this image contains text
- i babble babble bo babble bonnanna fanna fo fabble etc etc .. -
ho ho! im back at school, chillin in my dorm room, listening to the
wedding present and writing the september 1996 fire newsletter. last
year at this time i was working with a bare handful of artists and
wondering exactly how long it would be before fire died. p1 had left,
calling me a big-ego boy : and things were looking pretty grim. its
awesome to see how well things have gone since then, and id like to give
my personal thanks to all the great artists in and out of fire who have
made this pack possible. thanks too to the fans, because we dont
release packs if theres no audience. :
this pack also marks a return to normalcy for fire, because now
that im back in school, with much more free time doesnt that sound
weird? than i have in the summer, i can run the group the way its
supposed to be run. id like to thank all the guys who stuck with
us through the aimlessness of summer and id like to say pthht. :P to
all the fools who doubted. : of course, the doors always open in
most situations.
fire ansi puts on a good show this month, per usual, and fire hirez has
some impressive stuff, as well. hats off to blatz and fire ascii,
however, for the great improvement since 2 months or so ago. look
for fire ascii to become a major competitor in the next few months!
in any case, welcome to the september fire combustion. enjoy the show.
- halasterfire
- blatz does his funky dance for us all! go blatz! -
This month we got Pyschoholic, who is in fire ansi but now he gives us his
asciis too, thankfully. We got rid of Abnormal because I havent seen or heard
from him since he joined. Unsane left fire to go back to acid. Starting next
month fire asciis new rule is to kick out members after they have been in-
active for two months. Thats all thank you.
Editors note: Blatz gets an A for accuracy, but a D- for length. :
- fire hirez is cool, but why do they think they deserve big headers? : -
heya people, welcome to another great month for the Fire HiRez Division!
well, now that schools started back up, this month ended up being pretty
slow, scene-wise, for me and my crew.. weve managed to compile quite a
ditty of a HiRez Extravaganza for you, but in terms of scene activity,
weve been pretty much dead or at least I have : .. not to bore you or
anything, but I just started up at UBC in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and Ive
been busy as hell with school stuff for nearly a month already. its been
hell commuting 40 minutes back/forth to school every day, but its actually
turned out to be really cool. so Im happy. but my scene activity has
suffered heh : ever since.. so dont expect to find me on IRC too often
in the future.
heres an important note for all of my division crew, and anyone else
who needs to contact me for one reason or another.. I have a NEW e-mail
address! from now on, please do NOT send mail to dbouton@direct.ca .. my
new address is nbouton@unixg.ubc.ca. all mail/questions/requests/anything
should be sent there, and Ill be checking it daily. and its pretty fast,
too. so if you need to contact me quickly, thats the best way. otherwise,
you could always leave me a message on halasters the regency telnet to
tregency.res.cmu.edu .. Ill get back to you there within a few days.
new members this month! .. well, okay, new membeR : wed like to
welcome penguino of penguin palace comics to the Fire HiRez Crew. shell be
releasing some scanned freehand work and some straight vga work with Fire,
and hopefully shell be contributing to our division regularly for a long
time ppcs website is http://www.napanet.net/vyrus/penguin ...
division-wise, weve had a great showing from a couple of our top-notch
artists, fathom and gig. Id like to congratulate both these guys on their
work this month great stuff, guys, as theyre both relatively new artists
in my time frame, at least : whove put a lot of effort into the quality
of their work this month, in addition to actually making the effort to
contact me on their own .. thanks, guys.
not to neglect the rest of the division, of course. thanks to my sub-
coord god among lice for all his efforts last month and this month to help
out our division. we should be seeing more great stuff from him soon. a
hearty slap on the back to the whole Fire HiRez Crew for a great month, and
look for some of our world-renowned g Fire ProJeKtZ sometime in the near
future :
- surreal logic fire hirez coordinator nbouton@unixg.ubc.ca
- fireweb sucks, because they havent done ANYTHING yet. : -
ahh, yes, fireweb : welcome back to another month of promises from your
favorite division of procrastinators g .. well, all I can say this month
is that well try to have something online by the end of september, but no
guarantees. hey, keep in mind, iCE.org took over a year.. in all honesty
Im not sure if well have time to complete fireweb in the next couple of
months, but well see what happens. keep your fingers crossed.
no new members this month to speak of. someone tried to join, but he
wasnt even in fire. lets leave it at that
oh, and to anyone wondering, we didnt bother including the HTML member
listing this month for the simple fact that there were no changes to it..
and its quite big, so youll have to settle for a recycled RIP memlist.
so sue me, Im busy G ..
coord: surreal logic nbouton@unixg.ubc.ca
sub-coord: spark bhassard@intergate.bc.ca
temporary fire webHQ:
- fire ansi is the best, if they cant do it, fuck the rest! *YAY!* -
The big event of this month in terms of fire ansi is, unfortunately, a sad
one. Iodine, a long-time member and contributor to the group, has announced
his retirement from mainstream, regular ansi production. IDs been around
for a long time, and Im sure that many people in and outside of the group
will miss his work, stunning personality and girlish good looks. hahahahah.
Milk kicked Cheeses ass!
In other news this time good, fire welcomes Nail, Mr. Sandman and Clorox
Cowboy to the fold. Since its getting late, and I want to pack this sucker
up, Ill let their work speak for itself. Word to you new studs, boys,
lets kick butt together!
And with that, I bid you goodnight!
halaster fire
- i babble babble bo babble bonnanna fanna fo fabble etc etc .. -
ho ho! im back at school, chillin in my dorm room, listening to the
wedding present and writing the september 1996 fire newsletter. last
year at this time i was working with a bare handful of artists and
wondering exactly how long it would be before fire died. p1 had left,
calling me a big-ego boy : and things were looking pretty grim. its
awesome to see how well things have gone since then, and id like to give
my personal thanks to all the great artists in and out of fire who have
made this pack possible. thanks too to the fans, because we dont
release packs if theres no audience. :
this pack also marks a return to normalcy for fire, because now
that im back in school, with much more free time doesnt that sound
weird? than i have in the summer, i can run the group the way its
supposed to be run. id like to thank all the guys who stuck with
us through the aimlessness of summer and id like to say pthht. :P to
all the fools who doubted. : of course, the doors always open in
most situations.
fire ansi puts on a good show this month, per usual, and fire hirez has
some impressive stuff, as well. hats off to blatz and fire ascii,
however, for the great improvement since 2 months or so ago. look
for fire ascii to become a major competitor in the next few months!
in any case, welcome to the september fire combustion. enjoy the show.
- halasterfire
- blatz does his funky dance for us all! go blatz! -
This month we got Pyschoholic, who is in fire ansi but now he gives us his
asciis too, thankfully. We got rid of Abnormal because I havent seen or heard
from him since he joined. Unsane left fire to go back to acid. Starting next
month fire asciis new rule is to kick out members after they have been in-
active for two months. Thats all thank you.
Editors note: Blatz gets an A for accuracy, but a D- for length. :
- fire hirez is cool, but why do they think they deserve big headers? : -
heya people, welcome to another great month for the Fire HiRez Division!
well, now that schools started back up, this month ended up being pretty
slow, scene-wise, for me and my crew.. weve managed to compile quite a
ditty of a HiRez Extravaganza for you, but in terms of scene activity,
weve been pretty much dead or at least I have : .. not to bore you or
anything, but I just started up at UBC in Vancouver, BC, Canada, and Ive
been busy as hell with school stuff for nearly a month already. its been
hell commuting 40 minutes back/forth to school every day, but its actually
turned out to be really cool. so Im happy. but my scene activity has
suffered heh : ever since.. so dont expect to find me on IRC too often
in the future.
heres an important note for all of my division crew, and anyone else
who needs to contact me for one reason or another.. I have a NEW e-mail
address! from now on, please do NOT send mail to dbouton@direct.ca .. my
new address is nbouton@unixg.ubc.ca. all mail/questions/requests/anything
should be sent there, and Ill be checking it daily. and its pretty fast,
too. so if you need to contact me quickly, thats the best way. otherwise,
you could always leave me a message on halasters the regency telnet to
tregency.res.cmu.edu .. Ill get back to you there within a few days.
new members this month! .. well, okay, new membeR : wed like to
welcome penguino of penguin palace comics to the Fire HiRez Crew. shell be
releasing some scanned freehand work and some straight vga work with Fire,
and hopefully shell be contributing to our division regularly for a long
time ppcs website is http://www.napanet.net/vyrus/penguin ...
division-wise, weve had a great showing from a couple of our top-notch
artists, fathom and gig. Id like to congratulate both these guys on their
work this month great stuff, guys, as theyre both relatively new artists
in my time frame, at least : whove put a lot of effort into the quality
of their work this month, in addition to actually making the effort to
contact me on their own .. thanks, guys.
not to neglect the rest of the division, of course. thanks to my sub-
coord god among lice for all his efforts last month and this month to help
out our division. we should be seeing more great stuff from him soon. a
hearty slap on the back to the whole Fire HiRez Crew for a great month, and
look for some of our world-renowned g Fire ProJeKtZ sometime in the near
future :
- surreal logic fire hirez coordinator nbouton@unixg.ubc.ca
- fireweb sucks, because they havent done ANYTHING yet. : -
ahh, yes, fireweb : welcome back to another month of promises from your
favorite division of procrastinators g .. well, all I can say this month
is that well try to have something online by the end of september, but no
guarantees. hey, keep in mind, iCE.org took over a year.. in all honesty
Im not sure if well have time to complete fireweb in the next couple of
months, but well see what happens. keep your fingers crossed.
no new members this month to speak of. someone tried to join, but he
wasnt even in fire. lets leave it at that
oh, and to anyone wondering, we didnt bother including the HTML member
listing this month for the simple fact that there were no changes to it..
and its quite big, so youll have to settle for a recycled RIP memlist.
so sue me, Im busy G ..
coord: surreal logic nbouton@unixg.ubc.ca
sub-coord: spark bhassard@intergate.bc.ca
temporary fire webHQ:
- fire ansi is the best, if they cant do it, fuck the rest! *YAY!* -
The big event of this month in terms of fire ansi is, unfortunately, a sad
one. Iodine, a long-time member and contributor to the group, has announced
his retirement from mainstream, regular ansi production. IDs been around
for a long time, and Im sure that many people in and outside of the group
will miss his work, stunning personality and girlish good looks. hahahahah.
Milk kicked Cheeses ass!
In other news this time good, fire welcomes Nail, Mr. Sandman and Clorox
Cowboy to the fold. Since its getting late, and I want to pack this sucker
up, Ill let their work speak for itself. Word to you new studs, boys,
lets kick butt together!
And with that, I bid you goodnight!
halaster fire
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