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A FORCE PRODUCTION As the Australian Ansi scene is totally dead as groups go, i decided to release my art work as a stand alone pack.
Originally from DiE, may it rest in peace, I have been trying to gain axis into groups round the country and world. Due to total frustration, I decided to form a group for myself and for any other artists that may want to release work in a pack, but again, due to lack of response it failed......
Force was to be deicated to any ANSi artist that wants and shows
true interest in the scene. All peices were to be considered, and
unlike the major packs there was to be no deadlines for work as
true ansi is not produced like a machine, but is a artform and
all artforms require persistance, patience and progression.
At this stage i am looking to join any Australian Ansi group
or the O/S scene to further my talent and skills. I have seen elite work done by the FLICK and Phyberman, but yet no elite Australian groups, i mean sh@! what wrong with us all ????? ANuBiS CBYGiRL1.ANS ............. CYBERGIRL REQ001.ANS ............... REQ002.ANS ............... PHAT01.ANS ............... RoTATING FiLE ReQueST SCReeNS PHAT02.ANS ............... DROOP1.ANS ............... SMiLLY GuY QUAST12.ANS .............. Quast...LIT by UNiCoRN TPLoo1.ANS ............... TEMPLE LOGO
FIXER.ANS ................ THe FiXR
MINDFX.ANS ............... WHiTe ZoMBie MINDFLUX BBS
SEXADD.ANS ............... SeX N VioLeNCe
TURT1.ANS ................ TuRTLe WAX BBs LoGo
PAG.ANS .................. PaGeR ANSi FoR PCBoaRD
PAGE.ANS .................
DARKAD.ANS ............... SHaDoW oF DaRKNeSS ADDy FORCE.NFO ................ THiS FiLe DARK.ASC ................. SHaDoW oF DaRKNeSS ASCII END of ANSi LISTINGS Greetz to out to everyone in the Australian ART Scene. Lets get off our funken asss and produce some cooly works to show Australia is a true FORCE in the scene...................
Stop all ya studies, and do some cool work. Dont be a wannabe
do something about it !!!!!!!!!!! E0F
A FORCE PRODUCTION As the Australian Ansi scene is totally dead as groups go, i decided to release my art work as a stand alone pack.
Originally from DiE, may it rest in peace, I have been trying to gain axis into groups round the country and world. Due to total frustration, I decided to form a group for myself and for any other artists that may want to release work in a pack, but again, due to lack of response it failed......
Force was to be deicated to any ANSi artist that wants and shows
true interest in the scene. All peices were to be considered, and
unlike the major packs there was to be no deadlines for work as
true ansi is not produced like a machine, but is a artform and
all artforms require persistance, patience and progression.
At this stage i am looking to join any Australian Ansi group
or the O/S scene to further my talent and skills. I have seen elite work done by the FLICK and Phyberman, but yet no elite Australian groups, i mean sh@! what wrong with us all ????? ANuBiS CBYGiRL1.ANS ............. CYBERGIRL REQ001.ANS ............... REQ002.ANS ............... PHAT01.ANS ............... RoTATING FiLE ReQueST SCReeNS PHAT02.ANS ............... DROOP1.ANS ............... SMiLLY GuY QUAST12.ANS .............. Quast...LIT by UNiCoRN TPLoo1.ANS ............... TEMPLE LOGO
FIXER.ANS ................ THe FiXR
MINDFX.ANS ............... WHiTe ZoMBie MINDFLUX BBS
SEXADD.ANS ............... SeX N VioLeNCe
TURT1.ANS ................ TuRTLe WAX BBs LoGo
PAG.ANS .................. PaGeR ANSi FoR PCBoaRD
PAGE.ANS .................
DARKAD.ANS ............... SHaDoW oF DaRKNeSS ADDy FORCE.NFO ................ THiS FiLe DARK.ASC ................. SHaDoW oF DaRKNeSS ASCII END of ANSi LISTINGS Greetz to out to everyone in the Australian ART Scene. Lets get off our funken asss and produce some cooly works to show Australia is a true FORCE in the scene...................
Stop all ya studies, and do some cool work. Dont be a wannabe
do something about it !!!!!!!!!!! E0F
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