this image contains text
emp. .,sssss,
: .s, welcome, to my first collie releasing with
, , the phire wow l33t crew. Let me first say
that I am pleased with my self, I mean I
ss s.,s s sss have come a long ways, my first real group
s ,.s art that is was plain, and sine I am sure
, s that everyone knows what happend to the
,s s ,s,. group, that left many of us artists out of a s, . s group, so I just want to thank my good
s friend blatz for inviting me into fire.
, s - the emperor / phire
1 . puq logo - for ai! of toxic trade
2 . system x logo - for lord of pain free
3 . nokturnal emission logo - for maniac trade
4 . bunk logo - for 77 trade
5 . dunes promo - for me
6 . total kaos - for ripper free
7 . jedi knights - for skywalker his online door game
-------- puq ---------------------------------------------------------------
yy, g ,yy , l
l , , ,
, g
s y,
l thEmperor fire ascii
------- system x -----------------------------------------------------------
g s the emperor fire
-- ,ssssg sgs ,g4ssssss ,g4gs , - . -- ,g: s g s, : sggggsss, ggggssss, Sgggs ggy Y sggg Ys L ggg s l ls , s
ss, ,sssgss, ,s s, Ss s s ,s s g s ss s : . ,..s s sss.s.s - g sgs ----- s- s y s t e m - x
sysop lord of pain + info 1-888-XXX-XXXX specializng hacking and phreaking s
telnet: XXX.X.XXX.X
------- nokturnal emission --------------------------------------------------
nokturnal emission // pcboard 15.22 // maniac // the emperor // fire
// // // / /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------main menu / pcb 15.22 time xcommand xcommand xcommand xcommand xcommand xcommand . xcommand xcommand xcommand : xcommand xcommand xcommand :: xcommand xcommand xcommand . xcommand xcommand xcommand :. xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand . xcommand xcommand xcommand
------- bunk ---------------------------------------------------------------
y g g
ssyyy, a a
aaY aaY ,a,
the emperor : phire
------- the dunes ----------------------------------------------------------
the dunes :
the emperor / fire
the emperor / fire ------
deep / trank / acid ascii pure 1OO ascii board
anarchist / acid
lord of pain / our hpa guy telnetable
acid / fire member board coming in late august
offical trank distrubtion site
------- total kaos ---------------------------------------------------------
,gggg ,. ,gggg ,gggyyyggg, ,ggg
g ,h y
, g, g g, sg, sg, s
kaos ..
. total kaos the emperor * fire
------- jedi knights -------------------------------------------------------
,kg4aamgggg, gg,.
saaag c skywalker 1996
,gggg g
, g , jedi knights oneline game
all your commands and jaz in here skywalker ..
ascii the emperor / fire
Oo :: well there you go, its not a long collie, well if you think about it
/ it really isnt a collie :. anywz let me great muy boyz ..
deep, pinguino, tsk, sucidal snowman, anarchist, betrayer, whodini, holocuast
wator, blatz, mrk your the fucking best, omi, gunthar
** my biggest great goes to my true love, jen
also :: greats go to my boyz in phire .. and my old boyz in plain
-- if you want to get a hold of me, either catch me on irc late at night, as
thEMPEROR, or some of the boards i usualy call, or you can email me at
thEmperor@juno.com .. i am always open for a trade or something
-- one last thing, me and deep are setting up a telnet board, should be up
around late august or early september. IT will be the dunes and it will be
1OO ascii, and grayscaled theme. peace
the emperor / fire
end of phile 239
: .s, welcome, to my first collie releasing with
, , the phire wow l33t crew. Let me first say
that I am pleased with my self, I mean I
ss s.,s s sss have come a long ways, my first real group
s ,.s art that is was plain, and sine I am sure
, s that everyone knows what happend to the
,s s ,s,. group, that left many of us artists out of a s, . s group, so I just want to thank my good
s friend blatz for inviting me into fire.
, s - the emperor / phire
1 . puq logo - for ai! of toxic trade
2 . system x logo - for lord of pain free
3 . nokturnal emission logo - for maniac trade
4 . bunk logo - for 77 trade
5 . dunes promo - for me
6 . total kaos - for ripper free
7 . jedi knights - for skywalker his online door game
-------- puq ---------------------------------------------------------------
yy, g ,yy , l
l , , ,
, g
s y,
l thEmperor fire ascii
------- system x -----------------------------------------------------------
g s the emperor fire
-- ,ssssg sgs ,g4ssssss ,g4gs , - . -- ,g: s g s, : sggggsss, ggggssss, Sgggs ggy Y sggg Ys L ggg s l ls , s
ss, ,sssgss, ,s s, Ss s s ,s s g s ss s : . ,..s s sss.s.s - g sgs ----- s- s y s t e m - x
sysop lord of pain + info 1-888-XXX-XXXX specializng hacking and phreaking s
telnet: XXX.X.XXX.X
------- nokturnal emission --------------------------------------------------
nokturnal emission // pcboard 15.22 // maniac // the emperor // fire
// // // / /-------------------------------------------------------------------------------main menu / pcb 15.22 time xcommand xcommand xcommand xcommand xcommand xcommand . xcommand xcommand xcommand : xcommand xcommand xcommand :: xcommand xcommand xcommand . xcommand xcommand xcommand :. xcommand xcommand xcommand
xcommand xcommand xcommand . xcommand xcommand xcommand
------- bunk ---------------------------------------------------------------
y g g
ssyyy, a a
aaY aaY ,a,
the emperor : phire
------- the dunes ----------------------------------------------------------
the dunes :
the emperor / fire
the emperor / fire ------
deep / trank / acid ascii pure 1OO ascii board
anarchist / acid
lord of pain / our hpa guy telnetable
acid / fire member board coming in late august
offical trank distrubtion site
------- total kaos ---------------------------------------------------------
,gggg ,. ,gggg ,gggyyyggg, ,ggg
g ,h y
, g, g g, sg, sg, s
kaos ..
. total kaos the emperor * fire
------- jedi knights -------------------------------------------------------
,kg4aamgggg, gg,.
saaag c skywalker 1996
,gggg g
, g , jedi knights oneline game
all your commands and jaz in here skywalker ..
ascii the emperor / fire
Oo :: well there you go, its not a long collie, well if you think about it
/ it really isnt a collie :. anywz let me great muy boyz ..
deep, pinguino, tsk, sucidal snowman, anarchist, betrayer, whodini, holocuast
wator, blatz, mrk your the fucking best, omi, gunthar
** my biggest great goes to my true love, jen
also :: greats go to my boyz in phire .. and my old boyz in plain
-- if you want to get a hold of me, either catch me on irc late at night, as
thEMPEROR, or some of the boards i usualy call, or you can email me at
thEmperor@juno.com .. i am always open for a trade or something
-- one last thing, me and deep are setting up a telnet board, should be up
around late august or early september. IT will be the dunes and it will be
1OO ascii, and grayscaled theme. peace
the emperor / fire
end of phile 239
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