this image contains text
fORCE iNFO File 5
nfo by anubis/z-force
Welcome to yet another fORCE pak. Yes we are still here and all things
are going well. Many things have happened since the last pak. While the art
has suffered because of exams, which was expected, the structure of fORCE
has had a dramatic change in that we have strenghten fORCEs place amoung
the art groups.
It has almost been a year since the first pak got released and it is only
just ova my first year of drawing Anubis. Yes finally i can say that
I have been in the scene for more than a year. Formally in the h/p/a/c scene
I moved across to art scene to kill the time between being able to phreak.
There has been alot of feds about lately and id just like to take this
great optitunity to say FUCK YOU stay away from me board pricks.....
Member News
Many new members have joined fORCE this pak, which has added to the strength
of the group. While the memebers list isnt as big as I would have liked
it to be, the amount of work thats getting produced is constant.
Flatline has joined the ranks along with GhostFace and FruitCake which are
all Australian artist which both have a quality within them that showes
up in there work. Youll see big things from these guy in the near future.
Now on the international members we gained and lost Spear all in a day
but have gain two new members from Canada. Doozle formaly from Grip and Idea
has joined the crew. I wish to welcome the new members !!!!!
While talking about members, two memebrs SQ2 and Maeve Wolf have quit fORCE
to go onto further things and I wish them all the best in the future on
whatever projects they undertake.
Group News
Group news, there has been talk of a merger with Mistigris, but nothing
has been officially said between the two groups. Let me asure you though
that if a merger where to happen it would have to be under the fORCE name
and having said that I think that it would be very unlikely that a group
like themselves, with the quality that they have would agree to such terms
but who knows anything is possible.
Our Home Page is finally finished and has its permanate home. All thanks to
Gumby formally know as M Kenny and FTC Felix the Cat. Also it has to be
said that Gumby has excelled himself with the bot in fORCE. Anyone that
wishes to contact fORCE, and has a internet account, can do so by either
posting mail on the home page or leaving a message to the bot. The bot
can also except application forms and any work that need to be handed
in for the next issue of fORCE.
Also after having ExtreMIST join the ranks of fORCE we also picked up
his board as a canadian HQ CHq. The Number for this Spam board is
418.841.3410 City iz Burning...
fORCE Home Page
OK OK OK OK ITS HERE FINALLY..... and NOW ... the addy
The home page was created for the purpose of having a upto date fixed site
that peolple can copntack us on though the internet. you can grab the
lastest force pak from there, plus also the latest info on fORCE. A few
more extras have been added like: you can post mail to members and also
upload work to the page either as a application or just to get the work
into the next fORCE pak.... cool eh!!! well sort of just making it easier.
Z-Forces Yells/Cries/Chants
Well hey! its force5 and i heard u all saying we werent gonna make it? BIFF!
but thats probably the reason why this one looks a bit shabby...coz i put it
together : so if u think it looks un K-radical...fuck off :
Well AN is right once again..it has been a busy month with people coming and
going from all stages of the scene not to mention a few invites here and there
One important note I would like to make, is that there are NO DISTRO SITES!
Only Member boards If you are a force member, DUH! and HQS, so please! stop calling the boards below JUST to pick up distro sites grr..
Thats practically all I have to say at the moment...but if you feel you must
contact ANY member of fORCE.. you can through any of the methods described in
this file..
Thanks for reading this waffle :
ACiD? Did I Hear Right?
Yep Thats right, our beloved founder/president has gone the big guns and left for acid! Anubis Started the group a while back after shortly merging with
a local sydney group GRiM. Since he has been an absolute insperation to the
oz scene... and in a nutshell...most would agree he caused a great qaulity
increase within ALL groups in oz.. Were all sorry to see him have to leave the group due to the fact that acid doesnt look kindly on dual grouping :
He has been a great friend and mate to many of us and helped us in ANY way
possible in increasin our skills and qualities... dont get it wrong..
Anubis hasnt left the oz scene .. He will still endevour to help us out which
way he can..hence his work had to be deleted from this pack : and let me
tell u the two pics that were to be released were the usual an killer ansis :
So farewell and goodluck Anubis ... you have our support and im sure the whole of Australia in becoming the first Australian to be a full member of ACiD ansi
Well Done... and Goodbye...
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBs Name SYSoP NuMBa Position
Point Zero Z-Force 61.2.8097016 World HQ .
. Mindflux Ozone 61.2.4162513 Eastern HQ :
: VT Sorathis 61.9.3839534 Western HQ
City iz Burning ExtreMIST 418.841.3410 Canadian HQ
fORCE iNFO File 5
nfo by anubis/z-force
Welcome to yet another fORCE pak. Yes we are still here and all things
are going well. Many things have happened since the last pak. While the art
has suffered because of exams, which was expected, the structure of fORCE
has had a dramatic change in that we have strenghten fORCEs place amoung
the art groups.
It has almost been a year since the first pak got released and it is only
just ova my first year of drawing Anubis. Yes finally i can say that
I have been in the scene for more than a year. Formally in the h/p/a/c scene
I moved across to art scene to kill the time between being able to phreak.
There has been alot of feds about lately and id just like to take this
great optitunity to say FUCK YOU stay away from me board pricks.....
Member News
Many new members have joined fORCE this pak, which has added to the strength
of the group. While the memebers list isnt as big as I would have liked
it to be, the amount of work thats getting produced is constant.
Flatline has joined the ranks along with GhostFace and FruitCake which are
all Australian artist which both have a quality within them that showes
up in there work. Youll see big things from these guy in the near future.
Now on the international members we gained and lost Spear all in a day
but have gain two new members from Canada. Doozle formaly from Grip and Idea
has joined the crew. I wish to welcome the new members !!!!!
While talking about members, two memebrs SQ2 and Maeve Wolf have quit fORCE
to go onto further things and I wish them all the best in the future on
whatever projects they undertake.
Group News
Group news, there has been talk of a merger with Mistigris, but nothing
has been officially said between the two groups. Let me asure you though
that if a merger where to happen it would have to be under the fORCE name
and having said that I think that it would be very unlikely that a group
like themselves, with the quality that they have would agree to such terms
but who knows anything is possible.
Our Home Page is finally finished and has its permanate home. All thanks to
Gumby formally know as M Kenny and FTC Felix the Cat. Also it has to be
said that Gumby has excelled himself with the bot in fORCE. Anyone that
wishes to contact fORCE, and has a internet account, can do so by either
posting mail on the home page or leaving a message to the bot. The bot
can also except application forms and any work that need to be handed
in for the next issue of fORCE.
Also after having ExtreMIST join the ranks of fORCE we also picked up
his board as a canadian HQ CHq. The Number for this Spam board is
418.841.3410 City iz Burning...
fORCE Home Page
OK OK OK OK ITS HERE FINALLY..... and NOW ... the addy
The home page was created for the purpose of having a upto date fixed site
that peolple can copntack us on though the internet. you can grab the
lastest force pak from there, plus also the latest info on fORCE. A few
more extras have been added like: you can post mail to members and also
upload work to the page either as a application or just to get the work
into the next fORCE pak.... cool eh!!! well sort of just making it easier.
Z-Forces Yells/Cries/Chants
Well hey! its force5 and i heard u all saying we werent gonna make it? BIFF!
but thats probably the reason why this one looks a bit shabby...coz i put it
together : so if u think it looks un K-radical...fuck off :
Well AN is right once again..it has been a busy month with people coming and
going from all stages of the scene not to mention a few invites here and there
One important note I would like to make, is that there are NO DISTRO SITES!
Only Member boards If you are a force member, DUH! and HQS, so please! stop calling the boards below JUST to pick up distro sites grr..
Thats practically all I have to say at the moment...but if you feel you must
contact ANY member of fORCE.. you can through any of the methods described in
this file..
Thanks for reading this waffle :
ACiD? Did I Hear Right?
Yep Thats right, our beloved founder/president has gone the big guns and left for acid! Anubis Started the group a while back after shortly merging with
a local sydney group GRiM. Since he has been an absolute insperation to the
oz scene... and in a nutshell...most would agree he caused a great qaulity
increase within ALL groups in oz.. Were all sorry to see him have to leave the group due to the fact that acid doesnt look kindly on dual grouping :
He has been a great friend and mate to many of us and helped us in ANY way
possible in increasin our skills and qualities... dont get it wrong..
Anubis hasnt left the oz scene .. He will still endevour to help us out which
way he can..hence his work had to be deleted from this pack : and let me
tell u the two pics that were to be released were the usual an killer ansis :
So farewell and goodluck Anubis ... you have our support and im sure the whole of Australia in becoming the first Australian to be a full member of ACiD ansi
Well Done... and Goodbye...
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators textfile
as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea of the
work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBs Name SYSoP NuMBa Position
Point Zero Z-Force 61.2.8097016 World HQ .
. Mindflux Ozone 61.2.4162513 Eastern HQ :
: VT Sorathis 61.9.3839534 Western HQ
City iz Burning ExtreMIST 418.841.3410 Canadian HQ
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