this image contains text
Well, it is done...
Were fuckin A-proud to present you our 4th ansipack. Some things have
changed in FUEL these last couple of days.. We kicked some members and we got
some new ones aswel.
The ones that were kicked were The Grim Reaper and The Ripper. The new ones
are Orgasmic Power, Slay, Eduardo and Dark Wolf.
Also, I considered it wise to start releasing a Ansipack each TWO months
instead of every month. It will increase the quality and the quantity of the
packs. As you might already have noticed we are trying to produce higher
quality ansi-packs than the previous FUELpacks. Smaller ansis will be
ruthlessly zipped into a seperate zipfile. Check them out too, they may be
small, but could still be usefull if you run a board.
If you feel like it, you can apply for FUEL. Please use the application
generator, it was coded for this purpose.
Also, please note that we included a special viewer in this pack. It will
be enhanced in the future so you can see those large ansis in VGa mode. That
is still the best way to watch them big ones. If you care, you could use
another cool viewer in the mean time. I prefer the KView from iCe for this.
Dont worry, our coders are slaving themselves through exams right now, but
if all goes well, you can surely expect our own viewer to be able to show you
that fancy VGa mode aswel.
In this pack, we have for the first time, included a little litterature. If
you think your English is ravishing enough, you might want to contribute to
Now, some credits for everything that is included in this new ANSI-PACK4
IE-DIGIT.ANS Digital Inferno logon screen Iron Eagle
NF-MONST.ANS Digital Inferno logon screen NecroFiliac
NF-REN .ANS Ren, from the tv series NecroFiliac
NF-STIMP.ANS Stimpy, from the tv series NecroFiliac
TH-SEX .ANS xxx-gif jpg conference Thrasher
TH-VADER.ANS Dart Vader Thrasher
TK-ANARC.ANS Anarchy sign on wall The Knight
TK-BATMA.ANS Batman The Knight
TK-BIKER.ANS Hells angel biker The Knight
TK-FILES.ANS File menu The Knight
TK-FLGON.ANS Fuel-line logon The Knight
TK-FREDD.ANS Freddy Krueger The Knight
TK-HACK .ANS Hack Now! BBS advert or logon The Knight
TK-ZABE .ANS Pretty crying fancy babe The Knight
VN-REVEL.LIT The Revelation Venior
-Embedded archive-
IE-MAIN .ANS Main menu screen Iron Eagle
TH-BART .ANS New user screen Thrasher
TH-WABBI.ANS Thx for u/l screen Thrasher
TK-JOIN .ANS Join conference screen The Knight
TK-MAIN .ANS Main menu screen The Knight
TK-NECRO.ANS Necrofiliacs header The Knight
-Other Stuff-
AV11 .EXE FUELs Ansi Viewer v1.1 Coding : Super Droopy
Ben Hurry
FL-APPLY.EXE FUELs application generator Coding : Morpheus
Ansis : The Knight
PHEWL .EXE Informational info MEMBERS BOARDS
LUIGI .COM Sober advert ADVERT
Well, that wrapps it for now, stay tuned and watch out for upcoming FUEL
releases ! If youre looking for greetz in here, gotta disappoint ya..
Search in another file for that. eg
Signed, 3th of June 95
Ansi Coordinator of FUEL
The KNiGHT tk-tuk-tk-tuk
Well, it is done...
Were fuckin A-proud to present you our 4th ansipack. Some things have
changed in FUEL these last couple of days.. We kicked some members and we got
some new ones aswel.
The ones that were kicked were The Grim Reaper and The Ripper. The new ones
are Orgasmic Power, Slay, Eduardo and Dark Wolf.
Also, I considered it wise to start releasing a Ansipack each TWO months
instead of every month. It will increase the quality and the quantity of the
packs. As you might already have noticed we are trying to produce higher
quality ansi-packs than the previous FUELpacks. Smaller ansis will be
ruthlessly zipped into a seperate zipfile. Check them out too, they may be
small, but could still be usefull if you run a board.
If you feel like it, you can apply for FUEL. Please use the application
generator, it was coded for this purpose.
Also, please note that we included a special viewer in this pack. It will
be enhanced in the future so you can see those large ansis in VGa mode. That
is still the best way to watch them big ones. If you care, you could use
another cool viewer in the mean time. I prefer the KView from iCe for this.
Dont worry, our coders are slaving themselves through exams right now, but
if all goes well, you can surely expect our own viewer to be able to show you
that fancy VGa mode aswel.
In this pack, we have for the first time, included a little litterature. If
you think your English is ravishing enough, you might want to contribute to
Now, some credits for everything that is included in this new ANSI-PACK4
IE-DIGIT.ANS Digital Inferno logon screen Iron Eagle
NF-MONST.ANS Digital Inferno logon screen NecroFiliac
NF-REN .ANS Ren, from the tv series NecroFiliac
NF-STIMP.ANS Stimpy, from the tv series NecroFiliac
TH-SEX .ANS xxx-gif jpg conference Thrasher
TH-VADER.ANS Dart Vader Thrasher
TK-ANARC.ANS Anarchy sign on wall The Knight
TK-BATMA.ANS Batman The Knight
TK-BIKER.ANS Hells angel biker The Knight
TK-FILES.ANS File menu The Knight
TK-FLGON.ANS Fuel-line logon The Knight
TK-FREDD.ANS Freddy Krueger The Knight
TK-HACK .ANS Hack Now! BBS advert or logon The Knight
TK-ZABE .ANS Pretty crying fancy babe The Knight
VN-REVEL.LIT The Revelation Venior
-Embedded archive-
IE-MAIN .ANS Main menu screen Iron Eagle
TH-BART .ANS New user screen Thrasher
TH-WABBI.ANS Thx for u/l screen Thrasher
TK-JOIN .ANS Join conference screen The Knight
TK-MAIN .ANS Main menu screen The Knight
TK-NECRO.ANS Necrofiliacs header The Knight
-Other Stuff-
AV11 .EXE FUELs Ansi Viewer v1.1 Coding : Super Droopy
Ben Hurry
FL-APPLY.EXE FUELs application generator Coding : Morpheus
Ansis : The Knight
PHEWL .EXE Informational info MEMBERS BOARDS
LUIGI .COM Sober advert ADVERT
Well, that wrapps it for now, stay tuned and watch out for upcoming FUEL
releases ! If youre looking for greetz in here, gotta disappoint ya..
Search in another file for that. eg
Signed, 3th of June 95
Ansi Coordinator of FUEL
The KNiGHT tk-tuk-tk-tuk
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