this image contains text
toony-half drunk logo by dieznyik /.
f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r f i f t e e n
Email Legend at force@post1.com or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any Force related matters.
YES! Just when you thought Force had died and ran out of high class artwork
we come at you with this coolsky artpack!@
We here at force all hope that you enjoyed last months best of 96 pack.
It was quite nice to stroll down memory lane. We saw some of the best that
Force had to offer last year. Now is 1997 and time for bigger and better
As Im doing this in a big hurry, there is no time for a mathematics
lesson, though rest assured. There will be one next month!
Take the christmas decorations
down you say? bah .. its jan
and i got no time!@
Joining the Force Ansi Art is Tape. He comes from sweeden so we expect
some great ansi art and also some nice piccys of volvos coming at us
in the near future.
Also coming in from the land of sweeden is Catharsis. He does some kicken
new skewl type asciis so well be eagerly awaiting those in 1997.
On more adminastrive notes, Wheeping Killer has changed his handle to
Danger Mouse and Typhoid has changed to Black Fire.
yes it really is christmas. Legend drew the christmas decorations!
And theyre not going till feburary
I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer: Diezynik or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just email
N E W S force@post1.com to recieve your free mention
Put your glass of jim beam down! Stop removing the holly from the halls!
Throw that quad p200/pro you got for christmas on the floor start reading!
i n t e r n e t
Continuing the expansion of Force we have decided to create a greater
internet presence. We as you know are working on a all-new revitalized page
with a new cool theme and also some other great features that will come
along with it. Also force members will be hanging around on frc Efnet
so keep a look out for us.
Look out for a much greater Force internet presence.. it will rule.
n e w h q
Force also has a new Sweedish HQ. Its run by our new member Catharsis and
is called Nocturnal Desire. You can catch it at +46-8-736-6143 for the
latest Force packs.
Legends Blah
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of the
pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. Anubis! for his AWESOME pic for my board!@
- Legend
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Nocturnal Desire Catharsis +46-8-732-6143 Sweedish HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The FORCE home page is at : in beta stages, prepare yourself!
Scenery 97 coming at ya in mid 1997
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
f o r c e n e w s l e t t e r f i f t e e n
Email Legend at force@post1.com or Anubis at force@ctel.com.au regarding
any Force related matters.
YES! Just when you thought Force had died and ran out of high class artwork
we come at you with this coolsky artpack!@
We here at force all hope that you enjoyed last months best of 96 pack.
It was quite nice to stroll down memory lane. We saw some of the best that
Force had to offer last year. Now is 1997 and time for bigger and better
As Im doing this in a big hurry, there is no time for a mathematics
lesson, though rest assured. There will be one next month!
Take the christmas decorations
down you say? bah .. its jan
and i got no time!@
Joining the Force Ansi Art is Tape. He comes from sweeden so we expect
some great ansi art and also some nice piccys of volvos coming at us
in the near future.
Also coming in from the land of sweeden is Catharsis. He does some kicken
new skewl type asciis so well be eagerly awaiting those in 1997.
On more adminastrive notes, Wheeping Killer has changed his handle to
Danger Mouse and Typhoid has changed to Black Fire.
yes it really is christmas. Legend drew the christmas decorations!
And theyre not going till feburary
I wonder who actually reads this Newsletter?
answer: Diezynik or however u spell it
you too could have your name here! just email
N E W S force@post1.com to recieve your free mention
Put your glass of jim beam down! Stop removing the holly from the halls!
Throw that quad p200/pro you got for christmas on the floor start reading!
i n t e r n e t
Continuing the expansion of Force we have decided to create a greater
internet presence. We as you know are working on a all-new revitalized page
with a new cool theme and also some other great features that will come
along with it. Also force members will be hanging around on frc Efnet
so keep a look out for us.
Look out for a much greater Force internet presence.. it will rule.
n e w h q
Force also has a new Sweedish HQ. Its run by our new member Catharsis and
is called Nocturnal Desire. You can catch it at +46-8-736-6143 for the
latest Force packs.
Legends Blah
It is now time for the ceremonial presentation of the way-cool pic of the
pack award.
The winner is drum roll .. Anubis! for his AWESOME pic for my board!@
- Legend
: Force Contact Addresses
If you would like to be a member of Force, you can contact any of us on
one of the boards b-low or leave mail to one of the specified addresses.
Please upload some work of yours and the application generators binary
file as well if possible, since to join Force, we do need a good idea
of the work youre doing. Goes without saying.
BBS Name Sysop Number Position
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 World HQ
The Temple Anubis +61-8-322-4558 Australian HQ
Electric Cube LightKnight +0973-740-611 Bahrain HQ
. Kaoz Poti +49-2421-931494 German HQ
The Bat Cave Cougar +1-206-242-7645 US HQ :
: Paradise City Crypt Wizard +7-095-112-3589 Russian HQ
Nocturnal Desire Catharsis +46-8-732-6143 Sweedish HQ
Warhammer Legend +61-2-9879-6261 Upload Site
The FORCE home page is at : in beta stages, prepare yourself!
Scenery 97 coming at ya in mid 1997
Please send all fORCE Email to : force@post1.com or force@ctel.com.au
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