this image contains text
- pris
oner1 speaks! - Mouahhahaaha...
I win. Its December and I dont believe that anyon
e has made a bigger ansi than 512 lines, which of co
urse is the exact length of the ansi I made for the
0895 pack for Fire. 1995 belongs to me.
Halaster took a vacation for a little while, an
d since he was gone I decided to take over. I invit
ed a few people to join including Veks, Plutonium, e
tc. Not all of them joined, but some did and even m
ade some artwork. Hmmm, Veks wanted to be different
, so he didnt join but still made artwork. I cant
figure him out, but thanks for the Fire logo, Kevin.
Fire is pleased to announce its Legend division
. This new
division will consist of Fire members who feel they are too
elite to release with the rest of us, but are basically cool
anyway. Due to their eliteness, they will release in
separate packs as LEGEND-XX.ZIP. Welcome aboard guys!
Oh, and POD...youre fired. Clean out your desk and dont
steal the towels.
Id like to remind everyone that Fire is released only 11 tim
a year... 2-2, 3-3, ...12-12. we dont release a pack on 1-1
because no one wants to get up from a drunken stupor on
New Years Day to make a bunch phone calls to people who didn
make artwork during the Holidays. Its Christmas, drink some
eggnog with spiced rum and forget how to dial a phone for a w
So on that note, enjoy the pack. Your next Fire fix will com
on the second of February.
- halaster speaks! -
Bah. This month was one of the most busy for me in a
long time.
Not only was my pack-preparation interrupted by finals, but I
also spent 2 weeks in New Jersey without a serious computer
for Thanksgiving break. In any case, the lack of communicati
with my members caused some problems. You may notice that so
of the fire crue doesnt have work in this pack. The simple
explanation for this sorry state is that I was unable to reac
them by pack time or even one day late. So, we all have to
without ansi from Eerie, Tyme, Ktulu, and Donut Hole. Plus,
we dont get the chance to gawk at one of Bob the Janitors
amazing RIPs.
Yes, thats right, Bob the FING Janitor. While Bob is, of c
the most important member that Fire has ever gotten this guy
got me into the scene. the group also wishes to welcome:
Somms, Iodine, Prince Of Death oh, wait, p1 booted him.,
Snake Grunger and some others to head the Fire Legend divisio
The main Fire crue welcomes Bedlam - a prominent RIP artist w
has recently extended his talents into ansi, Psionide - an
ansi artists and cosysop on MistA, Plutonium - a new ansi art
who shows much promise and Winbee - a spectacular anime-style
VGA doodler. We also welcome Cybernary, who has an uncanny
ability to format his hard drives at un-oppertune times and
Nootropic, who everyone should know from his amazing work in
Saga haha! Its dead! : and the Fire Legend division.
I apologize if I left anyone out of the above section. Its
10 minutes till pack time and I really dont remember all the
new faces. : If you were left out, believe me, Ill make up
it next pack. February 2nd!
In other news, The Regency is now completely up and open to t
public as a telnet site. You can visit the Reg by telnetting
tregency.res.cmu.edu 24 hours per day. You should call it.
After all, Fishbone does.
In any case, I wish everyone in the scene a happy holiday sea
Tear yourself from your monitors and enjoy some quality famil
time! :P Extra-special greets to all those who saw the last
December Fire pack, as it came out.
halaster fire
PS: I hope you enjoy the old version of Pyroview! :
- pris
oner1 speaks! - Mouahhahaaha...
I win. Its December and I dont believe that anyon
e has made a bigger ansi than 512 lines, which of co
urse is the exact length of the ansi I made for the
0895 pack for Fire. 1995 belongs to me.
Halaster took a vacation for a little while, an
d since he was gone I decided to take over. I invit
ed a few people to join including Veks, Plutonium, e
tc. Not all of them joined, but some did and even m
ade some artwork. Hmmm, Veks wanted to be different
, so he didnt join but still made artwork. I cant
figure him out, but thanks for the Fire logo, Kevin.
Fire is pleased to announce its Legend division
. This new
division will consist of Fire members who feel they are too
elite to release with the rest of us, but are basically cool
anyway. Due to their eliteness, they will release in
separate packs as LEGEND-XX.ZIP. Welcome aboard guys!
Oh, and POD...youre fired. Clean out your desk and dont
steal the towels.
Id like to remind everyone that Fire is released only 11 tim
a year... 2-2, 3-3, ...12-12. we dont release a pack on 1-1
because no one wants to get up from a drunken stupor on
New Years Day to make a bunch phone calls to people who didn
make artwork during the Holidays. Its Christmas, drink some
eggnog with spiced rum and forget how to dial a phone for a w
So on that note, enjoy the pack. Your next Fire fix will com
on the second of February.
- halaster speaks! -
Bah. This month was one of the most busy for me in a
long time.
Not only was my pack-preparation interrupted by finals, but I
also spent 2 weeks in New Jersey without a serious computer
for Thanksgiving break. In any case, the lack of communicati
with my members caused some problems. You may notice that so
of the fire crue doesnt have work in this pack. The simple
explanation for this sorry state is that I was unable to reac
them by pack time or even one day late. So, we all have to
without ansi from Eerie, Tyme, Ktulu, and Donut Hole. Plus,
we dont get the chance to gawk at one of Bob the Janitors
amazing RIPs.
Yes, thats right, Bob the FING Janitor. While Bob is, of c
the most important member that Fire has ever gotten this guy
got me into the scene. the group also wishes to welcome:
Somms, Iodine, Prince Of Death oh, wait, p1 booted him.,
Snake Grunger and some others to head the Fire Legend divisio
The main Fire crue welcomes Bedlam - a prominent RIP artist w
has recently extended his talents into ansi, Psionide - an
ansi artists and cosysop on MistA, Plutonium - a new ansi art
who shows much promise and Winbee - a spectacular anime-style
VGA doodler. We also welcome Cybernary, who has an uncanny
ability to format his hard drives at un-oppertune times and
Nootropic, who everyone should know from his amazing work in
Saga haha! Its dead! : and the Fire Legend division.
I apologize if I left anyone out of the above section. Its
10 minutes till pack time and I really dont remember all the
new faces. : If you were left out, believe me, Ill make up
it next pack. February 2nd!
In other news, The Regency is now completely up and open to t
public as a telnet site. You can visit the Reg by telnetting
tregency.res.cmu.edu 24 hours per day. You should call it.
After all, Fishbone does.
In any case, I wish everyone in the scene a happy holiday sea
Tear yourself from your monitors and enjoy some quality famil
time! :P Extra-special greets to all those who saw the last
December Fire pack, as it came out.
halaster fire
PS: I hope you enjoy the old version of Pyroview! :
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