this image contains text
2.o ?!
.. i n i q u i t y .. .
iniquity f1 local login Iniquity BBS v1.00 alpha 27 DOS
f2 exit iniquity cCopyright 1994-1996, Mike Fricker
f3 jump to dos Public release date: 10/15/97 f4 system config Alpha test version only - FREEWARE
f5 init modem
f6 answer modem
f7 menu editor RING f8 user editor
----- 1/8 Iniquity information 8/8
node time
.. i n i q u i t y .. .
iniquity f1 local login Iniquity BBS v1.00 alpha 27 DOS
f2 exit iniquity cCopyright 1994-1996, Mike Fricker
f3 jump to dos Public release date: 10/15/97 f4 system config Alpha test version only - FREEWARE
f5 init modem
f6 answer modem
f7 menu editor RING f8 user editor
----- 1/8 Iniquity information 8/8
node time
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