this image contains text
pACk 1 - nEWSLETTEr 05/01/98 fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
. d,
1. Introduction
Well fLAnGe what does it mean? Flange is a sound effects term also called
flanger which is an effect you can apply to a sample which makes it sound muffled using increases in treble and bass. Sadly it can also be a plumbing
term. But I wont go into that. We create in all areas from music to ansiascii
to vga to coding ppes and programs. We even have some small 60k demos. Which areincluded in this pack couresy of iCk. Well, we started of very small and we
hope to become a powerful group.
2. History
The group started as a merge idea between INFLICTED and SYNTHETIC but when
almost all the INF members joined and SYNTH changed thier mind we thought
stuff it well do a group in its own right! I started the group with the help
of the great tracker mR.d. The first move was to set up a DISTROMEMBERS board
which was the drain we then released some songs and recruited more members this
was when we started to expand our loop of distros around vic some still under
construction. Now the group is getting off the ground with this large pack
released in the first month of 1998. We have currently 8 or so members. Now for
a run down of all the great artists and musicians at this point. If you have
since joined never fear, wait for the next pack.
3. Members
Mr.d, i must say, is an excellent tracker using IMPULSE TRACKER. He composes a
great variety of songs from TECHNO to FUNK to HEAVY METAL almost anything. He
actually recruited me to INFLICTED. If you want an example of his funk music
at its best download SCRAP METAL. This song is real groovy with all those funk
guitars and stuff. Mr.d also does music away from the computer. He started the
music thing at an early age with piano and he has learned many other
instruments along the way. He also makes some MP3s with vocals so watch out for
them. He has also recently become a really good ansi artist with a few logos
and menusets for his own bbs. One of his good ones in the DREAMSTATE ansi which
is well over 40 lines. He has releases an MP3 of him playing the guitar so
check that one out.
Hes very good at ansi and vga. He has done fome kewl menus for THEDRAIN which
turned out well the best would probably be the multi-line menu. As mR.d was
replacing all the menus, he couldnt replace the multi-line one because the
users wanted it to stay. His vga is very good to especially everything to
lose HST-LOSE.JPG in this pack.
Havent heard much from him but from what ive seen of his work in INFLICTED he
is a very good tracker. Delving into the AlternativeIndustrial styles. He
hasnt yet releases anything with fLAnGe though.
Very good at ansi, vga and animation. Some of his work with SYNTHETIC was
brilliant. His mostly into 3D animation from what ive seen but hasnt released
much for this group yet either.
Also a very enthusiastic coder, ansi artist and musician. He has not, at this
point releases anything under fLAnGe. He sent me a sample of his coding and
the Application Generator he coded for PST was very good. There were 2 high
quality ansis and some music. He might need to use some newer instruments
with his music though. Hope to see some good stuff from him in the future.
He is also a member of SHAO and his own coding crew Illusions Coding Krew. He
has done 2 small 60k demos for us so far which are pretty good. They will be
included in the pack. There are nice ansis attached to the ends of the demos
too. He also runs ILLUSION bbs which is a distro for fLAnGe.
He runs the new bbs WIPEOUT which is very good. This is one of the many
distros for fLAnGe.
Well, thats me. I started off trying to join av but as they died i went to
synthetic where i met mr.d. I then followed him to INFLICTED where i decided
to start my own group and here it is. I am into tracking and have releases about15 or so songs with different groups and about 6 with fLAnGe. I like to compose
mainly techno but sometimes funk and alternative. I like to add piano samples
to my music and sometimes i compose techno trance. I am working on a dreamy
jungle track right now. I am also an artist and i do ansi, ascii, and vga and
lately a bit of anim. I do ansiascii logos and pictures and i do the odd vga
for no reason. Maybee my best ansi would be the wipeout one. My longest would
be the one for the artviewer and my best ascii would be the one for thedrain
intro or the one at the top of this file. I organize the packs and am writing
this news file. As you can see most of the art in the pack is done by me but
if i dont do art ill go crazy. I also do art other than on the computer
i had a few items of my work in galleries. And thats enough shit about me. .
I want to make this group the best group in VIC and for that i need members.
4. Pack Contents
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - flg-nws1.ans - News 1 dev
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hst-mult.ans - The Drain MultiLine Menu heister
hst-lose.jpg - Everything to Lose heister
hst-dlog.ans - THEDRAIN x!login heister
hst-gams.ans - THEDRAIN games heister
hst-ftfm.ans - Fatal Toxins File Menu heister
hst-phat.ans - Fatal Toxins Join Conf heister
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mrd-xlog.ans - THEDRAIN x!login mr.d
mrd-ilsn.ans - Illusion Logon Pic mr.d
mrd-myst.ans - Myst Logon Logo mr.d
mrd-ftox.ans - Fatal Toxins Logon Pic mr.d
mrd-col2.ans - 2nd Ansi Colly mr.d
mrd-bble.ans - fLAnGe Bubble Logo mr.d
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dev-3dlo.jpg - fLAnGe 3D Logo dev
dev-cbsn.jpg - CyberSnail dev
dev-col1.ans - 1st Ansi colly dev
dev-col2.ans - 2nd Ansi colly dev
dev-cork.jpg - Corkman dev
dev-lba1.ans - Twinsen dev
dev-neur.ans - Neuclear Hazard dev
dev-nfal.ans - Shot Guy dev
dev-slc1.jpg - Self Logos dev
dev-tdlg.ans - Little Guy dev
dev-tdrn.jpg - THEDRAIN vga dev
dev-self.jpg - Self Logo Colly 1
dev-logo.jpg - Flange Logo
dev-wlog.ans - WipeOut dev
dev-xlg2.ans - Logon Matrix dev
dev-yob1.ans - The Yobbo Ozzie dev
dev-fwiz.ans - The Wizzard dev
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Music Releases
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mrd-scrp.zip - Scrap Metal mr.d funk
mrd-gtar.mp3 - Kewl Guitar Stuff mr.d
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dev-emjn.zip - Emajen dev techno
dev-ipac.zip - Impactions dev mellow
dev-ivge.zip - Interverge dev techno/jungle
dev-mbts.zip - Mellow Beats dev mellow
dev-prge.zip - Purge dev techno
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6. The Confrontation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To: DEV
from: STIMPY
subj: flange suck!!!
read: 12-29-97 20:57 status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
conf: general msgs! 20 read type: GENERAL +
to dev, you lame-ass er!!! you killed my group and stole my
members!!! wooga and me are major in pissed off about this!!! oh...
guess what, we told trippah yer little plan! yeah, poach synth
members!!! good luck!!! looser! you can rot in en hell for all i
care!!! and i will make it my lifes reason to stop yer group in its
tracks... btw, if you even try to get on to midian if you already
arent i will PERSONALLY get you blacklisted!!! Wolverine thinks you
are a for what you did!!! and everyone HATES yer idea about Group
Mergers! btw if i seem a little PISSED OFF then have a think why!
u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck!
oh and i hope you have a completly ed up holidays!!!!
- sTiMPy you EX founder
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Comments from Dev.
Well... That was nice. My hands are sore from covering the F words.
If you are reading this Trip. You dont have to worry, we arnt going to poach
members from your group. In fact good luck to your group. I noticed you have
released pack 16 christmas special. Good on you guys. Sorry readers that you
had to read that bitterness. Most of it isnt true and sorry stimpy that most
of your group members left to join us but thats the way life works. So to
anyone who is as agro as stimpy for any reason i say kewl down We
dont want things like this to lead to the decay of the OZ art and music Scene.
8. The story of INFLICTED - The Rise and Fall - By mR.d
This has been written because stimpys sour attitude
towards us has driven him to attempt a public slander
of our small troop of dedicated coders/musicians/and artists.
Were all happy, even if you lot refuse to be!
In the past few months I have taken the liberty to talk to the members of
INFLICTED, seeing as the founders dont seem to make much contact,.
I had suspected since early november that inflicted members were growing tired
of the groups lack of activity and communication,.
When I spoke to all of them I found that the only active members of INFLICTED
productions besides stimpy, wooga and idcrisis who I might add are all school
buddies and live in the same suburb.. were all unhappy in conversations I had
with them about the success of and how little they knew about their group
After gathering all opinions for myself, it was crystal clear that all of
those who I chatted to were in favour of starting a new group centred
around those of us who were not STD and could afford to keep in contact,.
Being as both founders of inflicted stimpy and wooga lived in STD areas
relative to the rest of the group, and were already in trouble from parents
for certain phone bill costs, fLAnGe is now a reality and is taking
off at twice the speed I ever saw inflicted move at,. If not more,..
Bitterness from stimpy towards dev and myself is evident as a lot of you may
realise, but im afraid his acusations of us STEALING his group members falls
to the floor as the decisions of those members positions relative to both group
was decided by no-one other than those members!
No-one in any way stole those inflicted members us and those members are
under the name fLAnGe out of thier own free will and enjoyment as any one of
us will tell you,.
So im sorry Stimpy for the loss of your group, but in reality, people generallychange to something better when it comes along, and your location and lack of
organisational skills and funding have been the only cotributing factors to the
demise of INFLICTED., and ex-inflicted members will tell you that stright away.
We have all gone our own ways,. Inflicted came and went, and no-one really
noticed or cared, and those who did have forgotten and moved on,.
so stimpy,. Move on,. You can do it. Its not that bad.
youve started your new group.. I hope for your sake that all members live
in cranbourne!
- Written for soap emag by Mr.D
former INFLICTED member and sysop of THEDRAIN bbs
9. Distro Sites
nAMe nUMBEr sYSOp iNFORMATIOn THEDRAIN BBS VIC 9873-5513 mR.d member board ILLUSION BBS VIC 9873-5151 iBANEz WIPEOUT BBS VIC 9714-8757 qUAKEr under construction
If you would like to have a distro at you bbs contact DEV or MR.D.
There are also courior positions avaliable to distrobute the releases.
10. Joining Information
Contact DEV or MR.D on THEDRAIN BBS. We will arange a way for you to send
us a sample of your work. If your really want to... Contact us on the other
distros but we prefer THEDRAIN.
11. Credits
dev - editing
member comments
design and front ansi
pack contents
mr.d - the story of INFLICTED
taken from INFLICD.EAD
written for SOAP emag.
fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
. d,
1. Introduction
Well fLAnGe what does it mean? Flange is a sound effects term also called
flanger which is an effect you can apply to a sample which makes it sound muffled using increases in treble and bass. Sadly it can also be a plumbing
term. But I wont go into that. We create in all areas from music to ansiascii
to vga to coding ppes and programs. We even have some small 60k demos. Which areincluded in this pack couresy of iCk. Well, we started of very small and we
hope to become a powerful group.
2. History
The group started as a merge idea between INFLICTED and SYNTHETIC but when
almost all the INF members joined and SYNTH changed thier mind we thought
stuff it well do a group in its own right! I started the group with the help
of the great tracker mR.d. The first move was to set up a DISTROMEMBERS board
which was the drain we then released some songs and recruited more members this
was when we started to expand our loop of distros around vic some still under
construction. Now the group is getting off the ground with this large pack
released in the first month of 1998. We have currently 8 or so members. Now for
a run down of all the great artists and musicians at this point. If you have
since joined never fear, wait for the next pack.
3. Members
Mr.d, i must say, is an excellent tracker using IMPULSE TRACKER. He composes a
great variety of songs from TECHNO to FUNK to HEAVY METAL almost anything. He
actually recruited me to INFLICTED. If you want an example of his funk music
at its best download SCRAP METAL. This song is real groovy with all those funk
guitars and stuff. Mr.d also does music away from the computer. He started the
music thing at an early age with piano and he has learned many other
instruments along the way. He also makes some MP3s with vocals so watch out for
them. He has also recently become a really good ansi artist with a few logos
and menusets for his own bbs. One of his good ones in the DREAMSTATE ansi which
is well over 40 lines. He has releases an MP3 of him playing the guitar so
check that one out.
Hes very good at ansi and vga. He has done fome kewl menus for THEDRAIN which
turned out well the best would probably be the multi-line menu. As mR.d was
replacing all the menus, he couldnt replace the multi-line one because the
users wanted it to stay. His vga is very good to especially everything to
lose HST-LOSE.JPG in this pack.
Havent heard much from him but from what ive seen of his work in INFLICTED he
is a very good tracker. Delving into the AlternativeIndustrial styles. He
hasnt yet releases anything with fLAnGe though.
Very good at ansi, vga and animation. Some of his work with SYNTHETIC was
brilliant. His mostly into 3D animation from what ive seen but hasnt released
much for this group yet either.
Also a very enthusiastic coder, ansi artist and musician. He has not, at this
point releases anything under fLAnGe. He sent me a sample of his coding and
the Application Generator he coded for PST was very good. There were 2 high
quality ansis and some music. He might need to use some newer instruments
with his music though. Hope to see some good stuff from him in the future.
He is also a member of SHAO and his own coding crew Illusions Coding Krew. He
has done 2 small 60k demos for us so far which are pretty good. They will be
included in the pack. There are nice ansis attached to the ends of the demos
too. He also runs ILLUSION bbs which is a distro for fLAnGe.
He runs the new bbs WIPEOUT which is very good. This is one of the many
distros for fLAnGe.
Well, thats me. I started off trying to join av but as they died i went to
synthetic where i met mr.d. I then followed him to INFLICTED where i decided
to start my own group and here it is. I am into tracking and have releases about15 or so songs with different groups and about 6 with fLAnGe. I like to compose
mainly techno but sometimes funk and alternative. I like to add piano samples
to my music and sometimes i compose techno trance. I am working on a dreamy
jungle track right now. I am also an artist and i do ansi, ascii, and vga and
lately a bit of anim. I do ansiascii logos and pictures and i do the odd vga
for no reason. Maybee my best ansi would be the wipeout one. My longest would
be the one for the artviewer and my best ascii would be the one for thedrain
intro or the one at the top of this file. I organize the packs and am writing
this news file. As you can see most of the art in the pack is done by me but
if i dont do art ill go crazy. I also do art other than on the computer
i had a few items of my work in galleries. And thats enough shit about me. .
I want to make this group the best group in VIC and for that i need members.
4. Pack Contents
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - flg-nws1.ans - News 1 dev
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - hst-mult.ans - The Drain MultiLine Menu heister
hst-lose.jpg - Everything to Lose heister
hst-dlog.ans - THEDRAIN x!login heister
hst-gams.ans - THEDRAIN games heister
hst-ftfm.ans - Fatal Toxins File Menu heister
hst-phat.ans - Fatal Toxins Join Conf heister
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mrd-xlog.ans - THEDRAIN x!login mr.d
mrd-ilsn.ans - Illusion Logon Pic mr.d
mrd-myst.ans - Myst Logon Logo mr.d
mrd-ftox.ans - Fatal Toxins Logon Pic mr.d
mrd-col2.ans - 2nd Ansi Colly mr.d
mrd-bble.ans - fLAnGe Bubble Logo mr.d
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dev-3dlo.jpg - fLAnGe 3D Logo dev
dev-cbsn.jpg - CyberSnail dev
dev-col1.ans - 1st Ansi colly dev
dev-col2.ans - 2nd Ansi colly dev
dev-cork.jpg - Corkman dev
dev-lba1.ans - Twinsen dev
dev-neur.ans - Neuclear Hazard dev
dev-nfal.ans - Shot Guy dev
dev-slc1.jpg - Self Logos dev
dev-tdlg.ans - Little Guy dev
dev-tdrn.jpg - THEDRAIN vga dev
dev-self.jpg - Self Logo Colly 1
dev-logo.jpg - Flange Logo
dev-wlog.ans - WipeOut dev
dev-xlg2.ans - Logon Matrix dev
dev-yob1.ans - The Yobbo Ozzie dev
dev-fwiz.ans - The Wizzard dev
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5. Music Releases
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - mrd-scrp.zip - Scrap Metal mr.d funk
mrd-gtar.mp3 - Kewl Guitar Stuff mr.d
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - dev-emjn.zip - Emajen dev techno
dev-ipac.zip - Impactions dev mellow
dev-ivge.zip - Interverge dev techno/jungle
dev-mbts.zip - Mellow Beats dev mellow
dev-prge.zip - Purge dev techno
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6. The Confrontation
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - To: DEV
from: STIMPY
subj: flange suck!!!
read: 12-29-97 20:57 status: PUBLIC MESSAGE
conf: general msgs! 20 read type: GENERAL +
to dev, you lame-ass er!!! you killed my group and stole my
members!!! wooga and me are major in pissed off about this!!! oh...
guess what, we told trippah yer little plan! yeah, poach synth
members!!! good luck!!! looser! you can rot in en hell for all i
care!!! and i will make it my lifes reason to stop yer group in its
tracks... btw, if you even try to get on to midian if you already
arent i will PERSONALLY get you blacklisted!!! Wolverine thinks you
are a for what you did!!! and everyone HATES yer idea about Group
Mergers! btw if i seem a little PISSED OFF then have a think why!
u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck, u suck!
oh and i hope you have a completly ed up holidays!!!!
- sTiMPy you EX founder
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 7. Comments from Dev.
Well... That was nice. My hands are sore from covering the F words.
If you are reading this Trip. You dont have to worry, we arnt going to poach
members from your group. In fact good luck to your group. I noticed you have
released pack 16 christmas special. Good on you guys. Sorry readers that you
had to read that bitterness. Most of it isnt true and sorry stimpy that most
of your group members left to join us but thats the way life works. So to
anyone who is as agro as stimpy for any reason i say kewl down We
dont want things like this to lead to the decay of the OZ art and music Scene.
8. The story of INFLICTED - The Rise and Fall - By mR.d
This has been written because stimpys sour attitude
towards us has driven him to attempt a public slander
of our small troop of dedicated coders/musicians/and artists.
Were all happy, even if you lot refuse to be!
In the past few months I have taken the liberty to talk to the members of
INFLICTED, seeing as the founders dont seem to make much contact,.
I had suspected since early november that inflicted members were growing tired
of the groups lack of activity and communication,.
When I spoke to all of them I found that the only active members of INFLICTED
productions besides stimpy, wooga and idcrisis who I might add are all school
buddies and live in the same suburb.. were all unhappy in conversations I had
with them about the success of and how little they knew about their group
After gathering all opinions for myself, it was crystal clear that all of
those who I chatted to were in favour of starting a new group centred
around those of us who were not STD and could afford to keep in contact,.
Being as both founders of inflicted stimpy and wooga lived in STD areas
relative to the rest of the group, and were already in trouble from parents
for certain phone bill costs, fLAnGe is now a reality and is taking
off at twice the speed I ever saw inflicted move at,. If not more,..
Bitterness from stimpy towards dev and myself is evident as a lot of you may
realise, but im afraid his acusations of us STEALING his group members falls
to the floor as the decisions of those members positions relative to both group
was decided by no-one other than those members!
No-one in any way stole those inflicted members us and those members are
under the name fLAnGe out of thier own free will and enjoyment as any one of
us will tell you,.
So im sorry Stimpy for the loss of your group, but in reality, people generallychange to something better when it comes along, and your location and lack of
organisational skills and funding have been the only cotributing factors to the
demise of INFLICTED., and ex-inflicted members will tell you that stright away.
We have all gone our own ways,. Inflicted came and went, and no-one really
noticed or cared, and those who did have forgotten and moved on,.
so stimpy,. Move on,. You can do it. Its not that bad.
youve started your new group.. I hope for your sake that all members live
in cranbourne!
- Written for soap emag by Mr.D
former INFLICTED member and sysop of THEDRAIN bbs
9. Distro Sites
nAMe nUMBEr sYSOp iNFORMATIOn THEDRAIN BBS VIC 9873-5513 mR.d member board ILLUSION BBS VIC 9873-5151 iBANEz WIPEOUT BBS VIC 9714-8757 qUAKEr under construction
If you would like to have a distro at you bbs contact DEV or MR.D.
There are also courior positions avaliable to distrobute the releases.
10. Joining Information
Contact DEV or MR.D on THEDRAIN BBS. We will arange a way for you to send
us a sample of your work. If your really want to... Contact us on the other
distros but we prefer THEDRAIN.
11. Credits
dev - editing
member comments
design and front ansi
pack contents
mr.d - the story of INFLICTED
taken from INFLICD.EAD
written for SOAP emag.
fLAnGe pRoDuCtiOns 1998
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