this image contains text
how to draw the halaster way part1 of ? - by halas
terfire president/acid 95--
shape -
ok .. here, we have a very simple shap
e. thats
neat, if you want a very simple ansi.
the first rule of halaster shading is
to never
leave any shape in its basic form. s
o were gonna
distort this little bugger .. .like a
fucked up shape -
so it may not look grand now, just be
ar with me.
at least it was a little harder to dr
aw than
the regular square.
color -
there are two main types of
colors in ansi. one type
shades real well, the other
doesnt. simple, eh?
ill show you how to shade
color that shades good -
ok, here iv
e chosen cyan .. one of the easiest to shade
colors .. now, the first th
ing to do is to decide
where the light source will
for this example, ive chos
en dark to be lower-left.
dark and bright to be
r swirls -
i never ever ever do straight
line bright spots and only
use shading as detail work. here ive map
ped out the
bright spots.
cartoon borders -
another neat trick is to use
cartoon borders on the
edges oh a shape .. i only do it with brights
, however.
this square rea
lly doesnt show the potential of borders
no- that well ..
i suggest you look at some other pics. :
the next step
in halshade is to go to extremes .. this
means little bright spots and
little spots of complete
black should be in the center of the shade reg
color 7, 15,
and color 0 work best for this.
the plu
a great shading technique that i picked up fro
m lord
jazz, sushi-x and maestro is
the plus. while some people
hate it, i think its a great way to
add grit to a pic.
the chromatic
is a nice touch, too.
random s
hade -
i like to throw random colors into my work ..
but i always choose colors th
at are in other parts
of the picture .. for example
, imagine that theres
a blue square nearby for this example.
the pn
akotic -
heres something i learned from pnakotic.
throw in the
high intensity f1 and 2s to add more grit.
also use f3s of the primary colo
and reversal -
another neat trick is swapping s for s and
versa .. check it out.
last t
ouches -
hal heres where you do pi
c-specific things. like your
initials and
stuff. or extra random shading.
which do you prefer? :
hal - halshade!
leading brand -
hard color -
the only thing youll have to
do with hard colors
is eliminate the extremes an
d, sometimes, cut out all
color 8 .. check this red square.
hard colors red, green and blue.
if you really need the full shape, you
can use light
color 8 shading.
thanks for your time and have fun drawring! if this has
been useful at all,
drop me a line at the regency to let me know.
- halasterfire
terfire president/acid 95--
shape -
ok .. here, we have a very simple shap
e. thats
neat, if you want a very simple ansi.
the first rule of halaster shading is
to never
leave any shape in its basic form. s
o were gonna
distort this little bugger .. .like a
fucked up shape -
so it may not look grand now, just be
ar with me.
at least it was a little harder to dr
aw than
the regular square.
color -
there are two main types of
colors in ansi. one type
shades real well, the other
doesnt. simple, eh?
ill show you how to shade
color that shades good -
ok, here iv
e chosen cyan .. one of the easiest to shade
colors .. now, the first th
ing to do is to decide
where the light source will
for this example, ive chos
en dark to be lower-left.
dark and bright to be
r swirls -
i never ever ever do straight
line bright spots and only
use shading as detail work. here ive map
ped out the
bright spots.
cartoon borders -
another neat trick is to use
cartoon borders on the
edges oh a shape .. i only do it with brights
, however.
this square rea
lly doesnt show the potential of borders
no- that well ..
i suggest you look at some other pics. :
the next step
in halshade is to go to extremes .. this
means little bright spots and
little spots of complete
black should be in the center of the shade reg
color 7, 15,
and color 0 work best for this.
the plu
a great shading technique that i picked up fro
m lord
jazz, sushi-x and maestro is
the plus. while some people
hate it, i think its a great way to
add grit to a pic.
the chromatic
is a nice touch, too.
random s
hade -
i like to throw random colors into my work ..
but i always choose colors th
at are in other parts
of the picture .. for example
, imagine that theres
a blue square nearby for this example.
the pn
akotic -
heres something i learned from pnakotic.
throw in the
high intensity f1 and 2s to add more grit.
also use f3s of the primary colo
and reversal -
another neat trick is swapping s for s and
versa .. check it out.
last t
ouches -
hal heres where you do pi
c-specific things. like your
initials and
stuff. or extra random shading.
which do you prefer? :
hal - halshade!
leading brand -
hard color -
the only thing youll have to
do with hard colors
is eliminate the extremes an
d, sometimes, cut out all
color 8 .. check this red square.
hard colors red, green and blue.
if you really need the full shape, you
can use light
color 8 shading.
thanks for your time and have fun drawring! if this has
been useful at all,
drop me a line at the regency to let me know.
- halasterfire
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