![The ArtGroup Fluid's 3rd News/ Info by Starks + Seph + Leo](/pack/flu03c/x1/Flu-03.nfo.png)
this image contains text
The Art Group Fluids News/ Info
Global News/ Info
Fluid is like you all can see, still alive which I bet that almost every one
thought that we wont make it. Anyway, like I told you in latest packs that we
plan on staying long time and if you dont like it, tough luck. We also in
need of some more Low-Rez Artists. I would just like to greet: Cleaner,
Sephiroth, Idler, Zero Vision, Dying Soul, Tmowhrekf, Pike, Tainted X, Lice
Boy, Night Stalker, Lord Scarlet, Francis Seven, The Knave, Sfx, Phony Eye
Poly Gon, Wilbrod, Lossing, Senbei, Disarm, Hawk, Genick, and all Ive forgot!
Member News/ Info
Atm - Out, Hi-Rez Artist.
Minding Age - Finally we found him a proper place in the group as Senior.
Scrap - Become the Music Co-Head.
Sephiroth - Guest, Ansi Artist, One of my best friends on the scene and also,
one of my favorite ansi artists.
Super Alex - Hi-Rez Artist. This guy is very good for my opinnion. He used to
use Poser and Bryce but dont worry, he stopped.
Tizit - Joined the Music Department.
Joining News/ Info
Why do you need to chose us when you have so much groups in the scene? Well...
The correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special trips,
Trips such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of our
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the trip but that we
are giving a lot more trips such as trips that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
kind of trip that we give / supply. The third trip kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other trips that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own affils and send us a couple of
your art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you
on Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Files News/ Info
File Type Author Title
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd Pack Main
Aetc81.Asc Ascii Aeternam C81
Aetinter.Asc Ascii Aeternam Interface
Blz-gpgp.Jpg Hi-Rez Blizzard Gravis
Es-clar.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Clarisse
Es-s4b.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Merry Christmas
Es-speak.jpg Hi-Rez Eric The Spokeswoman
Es-vixens.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric The Vixens
Es-xmas.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Xmas party
Fileid.Diz Ascii Spit Fire The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd Fileid
Flu-03.Mem Ascii Aeternam The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd MemberList
Flu-03.Nfo Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd News/ Info
Is-digi.Asc Ascii Prosthesis Digi BBS
Is-idle.Ans Ansi Prosthesis Idle Dreams
Is-idscr.Ans Ansi Prosthesis Idle Dreams Screen
Is-milan.Asc Ascii Prosthesis Milan BBS
Ma-natan.Ans Ansi Minding Age Natural Fluid
Rbs-evdi.Xm Music Rbees Everybody Dies
Rbs-lost.Xm Music Rbees Lost Paradise
Rbs-sec.Xm Music Rbees Seconds
Rm-egypt.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Egypy
Rm-girl.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Girl Draw
Rm-hand.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Cool Hands
Rm-msty.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Mistery
Sa-mid.Jpg Hi-Rez Space Alex Mid Night
Scr-moon.Xm Music Scrap Moonrise
Sd-bol.Jpg Hi-Rez Steroid Bolbol Mafia
Spf-chos.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Chaos IL logo 1
Spf-chs.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Chaos IL logo 2
Spf-dsd!.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Dsd 99
Spf-flud.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Fluid 99
Spf-stln.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Stalian
Tz-julis.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Egypt
Tz-mojo.Mp3 Music Tizit Mojo
Tz-org.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Orginal
Tz-water.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit The Waters
Us-ext99.Asc Ascii Multipe Extortion 99
Yb-13d.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks Starkss first 3D
Yb-col01.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks Starkss first Outlines Colly
Yb-sonic.Asc Ascii Starks Sonic Motd for SoniC.Ca.uS.DaL.NeT
News/ Info by Starks
The Art Group Fluids News/ Info
Global News/ Info
Fluid is like you all can see, still alive which I bet that almost every one
thought that we wont make it. Anyway, like I told you in latest packs that we
plan on staying long time and if you dont like it, tough luck. We also in
need of some more Low-Rez Artists. I would just like to greet: Cleaner,
Sephiroth, Idler, Zero Vision, Dying Soul, Tmowhrekf, Pike, Tainted X, Lice
Boy, Night Stalker, Lord Scarlet, Francis Seven, The Knave, Sfx, Phony Eye
Poly Gon, Wilbrod, Lossing, Senbei, Disarm, Hawk, Genick, and all Ive forgot!
Member News/ Info
Atm - Out, Hi-Rez Artist.
Minding Age - Finally we found him a proper place in the group as Senior.
Scrap - Become the Music Co-Head.
Sephiroth - Guest, Ansi Artist, One of my best friends on the scene and also,
one of my favorite ansi artists.
Super Alex - Hi-Rez Artist. This guy is very good for my opinnion. He used to
use Poser and Bryce but dont worry, he stopped.
Tizit - Joined the Music Department.
Joining News/ Info
Why do you need to chose us when you have so much groups in the scene? Well...
The correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special trips,
Trips such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of our
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the trip but that we
are giving a lot more trips such as trips that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
kind of trip that we give / supply. The third trip kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other trips that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own affils and send us a couple of
your art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you
on Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Files News/ Info
File Type Author Title
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd Pack Main
Aetc81.Asc Ascii Aeternam C81
Aetinter.Asc Ascii Aeternam Interface
Blz-gpgp.Jpg Hi-Rez Blizzard Gravis
Es-clar.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Clarisse
Es-s4b.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Merry Christmas
Es-speak.jpg Hi-Rez Eric The Spokeswoman
Es-vixens.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric The Vixens
Es-xmas.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Xmas party
Fileid.Diz Ascii Spit Fire The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd Fileid
Flu-03.Mem Ascii Aeternam The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd MemberList
Flu-03.Nfo Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 3rd News/ Info
Is-digi.Asc Ascii Prosthesis Digi BBS
Is-idle.Ans Ansi Prosthesis Idle Dreams
Is-idscr.Ans Ansi Prosthesis Idle Dreams Screen
Is-milan.Asc Ascii Prosthesis Milan BBS
Ma-natan.Ans Ansi Minding Age Natural Fluid
Rbs-evdi.Xm Music Rbees Everybody Dies
Rbs-lost.Xm Music Rbees Lost Paradise
Rbs-sec.Xm Music Rbees Seconds
Rm-egypt.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Egypy
Rm-girl.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Girl Draw
Rm-hand.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Cool Hands
Rm-msty.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Mistery
Sa-mid.Jpg Hi-Rez Space Alex Mid Night
Scr-moon.Xm Music Scrap Moonrise
Sd-bol.Jpg Hi-Rez Steroid Bolbol Mafia
Spf-chos.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Chaos IL logo 1
Spf-chs.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Chaos IL logo 2
Spf-dsd!.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Dsd 99
Spf-flud.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Fluid 99
Spf-stln.Asc Ascii Spit Fire Stalian
Tz-julis.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Egypt
Tz-mojo.Mp3 Music Tizit Mojo
Tz-org.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Orginal
Tz-water.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit The Waters
Us-ext99.Asc Ascii Multipe Extortion 99
Yb-13d.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks Starkss first 3D
Yb-col01.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks Starkss first Outlines Colly
Yb-sonic.Asc Ascii Starks Sonic Motd for SoniC.Ca.uS.DaL.NeT
News/ Info by Starks
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