you need him and hel
ped out this month
with our badassious viewer, pyroview.
iodine: even tho iodine isnt an old school fire me
mber, he gets my
personal thanks this month for the spectacular
rush job he did
on pyroviews new interface. speaking of whic
h, go run the
bastard! Its even niftier than version5ch.
- closing -
fire was my first group and my time spent within it rem
ains still my most
enjoyed time in the scene. thank you all for your supp
ort. lets give it
a whirl once more.
halaster fire president
by the way, the regency will be going down on or around
the 21st of august
as i move to college. i will be attempting to set it up
as a multi-line
telnet address. if anyone has any advice as to how to s
et up a board
through a direct ethernet connection, using win95 and re
negade, let me know.
- greets -
* donut hole: thanks for getting me into ansi.
thanks for teaching
me how to draw. thanks for starting fire in the first
* vendetta: thanks for trying to stay involved,
despite your move.
* prisoner1: thanks for coming over from blitz
. thanks for the
loyalty, even if you have occasionaly lapses of egoness
* phusion: rip-master extraordinaire. we miss
your work.
* shaolin: sorry you dont agree about the cont
ributors. draw more.
* the lite: call the reg some time, if you get
a chance.
* silence: fires 1 fontist. : still use si-j
* shrapnel: scent of fire still rules.
* epitaph: i hope you have an ansi in this pack
* farbekrieg: i still remember you calling my s
tuff too cartoony. :
* pale: our first and only ld member, for a lon
g time.
* maxwell: 24-hour pyroview. system75 will rul
e. lets kick da jam
at 404fest.
* wintermute: our other resident coding genious
. thanks for making
all the anal adjustments to pyroview, back in the day
* neurosis: the official halaster lamer program
must still exist.
eerie: a fire pack without a undergrown revie
w just isnt the same.
* ktulu: thanks for all the ansi critiques and
the kickass work.
flood: relic was terrific. thanks for the ce
rebus ansi, again.
jello: you let it die, but i can understand c
ompletely. best of
luck at gt.
cat: the man. acid will always rule.
* crisis: killer snow angels. dont leave the
scene, it needs an ass
or two like you and ..
axitious: choad menu. ru ruled. : balastic
* sir freaksalot: i will beat you at magic, som
stone the crow: bitchslap was a terrific idea
somms: good luck with legend, get continuum o
ut, dammit! :
rad man: call me again at 4 am and ill kill
napalm: you owe me a calvin. :
quran: our first ld contact/site. thanks fo
r everything.
jazz: menuset menuset menuset. hear you on a
conf soon.
cthulu: sorry for abandoning ship. period.
proximity: the man who made the reg a warez b
shadow master: the man who made me a warez pu
* talen: propaganda coord. most useless co eve
r born.
ts: thanks for the most amazing ansi that i h
ave ever had the pleasure
of calling my own.
greater evil: an honorary fire member, if iv
e ever seen one.
friar tuck: the oldest bbser in 404 and the c
reator of k-rad.com
* midget farmer: the best rg modder in the area
killean: the second best rg modder in the are
acode, but the biggest
all the people ive deleted from the regency:
no hard feelings. :
gel/drool/all the other 404 groups: put your
all into it. quality
counts more than anything.
and last but not least, ALL the fire members
and contributors.
* original fire member
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